Sunday, June 03, 2018

Blind Item #1

This former A list mostly television actress who is probably a permanent A- lister but hasn't had a show in a few years is being regularly cheated on by the man she wants to marry. The actress, who in addition to an iconic role has other middling hits just keeps taking the guy back because she doesn't want to be alone.


  1. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Courteney Cox and Johnny McDaid.

  2. Courtney Cox and her boyfriend. They were engaged, broke it off, are back together...

  3. Not Jen, they were married.

  4. Yeah it's def Courtney. She's old but she's been telling folks she wants. a baby. Its amazing watching game theory play out in real life.

  5. This made me sad.. so she’s willing to put up with cheating because she doesn’t want to be alone? Doesn’t she realize she’s beautiful as hell and there are faithful men who would dieeee to be with her?!? Nobody should ever settle

    1. she’s older and knows he could get a pretty young thing, so she puts up w/it. a man is only as faithful as his options. In the entertainment industry with fame involved, men can get what they usually cannot in real life - a young, pretty face, hot body. It’s not even personal, it’s just a majority of male biology. Unfortunately us ladies got the short stick in the natural world - we don’t age well bc we are at our peak (fertility) when we are young and the hottest we can be. Older women of course can be hot, but youth is one of those dick-raising things just on a nature level for dudes.

    2. Sighhhhh, I just hope she doesn’t go through with this marriage. Hopefully she finds someone age appropriate who already has children and is looking for a real relationship

    3. I don't know what kind of losers notthisagain dates, but they have given you a shitty view of men! Get some self esteem, pick a higher quality man to date!

  6. Who on earth would expect a rockstar or whatever else musician to be faithful? That seems a bit naive or hopeful, imo.

  7. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Straight outta the DM that Jen Aniston will be Courteney's maid of honor [eye roll]

  8. It is easy for us on the outside (speaking for myself here) to wonder why beautiful women in Show Biz date and marry the most unattractive men on the Planet. Reality is, in LA and environs, there are so few straight men available out there. If she has found a guy (gay or straight) who likes and respects her and she is compatible with, why deprive yourself of companionship? Good for whomever this is. Poor Jen. The coverage in Architectural Digest of her fabulous new home seemed to incredible sterile and empty even though she was married at the time. One shot of her hubby outside the house (sans Jen) with his motorcycle. If this is 'love' in Hollywood, you can have it.

  9. "... fabulous new home seemed so incredibly sterile.." Sorry.

  10. Anonymous2:53 PM

    That’s such bullshit. People are people everywhere. They pass the time with the best they can do at that moment. Everyone, everyone is only as faithful as their opportunity. No one gets away clean. Bunch of phonies here. Holier than thou.

  11. Sorta extremely loosely connected with this story: Back in the early 80s I used to fuck the aunt of the singer of Snow Patrol.

    10/10. Best rides I ever had. Perfect 'older woman teaching shy young fumbler the arts of love' story . Would do it again... even though she'd be in her 60s now.

  12. "A man is only as faithful as his options."

    "Everyone, everyone is only as faithful as their opportunity."

    BULLSHIT. I know LOTS of men who don't cheat and never would. I know of plenty who would in a heartbeat too, so I'm hardly being naive here. The point is that just because you're an unfaithful sack of shit, doesn't mean everybody else is too.

    1. Well said Cee Kay! Seems there's a bunch of sad man haters on here who want to blame a whole gender for the crap a few losers they dated dished out!

  13. Hollywood is full of people with emotional issues, low self esteem, etc. The industry attracts people who are starving for attention, etc. so of course cheating is an issue, along with the drugs/booze, abuse, etc. But it's hardly the entire world of men who are like this, and not all men in Hollywood are. I'm sure whoever the actress is in the blind isn't that into the guy either, and so she doesn't see them as exclusive. No big deal.
