Monday, June 04, 2018

Blind Item #3

Apparently this former A+ list rapper got all of his ghostwriters to sign NDA's. However, one of his ghostwriters hired an unknown ghostwriter to assist him and that person didn't sign a NDA and knows a whole lot of stuff he is trying to sell to the tabloids. Thing is though, the tabloids don't want to offend the wife by publishing negative things about the husband because I don't know why. They are so spineless. 


  1. Replies
    1. yep don’t want to offend KK

      WHO ARE THE FANS OF THE KARDASHIANS????? I wish they would be blown up in outer space

  2. Who needs NDA’s when you have mainstream media bending over. When will this shit show finally jump the shark? I want in on the office pool guessing what it will be that sends this family into the land of “where are they now?”.

    1. Better question, who is paying money where the Kardashians have this kind of power????
      Like it’s so sad and pathetic if u are a fan of these ppl

  3. Fuck tabloids, that person needs to make a twitter and spill the damn tea!!!! Or simply call The Wendy Williams Show, she sure does love exclusives

  4. Find enty and spill the beans.

  5. oh look. more blind items about rappers....

  6. Who DOES write for themselves tho? Don't they all have ghostwriters?

  7. @delcodave "oh look. more blind items about rappers...."

    That's where the depravity is now. Music genre full of bad people.

    1. @emptywood, as compared to all those stellar Rock n roll guys!! and I am a fan of both genres. Open your musical mind , smoke a bowl and enjoy!

  8. Now the ghostwriters have ghostwriters lol.

  9. Someone really should help Kanye. Let's see... the biggest celebrity he could get to attend his wedding was Will Smith's idiot son... maybe that guy can reach out to Kanye, his true friend.

  10. @J
    If I understood some blinds on this site correctly he can expect a reach-around from Will instead of an reach out. But what do I know...

  11. Oh, I suspect Will despises Kanye. I meant Will's son, who seems to be the only person in the entertainment industry with enough regard for Kanye to make the wedding.

    But yes, reach around is a more likely outcome.

  12. Oh right I got everything mixed up - my bad.
    Maybe nobody else came to the wedding because of the family Kanye was marring into...

  13. Florence's darkest day since the Pazzi Conspiracy.

  14. Who cares if someone uses ghostwriters, they were paid, he wasn't stealing their songs. Fans pay for the performance. Frankly I wish more artists would use ghostwriters, nothing worse than an album with two good songs and a bunch of filler.

  15. No more rapper blind items please.

  16. Anonymous11:18 AM

    This is only interesting if the ghostwriter's ghostwriter is Taylor Swift. Then it would be a story!

  17. The rap community is very different from that of other genres in that reality is a big deal in what you do. Its very ego driven. Thats why if you rap about shit, especially about crime, you better be about that life or you will get checked and black balled. Same in having ghostwriters... its embarrassing in that you cant come up with your own shit, so therefore you suck. Its much more accepted now than it was 25 years ago. If rappers found out someone else had a ghostwriter, they would be blackballed and career, or potential career, ruined.

  18. Its not Kanye at all. I cant believe he has ghostwriters given his lyrical output in the last three albums or so. His new album is the ramblings of a madman and only could possibly come up with some of the lyrics he has been dropping. I am going with Jay Z on this one. Lyrically has has always been amazing until a few albums ago and it sounded weak and phoned in. He then came back with the last album which was lyrically his best in years. I think its him. Beyonce being the wife tabloids dont want to embarrass....they make too much money off of the Kardashians but in they press in whatever capacity.

  19. @filmfab

    It absolutely can be Kanye...didnt you see the beef between Kim and Rhymefest just last week? Yes, Rhymefest has ghostwritten for Kanye in the past and has recently.

  20. Maybe its ghostwitters from when he was actually lyrically capable.

  21. Some of his largest hits were written by other people.

  22. I'm pretty sure Kanye is pretty open about the collaborative process that goes into his albums. He went out of his way to acknowledge Nicki Minaj writing on track 7 of his album. Also how is someone who has all 7 of the songs of his album on the stop of tons of streaming charts former A list????...seems pretty current to me.

  23. Kanye is open about having ghostwriters, he's even rapped about it. This wouldn't be a huge scandal, I agree that this is more Jay-Z

  24. "Let's admit America gets the celebrities we deserve"

    Well there are the "fans" that like them and the "fans" that like to make fun of them, but both groups spend their time watching their shows, following their social media shenanigans and talking to their friends about it.
    Hey if the House of K has managed to hoodwink/captivate millions of people to the point that they can make a living on it, why should we hate on them? It's not like their "fans" would have been out solving world hunger or curing cancer anyway. We're not talking about the sharpest crayons in the box, not the brightest bulbs on the tree. We should be grateful the House of K is helping to keep their "fans" glued to screens and distracted from their own lives.

  25. The Ktrash clan offend millions of people every day just by being on this planet, so why not offend them back?

    1. You sound so ignorant. If someone offends you by living, then please get help.

  26. Kanye credits people on his albums just for inspiring him, i dont buy any "ghost writer" blinds, especially because it's very known that he collabs with people on writing songs / has people write for him. He's a music producer first and foremost.

    Given the lyrics on his albums and the stuff that comes out of his mouth, i doubt the "ghost" writer has anything interesting to say that would damage his career. Kanye himself cant even kill his career.

    Just to be clear, kanye has writers (check his album credits, its public knowledge) so why would he bother pretending he doesnt?
