Saturday, June 09, 2018

Blind Item #1

This A list mostly movie director said he cast this former A- list mostly movie actor who bombed at headlining a movie because he thought the fact he assaulted a woman (and was convicted of it) brought something to the part that no other actor could give and he doesn't think it is a big deal. This director is such an a-hole and I hope this movie bombs.


  1. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Emile Hersch n Tarantino

  2. Yep. Agree with @Sarah.


  4. It won’t bomb Tarantino is a very talented writer and director and he got some great actors to star in the movie... he’s a major asshole though and shouldn’t have brushed off what Emile did

  5. When was Emile Hirsch an A list movie actor, especially if he can't successfully headline one?

  6. Ok...but many A+ list directors DO cast actors who are similar to the character they portray...I've seen it work to great effect. Tarantinto may be an ass, but I LOVE his films...when 12 Years A Slave & Django came out, I recall hating 12 yrs, it was condescending and a would be effective if show to ALL HS students, more of a history lesson, whereas DJAGO had engaged my emotions for we, the audience, were in on it with director. I cheered Djago, and loathed the oppressors. IMHO

  7. Emile Hirsch was the next big thing when he was cast as Speed Racer in the Wachowskis adaptation of the classic Japanimation series. It was a colossal flop.

    Like all their films, however, it was worth watching. Too long, but gorgeous. Really something special on the big screen, despite its flaws.

  8. Well, Tarantino was (is??) Weinstein's best buddy, and he defended Polanski, basically saying the 13-year-old girl he raped was a precocious little slut who 'asked for it'. So what did you expect.

    But, even though I hate to say it, Once Upon A Time In Hollyweird sounds interesting. Most movies fall in either of 2 categories: a) dumb superhero-comic book blockbuster or b) pretentious Oscar bait. There are few movies these days that are both meaningful and entertaining. OUATIH sounds like it could become one of those rare gems.

    And I'd love to see Leo in what sounds like it might be his first somewhat likeable, charismatic role in a long, long time.

    I gotta say I really struggle with my conscience about watching or not watching this movie.

  9. Emile was A list for a hot second when INTO THE WILD was a huge smash.

    I love Tarentino's flicks, but as a person, oh hell no. You can't trust people who are into licking feet.

  10. Speed Racer is the bomb


  11. "She wanted it "
    - Tarantino re Polanski victim

  12. If Tarantino wasn't a director, you'd be like 'this is the creepiest, sick freak in the world- stay away from me!"

    Ditto Woody, Ratner, Polanski and many more...

    We perceive people differently and do a lot of projection onto them if they have talent, success, money, looks, power, whatever. Try to see everything as it really is. Especially famous people.

  13. Yes Tarantino made some comments years ago about Samantha Geimer. According to her though he called her up to apologise and they ended up talking at length about it.

  14. So Emile didn't get the role in spite of having assaulted a woman but BECAUSE of that fact. Excellent...



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