Monday, June 11, 2018

Blind Item #15

What were incredible sales and revenue numbers from this former celebrity turned reality star turned celebrity for her line have crashed and burned in the past week to the point where the celebrity is going to have to start walking back some comments she made or risk losing it all.


  1. Does KristinCavallari have a line? She's in the DM today and said some shit last week that got PETA angry

    1. She started as a reality star though....
      Could be

    2. Her train wreck new reality show starts soon on E!! 😑

    3. She’s unpleasant.// used to see her around a bit —restaurants and such. The wait staff would try and hide lol

    4. She does have this jewelry store line whatever that is, which the show is based on...🤔

  2. Replies
    1. Kat has a HUGE makeup brand.. I doubt comments about her not vaccinating her kid will ruin her entire empire

  3. Kat VonD for sure. Her anti vaxx stance is blowing up in her face big time.

  4. It's always funny to me that people who got vaccines when they were young want to deny their children the same protection. In less compassionate times we would have said sure don't vaccinate your kids, that problem will sort itself out in two generations.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This seems exaggerated, but it’s definitely KVD. Her socials are loaded with comments discussing dupes for her makeup because people are disgusted with her.

  7. Brayson, when we were kids, we were vaccinated for a few serious things, and they were spread out much more and given at later ages than they prefer to do now. You can still do it that way, if you get the right doctor and are willing to make a nuisance of yourself. Most people aren't confident enough to do that, though, especially with the social shaming that's thrown at anyone with doubts about the official recommendations.

    They also weren't trying to vaccinate little girls for STDs and bullshit like that either. And back then, people were far more trusting of anyone with a white coat or an official title. We know better than that now.

    1. Exactly and all that other poison wasn't in in the vaccine. Got a recommended vaccine to go on an overseas trip. Immediately got a fungal infection in my eye. Same thing happened to someone else on the trip.

  8. @Cail Excuse me, but did you just call the HPV vaccine *bullshit*????? There is clearly no having a rational conversation with you, since you obviously know everything about everything. But I do thank you for labelling your delusions clearly, lest someone be left with the impression that you actually know what you're talking about.

  9. I don't think it will affect kvd brand, I mean, limecrime and jefree starr did worse and they still sell a lot worldwide. Every time kat says something controversial people talk about dupes but they endup buying her stuff anyway.I think the makeup community love drama,if they cared about personality/lifestyle ppl wouldn't buy Kylie Jenner lipsticks/eyeshadows

  10. The makeup community? Uh....?

    Kat von Douche.

    1. Uh? Yeah makeup addicts or beauty community, whatever they call themselves these days

  11. Anonymous5:45 PM

    @Cee Kay, big pharma spends $6 billion on marketing every year.

    most of that money goes to media that is supposed to be a watchdog, but is obviously financially compromised.

    at any given point in time, at least half of what we believe to be true, isn't.

    they used to think drinking radium was healthy. you believe everything now is real facts and the past is fake facts? as morpheus said to neo "you think that's air you're breathing...?"

    Upton Sinclair said, "it is difficult to get a man to believe something, when his job depends on his not believing it"

    FDA, EPA, all the watchdogs are compromised. big pharma is all about big money and coercion.

    my wife's son developed ADD within 24 hours of a MMR vaccine, and there was no question what caused it.

    however, there is clearly no having a rational conversation with you, since you obviously know everything about everything.

    But I do thank you for labelling your delusions clearly, lest someone be left with the impression that you actually know what you're talking about.

    see how that works?

    1. I’m sorry but I laughed out loud really hard because you think a vaccine caused ADHD. Wow. Some of the people on this site shock me. And before you say I’m not educated, I am. Happily have a bachelors degree from studying what I love and a field that still has much more to discover.

      Species is all about survival of the fittest. It’s ok, your family line will be dead in a few generations because you didn’t vaccinate 🤷🏻‍♀️

    2. @andrea. I'm in the healthcare field and dozens of patients swear that their kid were normal up until that mmr shot. Like Cali said, it should be spaced out and if I were a parent 4 would be the age, not 2. Polio, whooping cough and HPv should be given as scheduled. If you do not vaccinate, do not travel and expose the masses. I trust no one, especially Pharma.

    3. I’m for doing at any interval you please so long as you vaccinate and do it at a point that you are not risking other people’s safety. I can’t stress enough the importance. Many children dead in this day and age because of viruses that should be virtually eradicated at this point and careless parents who “think they know best”.

      MMR shots are known to have a minor immune response - which is why I think many parents claim that their child has changed. Once infection is cleared, they are back to normal but parents are so predisposed to what they read in media etc that they think their child has changed permanately. Voila, they haven’t. And your child won’t die from measles, mumps or rubella.

      I feel very strongly on this subject, I don’t think I’ve ever typed out a comment this long. But I don’t like to stand by and watch children not get vaccinated and possibly die from contracting an infection that could have been avoided in the long run.

    4. I waited 2x the intervals for every vaccine, for all of my 3 kids. None had issues after, but they were all protected. That is responsible parenting. These diseases do kill, and they do kill children under the age of one, who aren't yet vaccinated

    5. I can say with certainty that I trust the Vaccination system but I live in the UK and there are tighter controls on harmful additives/chemicals in the EU than in the States.

      Just read the ingredients lists on identical foods sold in both the UK and US, you find a myriad of chemicals banned by the EU for various reasons in foodstuffs sold freely in the States.

