Monday, June 04, 2018

Blind Item #16

For the first time I can remember this annual secret gathering that takes place most of next month in northern California is going to include women. No, not as members, but apparently some of the members have been complaining that only same sex fetishes and hookups have been accommodated in the past. So, now women will be brought in. Word has it they are already there. They are not local workers. They are all trafficked women from Eastern Europe who had absolutely no problems getting visas. They also had their transportation via private jet. It's interesting to me, they get their male escorts locally but import the women. The Cabinet member who arranged all that will be around for at least one weekend. Oh, and here is another interesting tidbit. The disgraced Oscar winning/nominated former A list mostly movie actor will be back after his apology and very large donation. He also hooked up a few members with some male teenagers over the course of the past year. 


Lurky McLurkster said...

We know where Helen Mirren will be

Humor Me said...

Kevin spacey for the actor.

Cabinet member - wowzers! who??

Brayson87 said...

I never trust anything that excludes women.

sandybrook said...

Across the ocean is where she will be. Spacey for the disgraced actor. Who is Secretary of State here these days?

JT556 said...

Bohemian Grove, steve mnuchin?

Lurky McLurkster said...

Pompeo is State but this has more of a Mnuchin feel to me

Thorne said...

Cabinet member: Mnuchin?

gauloise said...

+ Russian collusion for getting the escorts


Nixon said bohemian grove was the faggiest thing he's ever seen.

R in NYC said...

Bohemian Grove... debauchery in the woods.

J said...

I've been to the Bohemian Club on Taylor Street a few times... gotta say, it's pretty nice. Leather chairs, oak paneling. They have a good-sized theater inside the building for stage plays. Lots of creepy republicans, absolutely, but also tons of "associate members" who are actors, artists, musicians, scholars. It may be evil, but it's a plush and cool place. I had lunch there once years ago and sat next to Walter Alvarez... he's the guy behind the dinosaurs-killed-by-a-meteor theory. His late dad Luis Alvarez -- who won a Nobel Prize -- was a member too, I think.

Unknown said...

If I recall correctly, a previous blind said Spacey went to one of these things as a guest of Bill Clinton and was caught with a camera he snuck in against very strict rules, so presumably that's what the apology and fine are about.

It might be worth pointing out that it doesn't say "current" cabinet member. A retired one would find it much easier to get away for a debauched weekend.

Guesser said...

Maybe a sting in order? Wouldn't that be fun!

Southern Man said...

Def Bohemian.
Sounds like Mnuchin, and he sure looks/smells creepy.

At least they're going hetero- is that progress??

Pat said...

So THAT's where they stashed Melania...

Anonymous said...

Yes, we found Melania!!!

Unknown said...

@Guesser, sure would be. But that raises an obvious question: If you're a Hollywood elite, are you going to a kinky (perhaps illegal) sex party where the entertainment is being provided by a Trump appointee? Wouldn't you take a pass, assuming it's bound to be a setup of some sort, and you'd likely be recorded on video and blackmailed?

Doesn't quite add up.

J said...

It's the Bohemian Grove. Even if they had camera footage of human sacrifice, those in attendance have enough power and connections to make the matter disappear quickly.

Brayson87 said...

Some groups are beyond the dog and pony show that politicians put on for the voters.

Unknown said...

I've been doing research on the grove for a very long time it's a terrible place those of you who are at Sonoma Airport if you want to get good photos of the deviants please feel free to do so 2700 Acres of debauchery in Monte Rio The Cremation of care ritual is disgusting this place needs to be bombed with all the elite pedophiles in it two weeks in July



fionafab said...

Thank you, Enty, for answering my recent post asking if anyone had seen Kev. Now we know where he will be for the foreseeable future. Busy. Will Elon Musk be returning this year?

haydnhorse said...

Bohemian Grove, Steve Mnuchin. Trumps Russian mafia sourcing the Eastern Europeans.

MsDrtMover said...

My son told me about the Cremation of Care ceremony a couple of years ago. I can't believe someone would actually do that...someone needs to invade the place and take out a lot of sickos.

IanPhlegming said...

Spacey, it's not even a question on the actor.

Mnuchin is Skull and Bones. Probably him.

I second the prayer for a bomb to be dropped on that place on its busiest weekend. Or just an elite team of woke ex-SEALS. No word to the public is fine. They just all....disappear.

Anybody paying attention to what's going on in Arizona?

joshg g said...

There was a blind about them forming a school in order to bring in sex workers as students. The school being owned by someone associated with the Grove.

beckywiththegoodhair said...

Stene Mnuchin??? Gross!

get off my lawn said...


Unknown said...

