Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Blind Item #16 - Just Plain Nasty - An INSIDERHER Blind Item

Around 1990, I was invited regularly to the home of a famous super agent.

I thought he was a great guy! One thing he did, for friends & clients, was having regular movie nights at his Beverly Hills home. There were drinks, food, and then a film that had yet to be released. Usually, someone at the party was in the screened flick.

These movie nights were for fun & bonding between Super Agent & his clients.

They were social & networking events, not thinly disguised business meetings.

Which is what made it so strange when this A list, or was A list at the time-actor showed up early, had a hissy fit, and wouldn’t leave!

My first reaction was: ‘His feet are tiny!’

He’s not a tall man, but I swear, he was wearing sneakers that looked like they were made for a 12 year old. His face was red with rage.

Guests started coming in, and Super Agent was trying to get the Angry Man to simmer down, out to leave & see him the next day at his office. Angry Man continued to act like a real jerk, and finally Super Agent managed to get him outside.

I’d tried to diffuse Angry myself with a casual conversation. He didn’t even turn to look at me. Just stared straight ahead. Whew! Rude!

So, when stories about Angry Man being a well known creep started coming out, I wasn’t surprised. I’m surprised there aren’t more!

I’d believe the worst about this guy. It was way too close an encounter. 


  1. Wtf Enty!😣😣😣😣😣😣😣are u drunk?

  2. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Did I just have a stroke?

  3. LMAO
    I was just going to type the same thing, WTF dude you already posted that today as BI #8

  4. Cheers, enterns! πŸ₯‚

  5. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Just in case, I checked for stroke: I said my name aloud, the date, the year. I smiled and stuck my tongue out. What a relief!

  6. Mandela Effect confirmed.

  7. and I thought I was tired........

  8. Breaking News: INSIDERHER is the cocktail waitress serving Enty at the bar today!

  9. Everyone above is in rare form today. I love it when you guys and gals let loose! I immediately thought of Robert Evans but he isn't an Agent, is he? Tiny feet? Truman Capote had tiny feet but it wouldn't be him. Can't wait for the reveal on this one.

  10. Did Deadpool mess with the timeline here? WTF happened?

  11. Incredible when that happens once.

    When it happens twice, exactly the same way, you're dealing with something supernatural.

  12. Not the Goony Hobbit is it ?

  13. Yet another insightful, concise , easily understood blind . This is why I come to this site. For this level of professionalism.

  14. Richard Dreyfus—Close Encounters

  15. How do you pronounce “whew”?

  16. Anonymous1:43 PM

    @Boo YES! People on here are hilarious when everyone starts slinging the snark!

  17. Maybe this was supposed to be the reveal for the CA primary blind.

  18. Haha Haha reading these comments made my day better

  19. If you need an extra Enty Editor, my rates are pretty competitive. Juuuuuuuuuust puttin' it out there.

  20. Bah, so much for trying to be different, Spacey is too tall so I'll jump on the Dreyfus bandwagon.

  21. Richard Dreyfuss.

    Last sentence is a dead give away. The super agent on the other hand?

    Michael Ovitz?
    Bernie Brillstein?

  22. Actor: Richard Dreyfuss

    Super Agent: Kevin Huvane (CAA)

  23. You guys are good. Dreyfuss excellent guess. Always looks a little angry

  24. Deja vue all over again.

  25. That tiny feet myth is not true. It was the biggest surprise of my life!!

  26. one of the entwerps miss the meds today.

  27. 100% TOM CRUISE.... he's 5'5" in real life and if you ever see a close up of his shoes you can easily spot the massive lifts he uses

  28. This is a for help. Enty is in trouble. Im sire of it.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I was thinking Benny Medina for the agent. Oh well.

  31. I got the Cruise vibe, but not enough to nail anything down on this one.

  32. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Cruise, Hoffman, Dreyfuss, Spacey are just a few I can think of
