Sunday, June 10, 2018

Blind Item #2

This multifaceted A list mogul who spends a lot of time in front of the camera too on multiple projects took the rare step of attending a public event where his boyfriend was also there. They even posed for photos together. Also there of course was the mogul's beard.


  1. At the Casamigis party with beard Shayna Taylor. Not sure who BF is

  2. hmm, maybe this guy. they look a bit cozy, i am sure i recognize the face though

    1. Maybe -that wa the Halloween party and this one was the Friends party other night... could be same guy?

    2. Just look for whoever is there that most resembles Seacrest. There's your guy.

    3. 😂🤙genius @Rosie
      I actually did that lol. And there was one standing behind him and beard !

  3. Geyer Kozinsky? I am trying to find pics from the other night.. lol

  4. Agree with Seacrest

  5. Definitely not Cowell, though he was at the party. Enty has assured us he's a pussy loving man whore who has never, ever, ever fucked a kid. So yeah Seacrest. The bf is Patrick McMullan.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Nah. Ent is alluding to Seacrest and Cowell in this bl, there's been rumours circulating about those two for years and Simon was at the party and had his pic taken with Ryan, but it isn't him. I guess there's different Ents posting on different days, as this Ent thinks Cowell is a homo (he isn't). Simon only fucks pre-pubescent children, Ryan likes older thicker dudes, certainly no one with man boobs.

  8. Seacrest would probably do ok as an out celeb, since he doesn't sell himself as a "pussyhound" like Cowell. Or post bail for Pedos,as far as I know.

  9. Yeah Ryan is fine, he just has weird notions when it comes to being an out homo in showbiz. He's been close with Cowell for a long time and I'm sure he's aware that Cowell likes to fuck little kids, but hey it's Hollywood and if you had a problem with kiddy fuckers you would have to cross half the names in your contact list.

    Anyway if he refused to out himself when all those BS pound me too bitches were coming after him I doubt he ever will.

  10. No one thought to say Barry Diller? Sheesh.

  11. Patrick McMullan is 100% NOT Seacrest's boyfriend @Vessimede!!! That is laughable.

  12. How about:

  13. I wish this was Kanye, but I know he and his beard would be described differently.
