Friday, June 15, 2018

Blind Item #15

This former A+ list infamous celebrity can feel the walls closing in on her. That way she makes her money now had an informant pose as a potential customer and now she is looking at an arrest. I'm hoping they release the names of her customers because there are some big names on there, including one very very high ranking politician in that state.


  1. Infamous celebrity usually criminal or the like, perhaps Casey Anthony with her murderer yachting.

  2. @Carlina I believe Farrah is only A+ in her dreams and in our nightmares

  3. Yes Dena, Amanda Knox is another infamous celebrity that there have been yachting blinds about. She's so cold I'd imagine she'd be like that flag pole in A Christmas Story.

    1. That could be a problem...ouch!

    2. I can't imagine that sociopath yachting. Who would want to fuck somebody who has shark eyes?

  4. @L lol true, missed the A+ part.

  5. Since most of the high ranking politicians in Florida are either Rick Scott or in the closet like Marco Rubio or really old, I'll pass on Casey Anthony for this one and say Amanda Knox.

    1. I don't know. There's Jeb Bush, Sen. Bill Nelson (who went in space on one of the space shuttles). Hell, there's Debbie Wasserman, which is fucked up enough to be a Florida story.

    2. lol! Wasserman. that would fit the bill for Florida

  6. @Brayson87 I'm dying with your comment. Please don't ruin such a classic with that mental image

  7. How much does Amanda Knox charge?

  8. I think the blind said Knox gets $5000

  9. No way it's Knox. Anthony is a known whore so probably her.

  10. And how much does a John get paid for being with Huma?

  11. Rick Scott always struck me as the David Vitter type, but I'd love to see him disgraced for any reason whatsoever. No shortage of shady politicians in Florida, but only a few are high-ranking.

    But it could be anywhere, right? If they can afford to pay for a notorious (alleged) murderess, they could probably pay for her transportation to, say, Texas or California too?

  12. @cheese, same reason people get in shark cages

    "Sometimes that shark he looks right into ya. Right into your eyes. And, you know, the thing about a shark... he's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn't seem to be living... until he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white and then... ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin'. "

  13. I read before that Casey Anthony works as a dominatrix now

  14. No one is guessing HEIDI FLEISS? Maybe she's back in biz. OH if her black books could talk....

  15. Ugh. What kind of world do we live in that Casey Anthony would be an A+ celebrity?

  16. interesting, I never read about men with hybristophilia.
    I guess the infamous one is probably Casey, she is probably getting more clients after the boob job. I don't think it's Amanda

  17. And how much does a John get paid for being with Huma?

    That's why the wording is careful -- it's not yachting, it's money laundering.

    Think about it. A prostitution "informant?" That doesn't make any sense. You get informants on crimes where you can fake the illegal activity.

    1. my only problem with the money laundering theory is this "potential customer" portion of the blind.
      How bout drug sales?

  18. Anonymous1:24 PM


    1. I agree with the Lohan guess. Does Turkey have states?

  19. I really hope this is Knox. She's played the game and gotten away with it for far, far too long. She's a legitimate sociopath with absolutely zero remorse. I mentioned before that a friend of mine who was actually wrongfully convincted met her at a wrongful conviction conference and he said she was creepier than any of the legitimate criminals he'd served time with.

  20. By 'legitimate' I mean guys who actually confessed/were rightfully convicted, unlike my friend. Knoxy is very much a legitimate criminal.

  21. @Carlina, what you don't believe Amanda's story that falling icicles killed Meredith Kercher? ;)

  22. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Casey Anthony . Anyone who would be a client of hers is an idiot, on many levels.

  23. the politician is Gavin Newsom

  24. Well Anthony's only known to be a threat to babies so adults might be safe.

  25. Yes, I was thinking Gavin Newsom too. I hope it's him and I hope this gets out because I don't want him as governor.

  26. Bleu see what I mean, JEB is about 70 now. Bill Nelson has to be around 80, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz can't afford Casey Anthony now bitch is broke. Rubio's gay, Scott is spending all his money on the campaign, that leaves Adam Putnam.

  27. Please let this be Casey. PLEEEAAAASSSEEE!!!! I promise I will be good for the rest of the year!

  28. ^^^^^Lets hope it isn't Casey then ^^^^😎

  29. Worked with a person who lived in the same building as Amanda Knox in Seattle as of 2015. If she is still there, this could be Governor Jay Inslee of Washington, who has considered running from President.

  30. @sandybrook, wellll, maybe not THAT good! Lol

  31. On prostitution stings the police arrest the prostitutes on the spot. So it'd be a madam-type or some other crime?

  32. One of my favorite kinds of blinds is one where there are good, distinct clues, but the guesses are all over the map.

  33. That would be great to Casey in prison for prostitution. I do not think she is hot enough for a politician. She looks like her mom with a black wig. FA makes sense with her famous plastic glory hole being the prize. Newsome was married to Farrahs twin Kimberly G. That makes better sense.

  34. Heidi and Chucky Schumer

  35. @Brayson87 All I gotta say to your comments is... “We’re gonna need a bigger boat”!
