Saturday, June 30, 2018

Blind Item #15 - Reader Blind Item

This never married presidential adviser who once occupied one of the highest positions in government is deeply closeted. However, as she is now semi-retired and is in a relationship with a partner she really loves, she is exploring ways to come out.  If she can accomplish this in a way that minimizes any damage to her family and her legacy, it could happen very soon.  


  1. Replies
    1. She was my first thought, but I thought she was married. Changing my answer.

    2. She’s not married. Definitely think this is her.

    3. It's Condoleeza. Until last year she co-owned a home in California with a woman (Randy Bean). This has been public knowledge for more than a decade, published in 2007 in a Bush legacy book by a Washington Post reporter.

  2. Connie Rice - this will be huge if it is her.

  3. From Wikipaedia:

    From 2003 to 2017 Rice co-owned a home in Palo Alto, California with Randy Bean. According to public records, the two initially purchased the home with a third investor, Stanford University professor Coit D. Blacker, who later sold his line of credit to the two women. The co-owned property was first made known to the public in Glenn Kessler's 2007 book The Confidante: Condoleezza Rice and the Creation of the Bush Legacy, sparking rumors about the nature of Rice and Bean's relationship. Kessler has stated he “did not know if this meant there was something more to the relationship between the women beyond a friendship.”[166][167][168][169]

  4. why would this damage her legacy?

    1. Republicans, duh. It's a miracle she didn't receive death threats from Bush's more "patriotic" fans.

    2. OMG I guess you haven't noticed, but it has been Democrats who have been swarming and harassing Republican WOMEN (it's never a man Democrats stalk). Or that Mary Cheney is an out lesbian Reoublican who was one of VP Dick Cheney's top managers/advisers from the same damn administration.

    3. Bitch, please. And it's Republicans who are restricting the rights of everybody who's not a white male. But go on believing your precious little delusion that Republicans are victims.

    4. Yes, how dare anyone point out the shit Democrats pull every day, my bad. I'm sure Democrats would immediately embrace Condoleeza and not sic mobs in her so she couldn't live in peace unless she changed Trump's mind on everything.

    5. Cheese grater u stupid twat, what rights of yours are being restricted? Stfu u imbecile. Btw black America is getting hip to the democratic scam. U lose.

    6. The Mocker-in-Chief would certainly go after her.

  5. Yeah, but Rice, in a public statement, once referred to W as her husband. A slip of the tongue which caused speculation that the relationship between the two was more intimate.

    1. She was his "work wife", and they both freely admitted it until the press made it awkward. That is a kind of intimacy that doesn't have to be sexual.

  6. Well, MESSI and RONALDO are both out of WORLD CUP, so they will finish their careers without the big W in their trophy closet!

  7. Rice is far-right and that is what would ruin her, she thinks. The far-right would eviscerate her.

  8. Agree with Rice. Her family is well known and involved in higher education. The others are Democrats and it wouldn’t harm their legacies.

  9. Condie Rice

    Im a liberal, but regardless of what aisle you're on, everyone deserves to be free and themselves. even the people whose policies I opposed to (conservatives, etc). Just because I dont like your views doesnt mean I dont respect you as a human being

    this is my new thing. its called KINDNESS TROLLING. boom.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I'm a very Conservative Conservative. So are a lot of my friends and acquaintances. We all want people in happy and healthy relationships. Thank you for sharing your kindness boom - lol - the country needs more of that!

    3. In general, we need more kindness trolling and less nasty name calling.

  10. I always like Rice. Didn`t always agree with her but I think she did the best she could.
    If thats her, or anyone else for the matter- Do it GURL! Be yourself. A person deserves to be happy.

  11. my first thought was Huma, but I think y'all got it w/Condi

  12. Condoleeza was my first thought.

  13. I am a hardcore fiscal conservative, and based on her love of football and encyclopedic knowledge of the game, I have always presumed Ms. Rice to be a lesbian. She also prefers tickling the ivories to pounding an organ. Doesn’t tarnish her legacy with me in the least. If I didn’t have to touch that thing 6 times a day, my life would be the better.

  14. @alan: Huma is still married. (To a current federal inmate.)

  15. Condoleeza Rice,but it is funny that people think it would damage her or Bush's legacy. It will mean she won't run for high office,however. There are several Democratic politicians who, if they came out,would not have a shot at higher office,including a certain Senator who was trying to float a fauxmance with Mindy Kaling. And don't get me started on that well known married female politician,who is very close to her also married close aide,the one who is married to a convicted sex offender. If Condie is in a committed relationship,she definitely should come out. I doubt it would have any negative effects,barring a run for President.

