Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Blind Item #15

It was not a pleasant sight this weekend. Arrangements were made or thought to be made, but this foreign born dual threat A- list actor who has a superhero franchise did run into that A-/B+ list mostly movie actress from an acting family. I think a book could be written about that brief couple of months and the secrets that were thisclose to being exposed on both sides of the equation.


  1. Hiddleston/ Elisabeth Olsen

    Wow, I wonder what dirt he has on her?

  2. They actually dated for at least a year. She cheated on her fiancée with Tom when they were filming. She even flew out to see him when he was filming Kong Skull island in Hawaii. They were pictured hugging and being very affectionate at the Infinity War London premiere. They still seemed friendlish.

  3. Hiddleston should be triple threat, no? Even by Enty standards. Theater, movies, television.

    1. Pretty sure triple threat means he has more than 1 talent aside from acting. Like singing & dancing.

    2. Not in Enty land.

    3. Normally, yeah, Mo, but Enty defines it differently.

  4. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Secrets as in they are their "dating" was an arrangement?????? I mean Hiddleston dated Taylor Swift, need I say more? Not sure about Olsen's story, but I'm sure she has one

  5. maybe one of the secrets is that Tom is gay?

  6. Tom isn’t gay. Ask his ex record producer Jane Arthy. They were together for more than a year then he dumped her to concentrate on playing Hank Williams but really he used that opportunity to take his chance with Elizabeth. Tom isn’t this Prince Charming his stans make him out to be. He loves female attention even when he’s taken

  7. I don't understand the hype around him. His hairline is weird, he has a huge forehead and his lips are nonexistent. His personality is that of a boiled egg. He's a snoozefest.

  8. I just figured Tom is circumstantially bi. Whatever will help his career he goes that way. She must know something icky

  9. Same, Nonya.
    Hiddleston is weird-looking. I don't get the appeal either. But I also do not care about Harry Potter or Dr Who or whatever nerdy crap made him famous.

  10. Hiddleston strikes me as being in denial / confused. My gaydar pings big time when I see him.
    Also his De Impression on the Graham Norton Show in front of Dear Miro, was one of the gayest things I have ever seen

  11. He was very good in "The Night Porter." Figured he was gay because of the Swiftie absurdity. Also heard he was Kenneth Branaugh's liege if you know what I mean and I bet you do.

  12. I’m thinking it is Talley.

  13. I don't think he's gay... just very British.

  14. Hiddleston does give off a slight gay vibe though, but it's nothing to do with nationality.

  15. Their eyes were opened easily.
    (Rise up now, my sons.)
    It was like flipping a switch.
    (There is much be done.)
    They were more than happy to join us.
    (This is the final stage.)
    Because, they believe.
    (Lead us into a new age.)

  16. hey, even this old lady loves Tom or maybe it's just Loki i love...even named one of my rescued cats Loki. i usually don't know who any of these current 'stars' are and usually don't WANT to know so it was good to see a post about Tom. just glad he got away from Taylor Swift.

  17. hey, even this old lady loves Tom or maybe it's just Loki i love...even named one of my rescued cats Loki. i usually don't know who any of these current 'stars' are and usually don't WANT to know so it was good to see a post about Tom.

  18. He was actually in “The Night Manager” not porter.

  19. Tom Hiddleston, Elizabeth Olsen and Tom Holland all at Ace Comic Show in Seattle this past weekend. Someone on Twitter posted a photo of T&T together at the Starbucks’s at SeaTac Airport before departure. Cute couple.

  20. Anonymous8:42 PM

    To me he gives off that bi-sexual or gay vibe. I met him a year ago at one of the con's with my friends and he was a total sweetheart, and asked how a pretty girl like me was still single. I was like "Honestly, I have no idea."

  21. I've worked with him, and I've known Ken Brannagh for years. Neither of them are gay, unless they're deeply, deeply closeted. The whole casting couch protege rumour was invented by Datalounge, because they can't accept that anyone in this industry does anything to encourage young talent without an ulterior motive. (Tom is now mentoring drama students himself so no doubt the minute one of them gets famous the rumours will start there too.) I've seen Ken treat his female partners pretty shabbily, but he's a very honest and decent man when it comes to acting and other actors.

    I doubt this BI is true anyway.
