Friday, June 15, 2018

Blind Item #5

The question is not whether this A list podcast host will lose his podcast because he sure as hell should, it is whether all those other television jobs he has will also go by the wayside. Will they do what is right and fire him for what he put six women through or will they ignore them? I'm also curious what his A- list celebrity wife knew and when she knew it. Is she a victim or complicit?



  2. How would he 'lose' his podcast? He owns it himself and usually records in his own house.


  4. Hardwick. Godammit.

  5. @HardyHarHar: +1, and it makes me mad and sad.

  6. @Blahg he could loose his advertisers, hence "loosing" his blog.

  7. Looks like it IS hardwick. Wow, i guess you just never know about people.

  8. I never knew too much about Hardwick, but bought into the goofy onscreen persona he sold. So, wow - this is an eye-opener. Though I did start to smell something of a rat when he was just too smug and proud of himself for marrying a Hearst.
    What I'd like to know is, who is the woman who helped Hardwick in getting Dykstra blacklisted? SHE sounds like a cunt that also needs to be outed.

  9. @Tierney: If this continues to just crush my respect for people, it'll be someone like Felicia Day. I have no reason to think it is, other than just sheer pessimism.

  10. Sorry but podcast, internet, etc. people do not count as stars or of any interest.

  11. Every field has stars. Marie Curie was a superstar in the field of science, for example. And interest is subjective. Obviously, Hardwick has fans here.

  12. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Yep, Chris Hardwick. Wife is model and celebutante Lydia Hearst.

    @Unknown-- Hardwick is a star because he is not only a podcaster but because he is a TV host and founder of a huge media empire, The Nerdist, which is THE biggest media world for geek culture. That is why he is A list and a star.

    @Blahg, he could lose his podcast because it is not a small, DIY thing. It has become a big company which he is the figurehead of, but not necessarily in control of-- think of how Weinstein could be booted out of his own company.

    As for the woman who assisted Hardwick in destroying careers, I do have the sinking feeling it is Felicia Day, one of the most famous female celebs of modern geek culture. She would have the clout, and she is friends with Hardwick.

  13. I never bought his "I'm an awkward but funny nerd" bullshit, he was a product of MTV, and likely learned how to mistreat women there. Time to pull the licenses of many of these legacy media propagandists, it's all cultural Marxism anyway, and this nation is worse off for it.

    1. @Jon EXACTLY
      MTV dating shows are peak misogyny. I was always surprised at his reinvention.

  14. @Unknown: I don't think reality TV people count as being of any interest, but they certainly end up being talked about on this site a lot!

  15. Florin - JESUS! That truly would cause nerdworld to nearly collapse in on itself if it's Felicia. I have no idea if they are/were friends, but it seems likely? I also wonder about Olivia Munn now. Hopefully, at some point, the woman will be revealed.

    Unknown... Hardwick is hardly a podcost/internet person. He hosts a LOT of TV shows, including Talking Dead and almost all the other "Talking" aftershows, game shows and charity stuff. And his companies own/run almost ALL of it.

  16. Geeljire used to bang a Lydia.
    Just saying.

  17. @Tierney: I hope it's Munn. I never liked her, so I wouldn't have to feel bad downgrading her even more.

  18. anybody try to work out the time line on this thing?

    She says she is approaching her 30's and in her early 20's met a guy who was nearly 20 years older than her

    say she was 22 at the time and now 28...that would make the guy 40 ish a few years ago and definitely mid 40's now, right?

    Hardwick isn't even 40 now ...he's in his late 30's

    so he would only be 10 years older than the poster not "nearly 20" and I cannot say by anyone's standards that he could have been seen as a 'Daddy" substitute a few years ago or even now

    I think the Hardwick guesses are off.

  19. Anonymous8:47 AM

    They aren't guesses. Dykstra is his ex. It is in her own writing. The man she describes...well he is the only ex of hers that fits. She may have specifically smudged his age in the same way she deliberately not named him. But it's clear who she is talking about.

  20. Chris Hardwick is shockingly 46-years-old.

  21. @CocoWildacre: Chris Hardwick was born in 71. That makes him 47 or so. He's 17 years older than Dykstra.