    1. Bush has no legacy
      Phony wars based on lies
      Middle East destroyed
      Patriot act deployed

  16. Condie Rice was my first thought too, but I wouldn't think in these days and times it would be a problem for her. Has she run for office since she left Washington? For heaven's sake, Houston Texas, that bastion of conservatism, elected a lesbian mayor, surely it wouldn't be that much of a problem?

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. it's condi. and what does houston have to do with it? she doesn't live here.

  19. She can come out or not. Makes her no less a war criminal, and that's all that matters. Her sexuality does not.

  20. Why does everyone think Republicans are homophobic? This may be true of the very far right evangelicals but not the more moderate Republicans.
    I have no problem with her coming out and would vote for Dr. Rice if she ran for president.
    IIRC the bible says "Love one another" not "Love your neighbor but only if they are heterosexual."
    Also it could be that she does not want the media scrutinizing all the minutia of her personal life. She strikes me as a very private person.

  21. Condi Rice. There have been rumors about her for years on the Stanford campus.

  22. Rice and Beans with a side of Bush.

  23. This isnt 1990, most of the anti gay repubs are in nursing homes or passed on. Trump's election was a repudiation of the evangelical wing

    Dick Cheney's daughter is gay, and a lot of the most popular conservatives like Milo are gay. Condi is so loved by repubs I dont think anyone would care.

  24. Agree with several others here-
    It's old news that Republicans, as a whole,are homophobic. It's simply not true any longer.
    And I say this as a left leaning, lesbian woman who is surrounded by Republicans in my family and friend circles. I know for a fact this isn't true anymore. The freaks on the FARRRR right. ..but they have way bigger issues than homophobia

  25. It's important to liberals to believe that it's still 1950, or 1850, or whatever era in their fevered imaginations Republicans would drive someone out of town for being a lesbian. In case people haven't heard, even National Review has been on board with gay marriage for years. Republicans loved the chance to support Rice as a black woman in a leadership position; they'd love to add lesbian to that equation.

    And if Rice is "far right," we're going to need a new term to describe the 40% or so of Americans to her actual right. She's a liberal neocon like W., meaning she paid lip service to some conservative issues so she could get into power and push the establishment's foreign policy in the Middle East.

  26. cheesegrater15, my daughter and her wife are Republicans as are my brother- in-law and his husband. Lots of their Gay and Lesbian friends are Conservative too.

  27. Definitely Condi Rice! She once tried to pick up my sister at a meeting in DC!

  28. Republican here. I hope so. She's smart well educated and is a great representative of us not so -far right- republicans. Do it!

  29. SMDH. at the same old stereotypical rhetoric about republicans. I am a republican, I also support Gay marriage, I am (shock) not a racist either..
    Many Republicans are very supportive of gay marriage. In most polls, as many democrats as old school republicans were against gay marriage, JUST SAYING. one more thing, JUST as many if not more democrats are religious as Republicans, the difference being most Democrats seem to be Catholic.
    I do like most of what Bush did, i dont really care what you think about it. I also voted for anyone but Hillary, I greatly admired Condi and just as I support a few of my closest friends who are gay and married, i would support her and i would def still vote for her if she ever ran.

  30. You know there are A LOT of advertisements on here. Himmmm scolded us that they are doing this for free....hmmm, so having this many ads is a charitable act?

  31. LOVE IT, notthisagain.....let it rain!

  32. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Hey fellow readers- enty did a interview on a podcast called “the morning toast.” Pretty interesting ;)

  33. If it is Condi, that is old news.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Wasn't it Chapelle who referred to her as Cunnilingus Rice? Loooool.

  36. I actually like Condi...she is a brilliant and talented woman. She is a very gifted pianist as well. I actually think most people wouldn't care if she came out.

  37. Has to be Rice. Stepanie Cutter already known all about.

  38. I for one am tired of the labels in general.

    Just because I lean more liberal, does not mean I'm anti-conservative.

    What I care about is those with ridiculous amounts of power and wealth in this world using that to control the fate of others.

    Whoever it is, should feel free to just be themselves.

  39. "Yeah, but Rice, in a public statement, once referred to W as her husband. A slip of the tongue which caused speculation that the relationship between the two was more intimate."

    With hindsight, looks like she may have been using Bush as a beard. I wonder whether Bush knew that?

  40. Wahwah. Nobody cares.
    What will the gossip sites do when the last repressed conformist nitwit progressives stop caring about who's gay?

  41. Come out, come out... We all know men are only used for money, no need to hide it #equality

  42. It's ok if you're Gay. You just can't be an immigrant. 😳

  43. Condi and no it will not damage her at all. I hope she is our next president.

  44. “Diminishes her legacy”

    Holy Christ people are ignorant! She was the fucking National Security advisor on 9/11. What legacy did she have that can be diminished?

