Sunday, June 17, 2018

Blind Item #1

Another day, another breaking of the partnership and marriage between this foreign born permanent A list couple. The way it was done, also shows that the male in this male/female couple is driving this soon to be divorce. He is separating himself from anything to do with his wife, personally or professionally.


  1. who else but the beckhams. she really is quite the doormat.

    1. +1. Posh is also ruining the chances of the reunion tour. The tour would’ve been the perfect cover to keep their sham going.

  2. Beckham and Posh. He fired their manager but she didn’t. Divorce countdown begins.

  3. @notthisagain is she though? maybe she's a good mother who hoped to give her kids a family despite that their father didn't care. such a pity that men can be complete pigs and self absorbed and a woman is chided for being a "doormat." Meanwhile, Becks needs to be careful. He has zero star without her. She is why he became famous, she's why he's still famous. He has nothing going on without her, and all those little shot girls he's downgrading to aren't going to want him when he's not a big star.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Unknown, are you American? I am too - but I know Becks was hugely famous when he started dating Victoria. We Americans on the whole are not huge soccer fans, but the sport is EVERYWHERE, other than here. So I disagree that he has nothing going on without her.

  5. Don't understand why she's not getting aboard the Spice Girls reunion gravy train, though maybe that's the wrong choice of words.

    Once upon my past life, I spent time at a small event back in the day where all the Spice Girls were in attendance, promoting their superficial but not-unentertaining movie. Spoke with Posh, Baby, Ginger and Sporty. All of them were very nice and polite, didn't take themselves too seriously at all, and seemed as bemused by their temporary massive fame as the rest of us.

    This is only music industry gossip, but I also recall there was much chatter about the "private performance" a young Prince William got from the Spice Girls on one of his teen birthdays; a fantasy fit for royalty, if you can believe the gossip. Don't remember when that was exactly, but would've been late 90s.

  6. @parissucksliterally yes I know but that was ages ago and he became a far larger star because of her. She was in a major international music group which goes far beyond the popularity of a sport in some countries. What has he done since really? Nobody cares about athletes after they aren't playing anymore, really. Sure they can get work but he's not going to have nearly the giant attention as Beckham without Victoria.

  7. Whoever did the voice coaching for David is a legit master. That dude went from a Mickey Mouse sounding motherfucker with a stutter to almost talking like a normal person. I think being able to speak in public without everyone pissing their pants in laughter has given David a massive confidence boost. Now he be using game and smashing whores left and right, balling like he should have done when he was younger, but ended up married and tied down.

  8. Why would any guy want to live with a "fashionista?"

    Hard to imagine a more miserable partner-type (assuming the guy is straight).

  9. David wasn't really famous outside of football I'm British and a Manchester United fan, she was more famous than him being in the spice girls their relationship changed the way footballers and their wives or girlfriends were covered by the media. She was the one who dressed him and got him known for his style. He's not famous for his sporting ability wasn't a great player like Zidane, Ronaldo, Messi, Christiano Ronaldo or Neymar he was a good footballer nothing special certainly not deserving of being the most famous player in the world then or now.

  10. He'll do ok if/when he hooks up with another celebrity.

  11. My guess is that this was part of the long-term plan all along. If ever there seemed to be a media-friendly constructed marriage this one fits the bill to a tee.

    They have been together, what, about 15 years or so. Contract has to be reaching it's expiration date soon. Now he's free to hook up with his kid's friends and she can find a nice oligarch to finance her closet.

    1. Try over 20 years married @19 - that's a great run for a marriage based on mutual fame. Newman/Woodward they ain't (please don't reveal anything awful about Newman/Woodward, my heart couldn't take it).

  12. @MDanderson

  13. David Beckham was more famous than Victoria ever was. She was in a shitty manufactured band. She can't sing or act. The only reason she didn't disappear into obscurity is because she married David who was an A list footballer at the time. She's a spoiled, vile cunt and always has been. And it's not hard to be a "good mum" when your kids were bottle fed, Nanny raised, delivered by c-section. She should remember that before making snotty comments about real mums who had it a thousand times harder than she ever did.

    1. Don't you get tired people of ignoring your comments? What's with this toxic femininity attacking sister Victoria?
      Vile, foul hypocrisy!

    2. Ayyeee there's that CUNT word again, you edgy motherfucker

  14. @leanne.
    Remember that documentary about another fruitless England world cup campaign a few years ago and it showed him traipsing off after another pisspoor match and Posh is waiting for him and utters the not very reassuring line, "Aw, never mind. At least your hair looked nice."

    1. To him it was probably a major concern 😂😂

  15. VB cannot tour because she has no energy from barely eating. Just get a super lazy vibe from her or she might gain weight or wear skimpy outfits. Social anxiety possibly. He must be so bored.

  16. @VikingSong, sure. ok.

  17. I hope he can finally break free and find happiness.

  18. So they're divorcing for real this time??

  19. Woodward = handler & beard all in one.
    Newman = started and funded longtime 'hole in the wall gang' for kids...

    1. Damn! 😂😂you sir are an a*hole.

  20. @Unknown Your insistence on doubling down in the face of reality is a little disturbing. Beckham was always far more famous (and rich) than Vicky. She's absolutely the one who needs him. Her "fashion empire" is bleeding out and she has no marketable skills. The man is a soccer legend, FFS. I realize that clearly means nothing to you, but for the rest of the world, Becks is the superstar.

  21. Ok, I know this may sound really dumb but if David Beckham is not a good footballer, why was that movie titled "Bend It Like Beckham"? Was that a saying at the time? Saw it once and enjoyed the movie (I'm a chick and it's a chick flick I suppose) but don't remember if the Spice Girls were a sensation yet or not...just too long ago. I'm US and all the above were UK and the internet was not what it is now.

    1. Gingerelle Spiceworld the movie was out in 1997, Bend it like Beckham came out 5 years later, after they were married. The Spice Girls were a global phenomenon so I think VB was more famous than DB when they got together.

      TBH I don't know what he does now, other than sitting on charity boards (in the hopes of getting a knighthood) and evading taxes.

    2. Sorry he does tax avoidance not evasion both terribl but evasion is illegal, avoidance teeters on the edge.

  22. In America, nobody knew who Beckham was until he starting dating Posh.
