Friday, June 29, 2018

Blind Item #2

They could never prove it and have never said anything publicly, but their suspicions about the crime led this reality family to sever their long long time ties to an employee.


  1. The Kardashian’s and?

    1. One of the security guards RE: the “heist”?

  2. They just fired a long-time makeup artist...

    1. Ah thanks Mah... what she steal a lipgloss lol
      Maybe make up ideas from that genius Kylie 😉

    2. Joyce Bonelli. I read it last night in the Daily Mail.

  3. +1 Mah. Can’t remember her name but they “cut all ties and unfollowed her from social media” lol

  4. It seems to reference a certain crime.. Maybe referring to Kim’s infamous Paris robbery?

  5. Must have told the robbers Kim's whereabouts! Wow

    1. fans and paparazzi were always lined up outside the hotel or wherever she was staying. She never makes her whereabouts private

  6. Maybe she didn't plump their lips up enough....this family is ridiculous and I wish they would all go away!!!

  7. Yeah, I think it has to do with Kim's fake robbery.

  8. The horror of being unfollowed by the Kardashians. THE SHEER HORROR.

  9. It would be an honor to be unfollowed or never followed by any of the Kardashians.

  10. Monica Rose, their former long long long time wardrobe stylist. Credit Card theft.

  11. Joyce Bonelli. This could get interesting.

  12. So it was an inside job, you can only be stabbed in the back by those close to you.

  13. Yes, everyone knew where Kim was staying in Paris. But what only her very inner circle could know is that she was alone in that room the night of the robbery...maybe they think the stylist or make up artist they cut ties with informed the crooks.

    I really don't understand why people don't like the Kardashians. They tapped into something with the dumb, pliable public and have made a fortune. And I say GOOD FOR THEM!! This is America, come up with an innovative idea and you can be rich beyond your wildest dreams. They have lived that principle...people who hate them are jealous they didn't have the brains or looks to pull that off themselves.

  14. The Kardashians should be hated because they are Deep State distraction and degradation devices inflicted upon the public to debase society.

  15. I call bullshit. That robbery was staged. Fake. A few points:

    Just a few days before the "robbery" Kim K took selfies wearing a bunch of diamond jewelry and posted it.

    She goes to the hotel in Paris. Everyone knows where the hotel is.

    She has a security team but conveniently stays in the room by herself.

    All this shit points to a setup. She wasn't really robbed, it was another bullshit publicity ploy. Wake up.