  45. Condoleeza Rice is one of the most respected politicians of our time.
    Yes she was and I am glad she was the NSA.

  46. Condi. Is a neocon. They are pure power over ethics. I don't care what she is. She was a part of the war on terror which is total bullshit.

  47. Seriously people...U cud say u shag donkeys nowadays and its news for 5 minutes till something juicier comes along...its gay pride in ireland..we've a gay 'primeminister' one has the time to give a crap if someones gay..Connie, just approach this light-heartedly, no big deal, and you'll be grand. 💚☘☘☘☘☘

  48. News flash : you can be gay and conservative, straight and politically progressive. Sexual orientation is not a precedent of politics, especially the shitty 2 party system we have in the U.S.

  49. Anonymous10:30 PM

    not really a blind, old news
    2 political posts/ 1 day! ♡

  50. Def Condi Rice. Rumors swirled around her for years.

  51. So happy for the war monger who escaped any kind of justice. Just go on Ellen and everyone will love you regardless of the blood.

  52. Cunnilingus Rice baby

  53. Most conservatives don’t care who you’re sleeping with. The question is, why do you care so much?

  54. Plenty of men have leached off women, J. Get over yourself.

  55. Her legacy is death and starvation
    Like Hillary
    We keep claiming America has no better women to put forth
    (Trump has a lot of catch up on both their body counts btw)

  56. That would not damage Condi's "legacy". Republicans love their tokens, and this one's a three-fer. Besides, Condi's legacy is Middle Eastern chaos and destruction and no amount of muff diving will change that.

  57. I'm conservative too, and pro gay marriage. Most conservatives are nowadays. But liberals need to believe we're all evil homophobic nazis, otherwise, what do they have? A big bag of fucking nothing.

    Btw, you wanna see real homophobia? Look no further than the mind boggling alliance of lefties/democrats and Islam. Now there's a head scratcher.

    (Marlo, Boredatwork)

    1. Dems always need their Staten Island otherwise their purpose for existing unravels rather quickly.

    2. Also yeah this is good
      "How do we get Somalis in Minnesota to vote Dem without mentioning GAY MARRIAGE?"
      The answer? Barely.

  58. Here's Plantation Master Tier DNC Racism:
    Those Somalis are African. Black Africans. AFRICAN AMERICANS? SCORE THEY'RE OUR DEMOGRAPHIC!

    Nevermind this was divised by some pasty little genderqueer nepot shit, you better like the plan or his relatives will fire you!

    1. Good morning from BALTIMORE
      You'll all miss Geeljire when he moves on to the next pasture.
      Even sandy.
      Especially sandy.

  59. I love when supposed progressive, tolerant people call POC in high positions tokens, and then grandstand about how "it's all of those people in that other group who are stuck in the racist 1950's mindset."

    It's so very, very telling about the (lack of) character of the person who calls people "tokens."

  60. The hysterical and unhinged anger coming from the tolerant democrats since Trump's win, can probably only be compared to the hysterical and unhinged anger they emanated when the Republicans abolished slavery.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. You think this is my alt but I'm never this preachy😎

  63. @Natasha

    "I always like Rice. Didn`t always agree with her but I think she did the best she could."

    Like shopping in Manhattan during times of national crisis and hiding and letting others respond to State Dpt situations?

    Like having private email accounts and destroying her messages?

  64. @Gauloise

    "Trump's election was a repudiation of the evangelical wing"

    Except everything he has enacted has been in line with the evangelical agenda, you mean.

    Trump is as dependent on the Fundies as any GOP rep. Look at where he constantly, to this day, campaigns for the donations it will bring to his private war chest. And who gives him that money? Fundies.

  65. @Truth

    " I am a republican, I also support Gay marriage"

    So you are fine that your party fought gay marriage tooth and nail and that your party continues to pander to extreme religious interests?

    I personally wouldn't stay in that party.

    " I am (shock) not a racist either.. "

    As far as you are willing to admit to yourself, you mean.

    If you vote GOP, you are voting for racist dog whistles and agendas.

  66. @lucky

    "Why does everyone think Republicans are homophobic?"

    Oh I don't know. Maybe because they don't mind if their representatives fight tooth and nail to deny basic human rights for LGBT and minorities?

    If you let it happen, you agree with it.

  67. Yeah but we love you for it

  68. Plot
    4 comments, every two minutes, individually nitpicking nonsense.

    Oh but that Solo post? NOT TOUCHING IT

  69. Honestly, anyone who maintains that one party has the high road over the other is an absolute moron who should be declared legally blind.

  70. @Do Tell

    So you think the Dems would have destroyed our national parks and given them over to Big Corp?

