Sunday, June 03, 2018

Blind Item #16

This A list reality star who controls an empire at this point still found time for wine and cocaine the other night to celebrate a new endeavor with a very old friend who is also a reality star. Almost three decades ago it was a nightly thing for the pair who all of you know.


Tricia13 said...

Kris Jenner/Faye Resnick?

Kevin said...

Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton?

Randaleese said...

A little young.. Kris and Faye are the ones.. I’m sure Nicole was in the mix.

Guesser said...

Just to beat someone to it,Trump and Kris Jenner.

Randaleese said...

I’m sure Nicole was there!

Tricia13 said...

That’s pretty morbid,banal, and unenlightened...but than again, it’s coming from you so what can one expect?

Karma said...

Kris "classless" Jenner & Kyle Umansky...celebrating American Woman premier. Her sisters should send her unoriginal ass a formal Cease & Desist!

Sal T said...

I wanted this to be Kris and OJ, but he hasn’t done much reality tv since the trial.

bdm said...

Please be OJ and Kris.

Anonymous said...

Karma got it, there are pictures of “long time friends” Kris and Kyle.

apple_seed said...


Rosie riveter said...

Tricia lol

Randaleese said...

But true. Deal with it

Tricia13 said...

Your therapists have to deal with it and those I fortunate people with restraining orders against you.
We don’t .

Tricia13 said...


Tricia13 said...

Xoxoxo Rosie❤️

notthisagain said...


we got your back.

stalkers, get lost.

notthisagain said...

also this blind sounds like OJ and kris jenner, obv

Tricia13 said...


Lunchpaillefty said...

If OJ was a vocal Trump supporter, would Trump give him a pardon for the robbery conviction? Be honest, Trump cult members, you know he’d consider it.

Whodat said...

Def not Faye. It’s Kyle Richards. Kris went to the premiere of her new television show American Woman this week.

Unknown said...

Faye was probably at the premier too...

Jennifer Low Rents said...

Kyle is anxiety ridden. Why would she do cocaine?

MIssBliss said...

Bethany Frankel and Kyle Richards. Old friends.

Kimberlini said...

I'm so glad that I never got any really good coke. Much easier to give up crap.

Mary Lamb said...

Faye just sold the coke to Kyle.

Sd Auntie said...

Same one @ Tricia?.

Sd Auntie said...

Kris is a heart attack waiting to happen if she does coke!! Lord have mercy. That woman is delusional but then again she was married to ahem Bruce!!!

Do Tell said...

@Tricia, I think Randaleese was obliquely referencing Kris's obnoxious, self aggrandizing "I could have prevented her murder" blathering. Post-mortemly promoting her friendship with Nicole to gain attention and sympathy for herself. Which might be the all time lowest move any of them have ever stooped to.

Marlin said...

Kris Jenner and Kyle. The new endeavor being kyles tv show American Woman.

Marlin said...

@missbliss. Yes could be Bethenny and Kyle too.

MIssBliss said...

That American Woman show of Kyle's is unwatchable. I gave it a shot, but it is soooo terrible.

Unknown said...

ignorant comment about The president who has never done drugs... how sad.

JL said...

Ah. So that is what happened to PMK's nose.


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