Monday, June 11, 2018

Blind Item #3

The police have taken a hard look at the significant other of a recent dead celebrity as a possible suspect in the celebrity's death.


  1. Asia Argentina/Bourdain?

  2. Or it’s Kate Spades weirdo hubby

    1. +1 That suicide note rang very false.

    2. Agree. And that weird rat mask.

  3. Andy Spade,his story to the public and police do not match,and the mouse mask?

    1. What is the mouse mask? Now I have to go google that since I'm intrigued!

    2. @Guesser
      @Remie Ross

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Andy Spade. Every picture of him seems off to me.

  6. Spade. at first he was said to have been there in the apartment during... then his brother left him totally out of his statements as if he was related to Kate not the brother/husband. strange.

  7. I think the police always take a hard look at the significant other. especially if they're going through a divorce. This could be true but not significant

  8. Didn't KS leave an handwritten goodbye note to her daughter?

  9. What’s the scoop on him? Mouse mask?

  10. He does seem strange. What's up with that one red shoelace?

  11. Maybe this is just being tricky, maybe this blind is about the young actor who died over the weekend in the sober living facility, Jackson Odell...

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Asia Argento didn't seem to care enough about the sucker to kill him.

  14. Andy Spade was/ is having an affair with another man

  15. But will anything come of looking?

  16. yup gaydar ping

  17. @cold

    I have a feeling you might be on to something.

    the fact they havent let him see the suicide note yet is...telling.

  18. There was a story about Asia tweeting something before he died then deleting it. The article seemed to be implying something.

  19. What if Spade and Bourdain were having an affair? Suicide pact?

  20. If I remember correctly, Anthony Boursin was pissed and came to the defense of Asia against Weinstein. It seemed he was outspoken and upset over it. Maybe some Weinstein connection here?

  21. Mouse mask is rat. Its a signal that he conquered the rat. She worked in Haiti with Clinton Foundation. Okay, you Clinton puppets, time to attack.

  22. I think the Rat mask stands for this message: "this is what we do to those who speak out" (the rats).
    What if he was forced to wear it, after his wife died, or else he would have been taken out too?
    Perhaps she had been talking to people about something she shouldn't have, against his will, yet he didn't do enough to stop her. As a punishment, he now has to stay in the spotlight and act as the lightning rod for the murder. The mask being the beginning of it.

    In any case, if the police is looking hard at him, it might not be because they believe that he actually murdered his wife, but because he might know a lot about, have been involved with, or is covering for, the people who took her out.

    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      That shit is straight out of true detective season 2

  23. Thanks@tinydancer and I agree he was/is likely having an affair with a man. It’s kind of clear in the pix I’ve seen of them-no romantic connection whatsoever

  24. ALL y'all gotta go and listen to AJ Benza's "Fame Is A Bitch" podcast. He's been all over this Kate Spade/Andy Spade/ungrateful offspring Spade story and broke the news on last Friday's show. Seriously. It's worth a listen.

    I don't wanna spoil it for anyone who hasn't heard it. I'm sure it'll rear its ugly head here pretty soon.

    I mean, there are only so many pizza boxes Andy and his lover can hide behind...

  25. It's Bourdain. Look at Asia's arm ink. See anything familiar? Their symbols out them. Every. Single. Time.

    Spade has its own messaging-fingerprint. But not this blind...

  26. Andy gets my vote. He was leaving her but the question is it male or female? I would think if it is same sex it would be more acceptable. The mouse mask looked like a deadmouse one. I took it as not wanting to be recognized. Not pizza boxes...

  27. @Original Aunty. So she has the star of David tattooed. Maybe she's jewish, that doesn't necessarily mean much... This will sound disagreeable or conceited, but people with multiple tattoos are often desperate for a meaning they cannot find anywhere (hence the illusion of the mark on the skin that will stop the world from shifting and hiding meanings around them), so she might have looked for meaning in that identity...
    I mean, if she's a Mossad agent, she's helping to take down Weinstein because...? he is connected to the Clintons and the Mossad hates the Clintons because...? they have too much power...? Wait a minute, you might be onto something! This might explain her inappropriate/untimely behavior after news of Bourdain's death came out. And the picture of her apparent flirting might have been staged to suggest a motive for the suicide...
    Or, Argento is genuine; I think she might just be, and Bourdain taken out to get at her and scare her.

  28. The Kate Spade "suicide" rang my alarms the minute I heard about it. She may have been depressed, but it doesn't appear she was depressed enough to leave her daughter motherless. Hoping that the truth will come out.

  29. The people trying to connect the imaginary dots from Anthony Bourdain's suicide to the Clintons, to Mossad, to Kate Spade...jesus, people, get a fucking grip. Not everything is a conspiracy. Sometimes, depression causes people to off themselves.

  30. He looked gay to me anyway.

  31. I heard there were shrimp at the scene

  32. The connection of Spade to the Clintons is far from imaginary. Spade had at least two projects going with the Clinton Foundations AND she had worked with them in Haiti. (While mentioning the Mossad was just me humoring Argento's "Star of David tattoo" clue.) No need to haste around with the "conspiracy nuts" branding rod, well, unless you want to join the Sandybrook's Everlasting Denial Club that is.

  33. Gaslighting a depressed person into suicide is a crime (remember the teenaged girl who talked her boyfriend into killing himself via texting?) With a note on the scene, she died by her own hand, so this is the scenario that makes sense to me.

