Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Blind Item #16

If you polled people in the music industry, the most likely big name to have a Britney style breakdown is this A list female rapper who is everywhere right now. What you see in public is bad enough, but behind the scenes it is way worse.


  1. Cardi. Things are only that bad because she chose to chase a man who doesn’t want her and make her entire life about him. She should be focusing on becoming a better rapper, preparing for her tour with Bruno.. instead she’s focused on a man who doesn’t want her, has several children with several different women, a baby she definitely doesn’t want but is only having to “keep him around” it’s sad

    1. She should be focusing on becoming a better person and stronger woman for that baby.
      Procreation is, unfortunately, WAY too easy. Being a good mom sure isn't

  2. I feel like people would have to care about her in order to have a Britney style breakdown.

    1. @Brayson,
      That's exactly what I was thinking. She doesn't have Britney level fame, so this meltdown will just bring her career to a close even quicker, with nobody clamoring for a comeback in 10 years. Or even one year.

  3. the "who is everywhere right now" is the thing that makes it Cardi B. Nicki isn't really "everywhere" like Cardi is.

  4. i dont think cardi is on the right kind of drugs for a britney-style meltdown. just go smoke more weed its fine.

  5. it'll happen after the baby.

  6. Does is baby belong to Bruno Mars?

    1. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Not unless that midget used a ladder to fuck her

    2. @Normal spit-take lol

  7. +1 Normal, great mental image, Daniel Wu just killed people with a ladder on Into the Badlands

  8. Nikki is everywhere with her God awful muzak. Porn shot album cover is not gonna help sales. Cardi b is as big as a house waiting for her baby to drop. That is not news.

  9. I didn’t know who Cardi B was until I read the blinds about her on here. I googled her and watched a video of her promoting something and she was pretty much just making weird noises and sounds for the duration. I couldn’t handle more than a minute or so of that shit!

  10. If this is about Cardi-B then LOL @ A-list.

  11. Nicki especially if the new album flops.

  12. Isn’t Ariana everywhere right now because of the quickie engagement? And won’t they both go down in flames together?

  13. If I've jacked off to Cardi B at least once in the past year she's A-List

  14. NVM Ariana not a rapper but I do see them going down in flames

  15. Either Nikki Minaj or Cardi B

  16. "become a better rapper"....


    You gyze are a laugh riot.

    If it was up to me all the rappers in America would take a drug that would land them in a lunatic asylum for the rest of their worthless lives.

  17. Nicki Minaj .....I don't think The Cardi B girl does drugs .

  18. This is Niki Garbage hands down.

  19. Nicki Minaj or Azaliea Banks....Banks wouldn't be shocking or notable so leaning more to Nicki

  20. If the next blind was to ask about MALE rappers on the verge, it would be Kanye. He's a trainwreck.

  21. Anyone else annoyed as hell by the sound Cardi's voice?!? She always seems like she is on something when she does interviews.

  22. Nicki, Cardi was born in the Bronx

  23. It's NOT Nicki or Azealia Banks. Nick is not "everywhere" right now, her album isn't even out yet. Nor is anything messy going on with her in public. Azealia is definitely not everywhere right now and idk if she'd be considered A list. I rarely hear her on the radio and lots of people haven't heard of her. Besides she's already had A FEW breakdowns.



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