      The paper linking the MMR vaccine to Autism was proven fabricated, yet I understand that parents of autistic children want something to blame for it, so their 'certainty' has not shifted.

      Not vaccinating children is putting the lives of others at risk and obviously the lives of their children. I really don't think there is enough credible evidence that links vaccines to any disorders like ADHD,ADD, autism or any other chronic illnesses. Certainly not enough that I'd risk my child's life, or fertility.

      Measles, Mumps and Rubella if caught by an unvaccinated child can lead to death, deafness or infertility- we're just lucky enough not to remember that because we were vaccinated.

    6. If anyone has links to credible papers bearing out the harmfulness of vaccines I'd be grateful to receive them.

  12. @Admin User

    It's more complicated than the corruption of Big Pharma.

    Most vaccines are developed independent of Big Pharma, usually at university labs with our tax dollars. Big Pharma is allowed to sell it, at a jacked price, after we've essentially already paid for it...but that is another discussion and not proof of the corruption of the vaccines themselves.

    Big Pharma makes little off vaccines. It's something, but not a lot. It's a one time treatment and Big Pharma wants chronic conditions it can bank on for the lifetime of the patient, not new antibiotics or cures. So the development of new vaccines is a very very low priority for Big Pharma.

    Hence, most vaccines were developed decades ago which have shown very few ill effects except we are not longer dying of or being handicapped by diphtheria, polio, measles, mumps, German measles, small pox, etc.

    Yes, the EPA and the FDA are compromised, have been since George Bush 2 who nearly bankrupted them and put Big Pharma execs in charge. But most vaccines were developed when both agencies were strong and rigorous. So again, the best chance for taking safe and effective drugs are to have those that were developed before 2001.

    You seem pretty angry about this and not willing to engage rationally. But I thought I would leave this here on the off chance you might read it and think a little.

  13. Immunisations are fee of charge.
    How is this a supposed money maker?

    If an evil Pharma-dictatorship wanted to make $$$, wouldn't it make more sense not to immunise for free, and then sell people hugely over priced drugs, once they do get sick?

  14. Ashley Simpson or Paris Hilton

  15. You think no one pays for vaccines? They aren't expensive (yet) in the USA (wait till another Martin Shkreli gets ahold of them) but they do cost ya'. The average fee is about $1200 for all vaccines required by elementary schools.

    Even with free vaccines, for people living in poor circumstances, the government pays Big Pharma for the jabs.

    Immunizations are subject to laws, you DO know that right? Big Pharma would dearly love to make people sicker if it means a life time of expensive drugs. Back when our government cared about it's citizens, it made vaccinations something of a cause and passed laws that focused on their availability to everyone. Funny how things used to be before the GOP fuckt everything up and gave us an abject idiot and then a toddler tyrant.

  16. Many children are in some form of day care or pre school by the time they're two mostly due to necessity of the parents to work. Waiting until four could be disastrous.

  17. Excellent point, Aoife.

  18. I saw some new stuff about Kat Von D making anti-Semitic comments and a photo of her husband's neck tattoo, a swastika.

  19. @A-pathetic

    "I live in the UK and there are tighter controls on harmful additives/chemicals in the EU than in the States."

    Don't expect that to last with Brexit. Part of the controls were EU controls and now the UK will become more and more dependent on US standards for favorable trade deals and goods.

    Y'all fuckt up there.

    1. I didn't vote for brexit, but I'm hoping that the legislations will still be in place for my children- (currently preggers).

  20. If you were born in the 60's and 70's and/or had heavy doses of antibiotics, you are immuno-compromised through a lack of appropriate gut flora and fauna. You pass this on to your child in the birth canal and in the initial days of breastfeeding. Many children w/autism have related gut issues. There is, perhaps, a missing enzyme or co-enzyme made by gut flora or in conjunction with it that helps metabolize essential nutrients for proper neurological functioning. We now know that the intestine is a key player in neurological development and function through the uptake/reuptake of serotonin from the gut wall. Biologists theorize there are many neurochemical compounds we have yet to discover that interact with various organs in this way.

    Seizures associated with the condition point to a problem with myelin production, or the fatty tissue that 'insulates' the outside of our nerves, so there could also be a problem with proper digestion and absorption of important fatty acids. Lipids derived from fatty acids are also essential to proper immune functioning.

    Autism is for life. KatvD is doing what she believes is right to protect her child, but should have kept it a private decision for her family's sake. Now people are looking at tattoos and claiming she's a bigot. None of this is good for business, and isn't that the top priority in our country? Millions affected by autism and we're still arguing about what is the cause. Medicine is now a business and we're enslaved to the machinations of the world's Shrekeli and others like him.

  21. " KatvD is doing what she believes is right to protect her child"

    Which according to your post means she will not breast feed.

    "Millions affected by autism and we're still arguing about what is the cause."

    Perhaps it has something to do with more diagnoses of autism, along a totally questionable and fuzzy spectrum that allows children special placements in schools, more time to advance academically, and a lower teacher to student ratio. Shit, for those things having one's child diagnosed on the autism spectrum is quite valuable.

  22. I think it's Kat but people were offended by her satanic wedding. She had a gigantic upside down cross as the alter. She has the right to do so but I am no longer a supporter. Another poster mentioned her husband has a swastika on his neck, not surprising. Real cowards, doubt they would have had the guts to have pictures of Muhammad and Korans thrown on the floor.