Bohemian grove

Anonymous said...

When Nixon says Bohemian Grove is the faggiest thing he ever saw.... it must be super gay.

Anonymous said...

Jesus you beat me

rocky619ca said...

@DDonna- As of today Tuscon PD has gone down their, now brought a cadaver dog and have taken pictures. Already under investigation, there is some debate because the Veterans group had refused to leave. Another knife was found. On 8channel (Still not familiar) the Vet groups in fact hit on two graves cause of the smell.Found so much more. Now It's just following the movement towards newly built underground bunkers.Now the thought is geared toward MS13.

Very horrific situation.

Rosie riveter said...

Word on the street: Nixon's mafia friend's dick in his mouf is the faggiest thing he ever saw.

Unknown said...

Rocky, What the Heck? Somehow I missed this, I heard about the Scottsdale murders, they are just down the street from where I grew up. I hadn't heard a thing about Tucson, can someone clue me in?

IanPhlegming said...

Tucson too high profile now to cover up completely, perhaps.

It's on Comex property, a Mexican cement company owned by Carlos Slim. Look that man up and see what you find.

CJ said...

Bohemian Grove, for sure. Listen to what Nixon thought about it here:

Like Cail C. above, I wonder if that is a current Cabinet member. This does not strike me as the kind of scene Trump goes for.

Chase said...

Is bringing in east euro hookers really the same as child sex trafficking? Or is this blind implying underage?
Remember you don't pay a hooker for sex, you pay her to keep her mouth shut about it. Given how the current state of US based hookers seem to violate that trust, not sure I blame anyone who migrates to other nationalities for their extra curriculars.

Mo said...

Good to know the pedos and child murderers have some place so plush to network

Boo said...

They probably import the women so they can murder them, eat them, do whatever to them. They're most likely from poor backgrounds, what are their parents going to do? They don't have the resources to fight the cabal.

They're all sick fucks, but Spacey takes the cake. You'd think that POS would lay low, but noooo, he can't help himself. I wonder how many underage boys he's going to beat and rip up?

There needs to be a swarm of drones over there taking live streamed footage before they're all shot down. Get the real proof the world needs to see. Then they can blow that place up to Kingdom Come.

Its so beautiful up there, them tarnishing that area is a crime.

Colonel Blake said...

Mnuchin as he's Skull & Bones....

Unknown said...

I totally agree with you but unfortunately it's the upper echelon of the world governments that go there if you Google the list of members you'll be shocked

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rocky619ca said...

@Fairlights- #OperationBackyardBrawl
#Backyardbrawl #Backyardbrowl #Doingitright those will take you to the videos and updates.I19 corridor.
Be careful. They are closer than you think. They've been knocking out the billboard lights so Clear channel turns them off at a certain time.Just listened to the latest- so much coming out now. Rape convoys are now building bunkers (underground)
They are asking for volunteers as search teams to find these bunkers. They will instruct how to search and every team is paired with a vet/ specially trained person in search.
Anything will help. Any supplies if you want to donate- they take NO cash at all to Bravo Base Camp Conklin by Santa Rita park. Cover tarps, heavy search.lights, etc.
Sorry about the grammar, it's been harder to post since the pop ups.

They had doped them.with cough medicine, lidocaine, fiber....sick POSs.
God help those kids. May Karma reign.hard on those bastards( women too) the main guy that owned the shovels has a wife also digging. He was the one on the horse.
Watch the videos. Lewis Arthur and the VOP are God fearing people, if I were a lost soul- Id go there to get help.

Erin said...

Spacey and his ilk are scum - let them rot. But what is this about backyard brawl? Is it legit? AND!! Boo Hearne - so happy to see you back - I alway enjoy your posts - I have a feeling you are a sweetheart friend to have!

Cadmium77 said...

Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead is a member since his ancestor was one of its founders.

Schneiderisnext said...

A boy’s club since the beginning, the Club barred women from even working for the organization until a lawsuit in 1978 went to the California Supreme Court, where the organization’s employment practices were judged discriminatory. By the time I made my way to the Grove in 2009, the summer after my freshman year in college, this was ancient history, but my employment options were still limited to valet parking and the Dining Circle, a charming clearing surrounded by old growth redwood trees and filled with enough picnic tables for several hundred members. A literal red line on the ground defined the area past which females were not allowed. More lucrative jobs, such as maintenance and employee driving, were beyond that line.

Mineymo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mineymo said...

Heya do you have a link ? There’s nothing @fairlights Cheers

Your Facebook Buddy said...