  34. "... but people with multiple tattoos are often desperate for a meaning they cannot find anywhere (hence the illusion of the mark on the skin that will stop the world from shifting and hiding meanings around them), so she might have looked for meaning in that identity..." Good God. I have multiple tattoos, and live a full, happy, financially rewarding life. I don't need JayZ to pay my bills for me, I'm doing quite well on my own. My tattoos are a celebration of my life. When I was in the military we wore rating badges and hash marks and service ribbons. Anyone (who understood the meaning of it all) could look at me and with a glance know I was a Senior Chief Personnelman with 16+ years of service (20 when I retired), who had served onboard ship, served overseas, served during the Vietnam war, had earned the Joint Service Commendation Medal, the Navy Commendation Medal, the Navy Achievement Medal (twice) and multiple Good Conduct Awards. I have a rewarding career in an engineering firm and am actively involved in several volunteer groups in my community. I'm the volunteer coordinator for our local comic-con, which has reached regional status and gets visitors from all across the country, as well as from overseas. (We average about 750 volunteers every year and have been documented to have a multi-millions dollar impact on our local economy.) OH, and I belong to Mensa and the local Historical Trust. Just because we have tattoos doesn't mean we are "desperate for meaning". Sometimes it just means we fucking love ink and find it beautiful.

  35. @Sea Hag: you kind of confirmed what I wrote, man. Sorry. That's little too long of a story you just wrote to respond to a sentence written by a random guy on the internet that started with the words "people are often..." and the longer your story went and the more details it had, the more it really smelled of "desperate for meaning". Sorry for having ticked you, though, hope you don't take it personally. The word "desperate" isn't fair, I admit, people are not desperate for meaning, it's more of a longing for it I guess. Really I was thinking about some people I know with stories very different from yours.

    1. Maybe you should just go conjure up some more Clinton conspiracy theories.

  36. Tattoos are like personalized license plates, but 1000% worse.

    Cries for help.

  37. Have never seen a scarf long enough to hang yourself with. Is it possible?

  38. Ahhhhh. You confirmed it. Her ink tells her story. Of what and who she is.

    The only authentic #METOO is Harvey's summer reading list. Cuz of all the peeps in HW to arrest. Harvey was the best of the worst. He (at least) delivered on his trades. Unlike those who were murdered by their traffickers.

    Harvey is a PRINCE among HW vermin. Sing liddle birdie, sing.

  39. @Original Aunty: you are rushing to your confirmation bias and you better slow down. Argento's "star of david" tatoo is explained here: and it does look like your run-of-the-mill "longing for meaning".

  40. @Sagan

    "ALL y'all gotta go and listen to AJ Benza's "Fame Is A Bitch" podcast. "

    no thanks, shill.

  41. Anonymous12:34 PM

    @sea hag The resume smacks of self aggrandization. Is this LinkedIn? Am I hiring you? Most of us are doing the best we can.

  42. Anonymous12:38 PM


    OK, You think you've got the answers.

    A grown man wears a mouse/rat mask, three days after his wife's death.
    Not a towel, or other neutral shield from media. A smiling mouse mask.
    Let's hear your explanation.

  43. @original auntie keep up, she had that tattoo covered up over a month ago

  44. My tattoos mean that I liked the designs. Nothing more. They're just art for the sake of art. But thanks for the armchair psychoanalysis!

  45. Andy Spade was in the accessories business. How many fedoras and scarves must he have had at home? No need for a rat mask.

  46. Oh snap. 23 enigma is thiccc in this thread. Rocking that blood-red lipstick. Reckon the baby-eaters need a new cook.

    Careful. Never know who may be lurking. Tick-tock.

  47. "Cries for help...". Nah fren. It's marketing. Cuz its only sporting when they tell you what they are. Then its ON YOU. Got it. Good.

    "Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ..." Amen.

  48. "And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: And if satan cast out satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom can one enter a strong mans house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man?"

  49. @mercy

    I have no idea why he wore a rat mask. See? It's easy to admit one's ignorance and certainly better than filling in the gaps with utter bullshit.

  50. Ask daddy. He knows...

  51. Wasn't Andy Spade home at the time of Kate's suicide?

  52. They made him watch...

  53. Like the one about HRC and a fillet knife? Gives "face peel" a whole new meaning. Tick-tock.

  54. If you are going to judge people based on tattoos - One Direction must be elite criminals!! Hold the phone!


  55. One Direction's music is criminal.

    ART is "judged". Films are judged. Work is judged. Everything is subject to judgement. And yes, tattoos are judged.

  56. The that spade wore is the character, Bernard from the Disney movie the Rescuers" Wiki: In an abandoned river boat in Devil's Bayou, a young orphan named Penny drops a message in a bottle, containing a plea for help into the river. The bottle washes up in New York City, where it is found by the Rescue Aid Society, an international mouse organization inside the United Nations. The Hungarian representative, Miss Bianca, volunteers to accept the case and chooses Bernard, a stammering janitor, as her co-agent. The two visit Morningside Orphanage, where Penny lived, and meet an old cat named Rufus. He tells them about a woman named Madame Medusa who once tried to lure Penny into her car and may have succeeded in abducting Penny this time

  57. You guys are reading way too much into the mask. It was used in an ad campaign for Frances Valentine and was probably laying around the house. The paparazzi got too much atva time when he needed privacy.

  58. Did Frances Valentine have copyright use to a Disney Movie? If not they breached that copyright.And I call bullshit, if you were a grieving partner, you would never, ever,ever exit the front of the house in a Disney Rescuer mask. Yeah I don't want to call attention to me, so I put on a mouse mask that would call wayyyyyy more attention to me then by leaving from another entrance of waiting out the press. If you are grieving hard for your partner I would hope that there would be a grief period, and maybe a press conference saying please don't approach our house. Not buying it

  59. It's not helpful or accurate to force conditions on the emotional lives of others. You have NO idea how grief displays itself in all people at all times. Neither do I. So best to STFU with the universal rules of mourning there, 'k?
