Saturday, June 16, 2018

Blind Item #5

All it takes is one celebrity to make some noise about the safety flaws of the product produced by this celebrity CEO. Now, that actress/celebrity is being joined by another higher up the list celebrity wanting some answers and openly calling the product a death trap.


  1. Is this Prince Charles and Musk? I briefly saw an article but I thought I saw he was for Tesla and not against.

  2. The Tesla Model S belonging to the husband of actress Mary McCormack ...

    1. Good one! Also that’s scary as hell and I hope it becomes more exposed.

  3. Chelsea Handler is her BFF and very vocal.

  4. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Someone may want to tell Rahm Emanuel

  5. The ever-arrogant Elon is a proponent of using OPM to fund his half-baked ideas. His empire is about to crumble.

  6. She is also very close her former costar Howard Stern.

  7. The Big Short II, comin' right up!

  8. Fuck! That video is scary as hell. From what I'm reading Morris was in the car as it started burning and other drivers motioned for him to pull over as he didn't see it. FUCK!

    This reminds me of the electric car that was responsible for burning down Veronica Webb's house in Key West many years ago.

    'Course, I'll have to see how many regular cars catch fire that way...just cuz that's me.


    Have an agenda, sweetie? What to spit it out rather than be so incompetently coy about it?

  9. Welp, turns out quite a few cars spontaneously combust -

    Honda Accords and BMWs being famous for it.

    Soooooo, is our Mr. Hedge going to get his clients to short Honda or BMW, too? Does he make videos enticing new patsys with his magnificent profits from shorting Tesla? Must be to the crowd that can't read...

  10. @plot —

    Off the top of my head, the problem is twofold:

    1 - Teslas haven't been on the road for all that long and they make up a miniscule fraction of the car market. When new cars with new hi-tech batteries explode into flames spontaneously, that's unexpected. Most other car fires come from vehicles that are (as others wrote) old or poorly-maintained.

    2 - Not all fire departments have the technology necessary to extinguish a lithium-ion battery fire, so when a Tesla bursts into flames, they cannot extinguish it. They have to let it burn itself to a crisp, which can pose a threat to passing cars or vehicles that are stuck in a traffic jam beside a burning Tesla.

    That's all I can think of for now.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Batteries gonna make or break ya in this race.

  13. I thought of HiwardvStern too, but haven't seen anything yet. If he called Tesla out, it would make a much bigger ripple than Handler.

  14. "Not all fire departments have the technology necessary to extinguish a lithium-ion battery fire"

    That's a really good point. My main reason for never buying a Tesla is that the creation and maintenance of those batteries is nearly the ecological load of using gas. I have a friend which calls the Tesla a "lifestyle" which is hilarious. It's a car, a conveyance, nothing more or less. If through innovation and discovery, it becomes a more sustainable model than the other hybrid or gas cars, great. Until then...

    BUT, other auto makers have had significant recalls for electrical issues leading to fires (Ford had a major recall) and certain high end autos are famous for it.

    When Tesla enters the Goodyear sized obfuscation of lethal issues, I'll join the mass of pitchforked concern. Unfortunately, not even the Goodyear scandal is much on people's radar...though it should be. Maybe Hedge should short Goodyear and write BIs to encourage rebellion.

  15. As always, IGNORE THESE BLINDS. Tesla is the most sold short stock in the world. What does that mean? That means tons of traders are betting against the company. They make money only if the stock price goes down. Guess’s been going up...a lot! So they have been losing money. And then they start negative news campaign to hit the stock w/negative news to make it go down. Tesla is an amazing American company that is revolutionizing cars, energy, interplanet travel. The guy that posts these blinds is obviously posting fake news...only to try to profit. SHAME on you.

  16. Damn! Can I get my deposit back on that 2020 Tesla Edsel Wagoneer?

  17. @Jay it's so cute that you don't think there are as intelligent people as yourself here. The thing we all find extra special is how you telling us how it works is how you don't seem to understand you and everyone else is being played. SHAME! lol

    1. Jay thinks Li-ion batteries are the 2nd coming of Jesus.... after all, the batteries in his Anal Stimulation System (ASS probe) haven't exploded yet ... and he thinks it might add a lil excitement if/when it does

      The real tragedy here is that Musk will end up trashing the name of a truly brilliant inventor/visionary named Tesla with his games and scams.....

