Sunday, June 03, 2018

Blind Item #3 - Man Hunt - A Birdie Blind Item

You may have read about it by now. If you haven't, just know that police in a foreign country have just reopened a decades-old murder-for-hire case. If it had been successful, it would have been one of the crimes of the century. As it is, it was one of the scandals of the century.

What's being kept under wraps though is the connection to a notorious international pedophile ring. Police are working round the clock on this manhunt, knowing that if he's still alive other accusers might be at risk.

This all goes back to that last decade of political turmoil, when a certain third party politician with aspirations for high office tried, in vein, to sweep the skeletons from his closet. Not surprisingly, he was a key player in this ring. More shocking, but no less surprising, is that an occupant of the high office itself was also a part of it. Police have long suspected that the man in charge of recruitment was a doctor from a long time, war torn country, who served briefly as one of the personal and official doctors to both other men.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's the UK and the Jeremy Thorpe thing.


  4. This site screwed up on me that was for blind 1.


    You people will believe anything!

    1. I'm hoping that's sarcasm. If not, why is it unimaginable that children are trafficked to pedophiles? Drugs are trafficked and there's a hell of a lot more money in selling children to pedos. Sadly, unlike drugs, children are a renewable resource that can be sold over and over again making them more lucrative for traffickers than drugs. If people really think this can't happen, well you're just living in a bubble.

  6. Jeremy thorpe and edward heath. Heath was UK P.M. in the early 70's. Rumours for years about his proclivities. Funny how the yewtree investigation around dolphin sq. suddenly disappeared isn't it? Current P.M. theresa may swept all details under the carpet for help keeping her in power. Notice the hysterical attacks upon opposition leader Corbyn from the establishment since from the BBC down, people are scared the rats will be exposed. I live in an utterly corrupt Country, just like the US.

  7. Corbyn is no hero, given his history of supporting/excusing terrorists. Our whole government needs sacking.

  8. Replies
    1. ... but he never caused her nothing but shame....
      (Sorry, earworm)

  9. @Rosie riveter,so right! These 4Chans or whatever they are called are completely out of control! 😎😉

  10. Double thanks, Heather!!!!

  11. I was living & working in London when Heath was PM. The joke at that time was, "England is the only country in the world with two reigning Queens." Chuckle.

  12. @Birdie

    It is nice to have new contributes. Welcome to CDAN!

  13. Anthony Weiner/Clinton Mafia

  14. Jeremy Thorpe definitely with Edward Heath who mixed with the Krays, gangsters and both paedophiles-yes, both were. They all liked young boys. Also involved was the obese Cyril Smith (Google him) Boys in care homes used and abused for years. Yep, another sad part of British history.

    1. All covered up by the establishment where the lowly classes were irrelevant especially young boys who had a shit start in life to begin with.

    2. According to every film made about the Krays, they wuz proper Legends who were good to there muvver.
      It all makes me vomit.

  15. Everyone knows there are pedophiles, and everyone knows there are international criminal organizations. Nothing at all controversial about either of those. But an international pedophile organization? That's just crazy conspiracy talk, because reasons.

  16. I remember the jokes from back then.

    What do Captain Kirk and Jeremy Thorpe have in common?

    "Beam me up, Scotty."


    "Give me more thrust, Scotty."

  17. @Rosie & Guesser - Just denial then? -
    Pedo rings get busted all the time -
    e.g. - Rotherham or Jimmy Savile and friends.
    Is it beyond the realms of credulity that borders could be crossed?

  18. @billboard

    Rosie and Guesser are being sarcastic.

    Many people on this forum (most notably @plot) respond with incredulity and outrage whenever cdan posts mention pedophilia rings

    1. Thanks, sarcasm doesn't translate to the printed word well.😘🙏❤️

  19. The phrase is tried in VAIN

    Get it together Enty.

  20. I was being facetious. Kinda ruins the moment when you have to go back and explain the sarc

  21. They won't be outed or taken down at the highest levels- sure there will be some mid/lower level fall guys and scapegoats thrown to the wolves to relieve the pressure and assuage the public.

    These are the people who CONTROL the media and politics and finance at the highest levels. Who's going to take them down?

    Sorry, just a dose of reality for you.

    1. Hate to say it is virtually impossible to combat but you're completely right. It is.

  22. Anonymous7:34 AM

    What about the murder of beloved crime reporter Jill Dando?

    Which actually was pulled off? Why is that case cold and closed?

    Her fiancee at the time...a prominent gynecologist.. is now the OB/GYN to the Royal Family.

    Everyone knew what story she was working on.

  23. What's being kept under wraps though is the connection to a notorious international pedophile ring....

    You're making me do eyerolls with this non-stop deluge of pedo blinds, Enty... What I used to read with alarm I now skip entirely.



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