  22. Tbh I don't know who this little soy boy is except he comes on after those soap operas that tangentially involve zombies sometimes.

  23. “I just want to remind you, the reason my last relationship didn’t work out was because of the lack of sex.”

  24. The story is viral now - being promoted all over, with companion pieces in almost all nerd-related sources (like the Mary Sue) detailing the relationship and identifying Hardwick as her ex. But absolutely zero mention of the woman who helped blacklist Chloe - and I find that part annoying. This isn't women against shitty men... it's victims against abusers.

    1. That toxic femininity...
      Aren't all y'all sisters?
      Even Hillary Clinton?
      ESPECIALLY Hillary Clinton?

  25. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Gosh, I am running out of shows I can watch, Enty needs to come up with a list of “safe” shows where everyone is nice and just does their jobs and don’t abuse others. If he starts running blinds on the history channel, I will sell my t.v.

  26. So YET another nerd is revealed as a creep. Do you think there might be pattern?

  27. @Unknown - if you held a gun to my head and asked me to name 2 podcasters, I think I could only come up with Bill Simmons

  28. People who listen to Joe Rogan are as bad as vegans and crossfitters about it

  29. Damn, I was hoping it was Marc Maron.

    1. Yeah, if I had to pick from those two I would have preferred it be Maron. Or Tommy Johnagin.

  30. Ugh. I really hate this one. I have been listening to the Nerdist podcasts for a couple of years and loved the seemingly easy rapport he had with his guests. So many wonderful interviews, including a recent one with Louis Anderson and Hardwick's mom. But he always seemed emotionally stunted when it came to women. Now I know it was so much worse. I'm so sorry for what Chloe endured and applaud her for speaking up.

  31. There's no such thing as "toxic femininity," Geeljire. Women aren't raping and murdering people and children at the rate "males" do. Not forgetting that there have been terrorist attacks against women by misogynists for decades (the last being in Canada where an INCEL twat deliberately ran over And killed women). Feminists aren't killing men in terrorist attacks.

    1. This sounds like a cartoon character or someone informed by cartoon characters.

  32. I don't know what I'm more shocked about..that Hardwick would be such a shitty human being or that he is pushing 50. really? I guess nerds don't age

  33. Is this the same guy who hosts The Walking Dead companion show (Talking Dead) on AMC?

    1. Yes! The same guy who's act is so "I'm a non threatening beta male with a skinny tie" who always tells the viewers to be nice to each other! What a fake and hypocrite he is!


  35. Oh it is! That’s a bummer, I thought he actually seemed like a genuinely nice guy. Another one bites the dust.

  36. Anonymous11:41 AM

    I listen to podcasts regularly, but I just never liked him. Something about him, just rubbed me the wrong way - not in a rapey, creepy way, but in a "smug cunt" way. And when he had that piece of shit Lena Dunham on, well, fuck you too, Chris, off the list.

    Felicia Day...huh. I wouldn't think she had any real power. What has she even done, lately? I know of her from The Guild, that was amusing for a minute a decade ago.

  37. The friend is not Felicia Day, it's Michelle Morrow.

  38. CH looks like such a little whimp! Why don't any of these women fight back if they can? I think a 10 year old could kick his ass!

  39. @Disparaging Remark: That's good. I don't know who she is, and I'm happy to keep it that way.

  40. Ditto, no idea who Morrow is, but I hope she gets as publicly called out as Hardwick.

    Glad to see Deadline posting the story about Nerdist scrubbing him from their site that's gotta sting, and he deserves it.

  41. I was thinking Leo LaPorte before I read CD's piece

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I remember Hardwick from Talking Bad, the Breaking Bad after show. He seemed charming, but if this is true I guess that makes him somewhat of a psychopath.

    I wonder who the other 5 women are.

  44. I have no clue who are these people but I believe him, not her. She probably just wants attention in social media, she even posts anorexic selfies in her panties, hard to take her serious. I bet she really cheated on him and now can't accept that he moved on and found someone else.

  45. I dunno. I’m having a reall hard time wrapping my head around woman makes claim,man immediately loses everything. Doesn’t seem quite fair we evolved into a place where a woman can claim anything without proof and the guy is gone in about 3 seconds.

  46. So,now being a bad boyfriend, alledgedly, is a crime????