  18. @plot the concern about Tesla isn't the cars or not the cars but the dog and pony show that it has always been. Think Theranos. The hype cycle is as much the investor fault as anybody else.

  19. Not gonna convince some people here, but I drove to work in a few metro areas in the 1970s and 1980s and car fires were more frequent then than they are now — with many more cars on the road.

    One feature of electric car debates is that people don’t consider that gasoline-powered cars could ever get better, even though they improved radically in the last few decades.

  20. @Jay @unknown hahaha holy shit tesla is honestly the most incredible and hilarious manifestation of poe's law ive ever seen in my entire life

    At least, most of the world. "I'm looking at the short losses," Musk says, transfixed by CNBC on his iPhone. He speaks to his kids without looking up. "Guys, check this out: Tesla has the highest short position in the entire stock market. A $9 billion short position."

    His children lean over the phone, looking at a table full of numbers that I don't understand. So his 13-year-old, Griffin, explains it to me: "They're betting that the stock goes down, and they're getting money off that. But it went up high, so they lost an insane amount of money."

    "They're jerks who want us to die," Musk elaborates. "They're constantly trying to make up false rumors and amplify any negative rumors. It's a really big incentive to lie and attack my integrity. It's really awful. It's..."

    He trails off, as he often does when preoccupied by a thought. I try to help: "Unethical?"

    "It's..." He shakes his head and struggles for the right word, then says softly, "Hurtful."

  21. Hedge must be off yachting somewhere.... (get it?)


  22. Anonymous2:30 PM

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  23. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Teslas are amazing cars, they're laptops with wheels, and they're a blast to drive - but the batteries just aren't up to this task. The Tesla battery packs are just bundles of 18650 batteries, high capacity batteries that are most commonly used in batteries, or e-cigarettes. You know of all of those news articles of vapes blowing up in people's hands, or pockets? Yep. Same batteries, and when they're mis-used and abused, they go BOOM pretty spectacularly.

    There are YouTube videos of people taking the battery packs apart - they're just big battery packs with small computers to handle charging, and a cooling system.

    And now, they're gonna be making battery packs for homes. I would not be shocked if insurance companies refuse to insure homes and farms (target markets) with them installed.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Plus Tesla hasn't created enough battery stations to justify buying one of these yet. I know people in my town (since he's producing them in the area) who would like to buy one, but are put off by the price and lack of facilities to care for them.

  26. We've had the ability to make electric cars for something like a century, but we didn't have the batteries to make it practical, and we still don't. Truth is, gasoline contains a huge amount of energy for its volume, and it's relatively easy and safe to handle and transport. Gas engines are likewise reliable and safe and easy to maintain (the hard stuff to maintain in a car is all the extras and regulated add-ons, not the engine). I've had two engine fires -- both due to my own absent-minded mistakes -- and wasn't in any danger either time.

    The only real downside to gasoline is the way it lets the globalists drag us into foreign wars, but shifting to batteries -- even if it were possible -- wouldn't stop that. They'd just have us going to war for the precious metals that batteries need instead. Also, electric cars have to be charged. Unless we get over our fear of nuclear power, nearly all that power is going to come from coal or natural gas plants, so....


  28. You'd think Musk uses flavored boot polish.

  29. Here's why you're seeing more of these blinds-

    Tesla up over 40% since its low in April.

    Shorts are taking it in the shorts.

  30. @Unknown

    "The hype cycle is as much the investor fault as anybody else."

    We're living in a world of hype these days. Look at all the shitty movies that become blockbusters because of hype. TV shows? Same, or the Kardashians wouldn't be a thing. Everyone is rushing the markets with empty investment potential.

    We're no longer a country that produces anything except hype.

    That isn't the fault of Musk or Spiegel or Cook or anyone else. It's simply all we have anymore.

  31. @plot exactly. But it isn't new. Has been happening for decades. Only now it's easier to spot. But people don't have to do it, they choose to. Plenty of opportunity to rely on real success and not hype. Problem is cheaters gonna try to cheat.

  32. The elon musk twitter meltdown is a joy to behold.

  33. I believe the boy is starting to crack from the pressure, propping up the front and the imminent financial demise...

  34. These blinds make Elon Musk sound like the bad guy (car?) in Cars 2.

  35. @Undercover_LBD

    You are so right...hadn't thought about that. That movie was my son's favorite for quite some time after it was released. He liked it much more than Cars (which I actually preferred). So I have seen it or parts of it many times. :-)
