Friday, June 08, 2018

Blind Item #2

This permanent A list mostly movie actor and his wife were spotted practicing how they were going to kiss at an award show and it still looked awkward and very rare. Should have had his long time male lover be a stand in. Sure they would have nailed it.


  1. It was cringe worthy lol

  2. Ha, barely a blind. But, Tricia is always on target and fast posting!!!!

  3. Thanks 🙏🏻 -nice thing to say (love the term
    Aces —-haven’t heard it in a whime👍☺️)

    I didn’t see the show just a pix of them and they are next level phony man..... makes the “romance “between BCoop /Shayk and MJ/Lisa Marie look authentic

  4. Rumor has Amal's a tranny, so does she tuck or had her lady balls cut off?

  5. Yeah, definetely Clooney. I'm just astonished at the generous rating. I thought Clooney had dropped from (not permanent) A+ to A in Enty's book.

  6. Ok had to go watch that on the DM, that was ridiculous the way he walked around the entire room to kiss her. Who really acts like that as a married couple? I am a very happily married woman for over 25 years and I couldn't even imagine my husband doing that. Yes thank me in his speech and say something about me and my kids etc, but that show? That was too much....

  7. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I cant look at her photos. Her persona irritates me and that kiss was yuck. Was like 2 yo babies kissing because "mum said so"

  8. They're not "lady balls," barstool, they're just balls. Trannies are men.

  9. A kiss is just a kiss, a front is just a front..

  10. Who's the "long-term male lover"? Gerber?

  11. @Redhead66.

    Walk all the way round a room to pretend kiss a wife?! Fuck that.

    My wife is lucky if I lift the quilt to waft a fart about a bit in bed.

  12. Yes DDonna it's Gerber (allegedly to keep CDaN from getting his ass sued again).

    1. So what's Cindy Crawford getting in all this?

  13. I suffered severe secondhand embarrassment looking at that picture

  14. I just watched the video clip, how awful was that. Everyone clapping and clapping, and clapping, looking around wondering what the hell was he doing, so staged and phony. Like everything about them. funny though the two only comments on the video so far on youtube are brutal, some guy shouting at him: "Hell no that big Obama nut sucker Lifetime Achievement Award for what being a pussy and being Obama's personal handjob nut sucker. Cock sucker in his open border policy maybe he ought to go and welcome in the refugees into his houses POS coward." So there you go. As usual, Hollywood is on their own planet, and the public sees it another way.

  15. Holy shit, this site has been overrun by rightwing Trumpniks.... ewww.

  16. @JL

    Cindy is in a lavender marriage. She is a lesbian. That story has been around for ages.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Haha hey genius the man is supposed to touch/hold the woman's face, can't they even agree on who the wife is in that sham marriage? ;)

  19. That photo was so staged weird and ridiculous. But people are totally buying it

  20. ^^^^ Brad would know!

  21. I don't get what everyone is raising pitchforks over - I don't find anything unusual. What i'd like to know is, what's up with Laura Dern's eye?



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