Newbie here but I thought I'd jump (hopefully, this thread isn't dead) and provide a link to the trafficking camp story in Tucson. To summarize, a group that seeks out and tries to help homeless vets known as Veterans on Patrol stumbled on a camp near the Mexican border that looks suspiciously like a camp where kids were being held. There are restraints attached to the trees, children's items, boxes of hair dye, and some sort of plastic holding container that is partially buried. The group claims they've found possible burial sites and other camps sites since then. They need help as they hadn't been getting help from law enforcement. At the very least, get the word out. If enough people demand action maybe something will get done.

Your Facebook Buddy said...

And, for those not familiar with Twitter, those hashtags that rocky619ca provided will lead you to posts about the story--just do a search using the hashtags. Those same hashtags work at, too.

Queen Celeste said...

Just popped in to say: love the comments on this one.
also, this sounds like the plot of Noir by Christopher Moore which was published earlier this month. Maybe his agent planted this?

Winston Smith said...

Well, it looks like Enty is taking Blind Items from Alex Jones - who is Bohemian Grove obsessed.

Anonymous said...

@winston smith

Jones may be an actor himself... but at least, Jones opens a dialogue on hidden situations. Stuff that the average sofa-sitter refuses to think about.

If you want to read about Kardashian's latest surgery, try DM or TMZ. Sick of their smokescreen. "Khloe and the NBA".... it's baloney. It means nothing to any of us..

Cadmium77 said...

At this point, Spacey probably doesn't have any say in what he does or doesn't do. Like all the other deviates caught in Epstein's Lolita Island honey trap he is being blackmailed by Mossad and the CIA.

Jennifer Lawrence tried to "retire" from the movies to take up pottery just a few weeks before Harvey's scandal blew up. Running for cover before she got caught up in a bigger scandal like Allison Mack? But then she got dragged back out of retirement to slander Trump at some awards ceremonies. I doubt if she has even one molecule of free will left in her now. She must do as her masters dictate as they lash out desperately to avoid being utterly destroyed.

I have my criticisms of Alex Jones, but if nothing else we should be grateful to him for blowing Bohemian Grove wide open to the entire world.

It was another "conspiracy theory" until his video came out now everyone knows about it and the whole world is watching.

plot said...


It's clearly Mnuchin with his HWood connections. Interesting relationship he has with the wife there.

Your ideas about the elite of Hollywood are cute. They don't give a shit, like none of the wealthy elite give a shit who is in office. As long as they can keep more of their ill gotten gains and make more off government, they couldn't care less who is in any office, nation wide.

Retailprofit said...

Not munchin. Rick Perry more likely

plot said...

Rick Perry is too damn stupid to ever deal with secrets surrounding sex. He's only loyalty is to oil. He salutes his oil companies and anything else is too complex for his feeble mind.

Mnuchin is an already known pervert.

Mr Selfdestruct UK said...

Yeah spacey got really drunk made an arse out of himself and wouldn't stop filming!

NancyFromNebraska said...

@J No, i do not think you have been. Not sure why, yet my "BS-o-Meter" is in the red.

mrviolin said...

I played in their orchestra. Yes, they have a full symphonic orchestra. I could have joined for free, just play in the orchestra every week but my schedule. And, I'm not gay so what's the point.

El Roy 13 said...

I don't believe women haven't ever been brought in. Or shall I say, females.

NorCal Norm said...

I lived almost my entire life within an 1 to 1 1/2 hrs from Bohemian grove and never knew the place even existed. About using drones, nope won't work. It is situated in a huge grove of Redwood trees and the canopy they create basically shades everything and makes it almost impossible to see thru from above. I worked in Santa Rosa with a guy that said his son was going to work there. I guess protocol is you have to turn in your phone as you enter the property, also everyone that works there must sign an NDA that they cant disclose anything they see. Monte Rio is a very small town along the Russian river (Among several others with Guerneville being the larger) that is a huge living area for the LGBT community. After reading more about it, it just makes me shudder to think of the atrocities that take place.

Cadmium77 said...

For those that have never seen it, Alex Jones sneaking into Bohemian Grove with a cameraman is a classic from the era when he was still good to watch, before he got rich.

TravelsEastToWest said...

Shh... don't ruin the plan!

Itttt said...

The (former) Cabinet member who arranged the foreign female, errr, "entertainment", is Skeletor John Kerry, the former Secretary of State. Kevin Spacey obviously.

Itttt said...

Mnuchin is Skull & Bones, but so is Skeletor John Kerry. Either is a good guess, and yes no doubt the name of the game is a honey trap/blackmail.

plot said...

"The (former) Cabinet member who arranged the foreign female, errr, "entertainment""

What are you blathering on about?


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