    And Dems would have separated 2000 kids from their families at the border?

    And Dems would have used Vlad to win an election?

    Dems would end Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid? Dems would cripple our State Dpt at the behest of Vlad so the USA would lose allies and international strength? They would? Are you fucking kidding me?

    Dems would reverse the Clean Air and Clean Water acts? Dems would have erased the fines of corporations, big fines, for money laundering, polluting the environment, ripping off the public, mistreating their workers?

    Dems would try to eradicate our laws and fuck up our justice dpt? Really?

    No, the blind one here is YOU.

  71. plot again you prove your ignorance and bias and total ahole opinion about Anyone that does not follow your lead.
    Give me a law that the republicans have passed that have affected the gay marriage, since it was ruled legal (with the help of conservative SCOTUS)
    As for your veiled comment about me not admitting to myself i am a racist. F you. again. Man i hate keyboard bullies who think they are better than everyone. Being born in the south and raised in the south, you may like to THINK i am racist. heck my great great grandfather, from Alabama fought in the Civil War, but guess what SURPRISE, he fought for the UNION. My mom, like most poor southerners is a Democrat, and since I have a niece who is Haitan, as well as a niece and nephew who are mixed, I can say to you, i am far from racist.
    I hate everyone equally, I do not like humans much, especially the new whiny, entitled generation. PPl honestly make me sick to my stomach anymore.
    I prefer my family and dogs.
    I have read some of your posts I agree with, but the majority just are nasty, unless you are in the small circle of ppl you find acceptable. Which is typical of society anymore.
    Just so you have more to digest with me, I am pro marijuana, (even though i personally hate it) I am anti Death Penalty. I believe Juveniles should not be in prison for life in most cases, and I believe that the prisons should be emptied with ppl who have marijuana only charges.
    I am the proud wife, mother, daughter sister, granddaughter, sister in law of Military Veterans. Many who suffer PTSD and other post war illnesses.
    I actually work every day, very hard, I love Metal music, and would vote for ANYONE that supports the fair tax, except for Hilary Clinton.
    SO there, go take that bs in your pipe and shut the freak up

  72. Perfectly put, Truthseeker.

    @plot, I don't understand how you haven't managed to stumble into the path of an oncoming train yet, you are so severely myopic. You are EXACTLY the kind of hardline, all or nothing, if you're not with us you're against us, my party right or wrong individual that has driven me to the center and to the point where I am only very tenuously a Democrat anymore. It is incredibly embarrassing to admit to being a Democrat when we have those irrational assholes like Tom Perez and Nancy Pelosi spewing their idiocy left and right.

    I suppose you applaud and approve of that incompetent, lunatic, absolutely irresponsible piece of shit Maxine Waters encouraging people to confront elected officials and their families wherever they happen to be, no matter how escalated and out of hand the situation could get.

    I suppose you approve of Obama cutting EIGHT POINT SEVEN BILLION DOLLARS from the food stamps program, and I suppose you would have been raging against the machine had it been Bush, Trump or anyone else not a Democrat.

    I am guessing you wholeheartedly applauded the Obama administration using the IRS as a weapon to target their political opposition, or their illegally entering a country to carry out an assassination.

    I suppose you think that Dem Senator Barney Frank getting lending laws loosened so people of lesser means with questionable ability to repay loans could borrow huge amounts to buy homes. Yep, that worked out fantastically.

    I also presume you must have found it appalling, as I did, when John Kerry was Swiftboated in 2003/2004, but then cheered it on, (I did NOT) when the Dems did the same thing to slime John McCain's POW and military records when he dared to run against the first black major party presidential candidate.

    I guess you thought it was just dandy when that cesspool The Daily Kos insinuated that a photo they misread meant that Sarah Palin was not actually pregnant at the time she claimed to be with her youngest, and the baby was actually the product of incest between her husband and her daughter.

    Yeah, your party right or wrong. And again, anyone who maintains that one party has the moral high ground over the other when they have both engaged in slimy underhanded doings, bad legislating and assorted backstabbings is someone who is too irrational, too blind and too childish for me to pay attention to anymore. Buh Bye.

  73. @Truth

    You imagine you are the only person of the South on these boards?

    "since I have a niece who is Haitan, as well as a niece and nephew who are mixed, I can say to you, i am far from racist. "

    Plenty of racists have minority relatives. Hell, plenty of racists are minorities themselves. You seem to have a facile notion of what constitutes a racist.

    "I hate everyone equally"

    Which conversely means you like them all equally, yes? Oops, no -

    "I do not like humans much, especially the new whiny, entitled generation"

    Okay, so there ARE some people who you hate more or like less.

    "would vote for ANYONE that supports the fair tax, except for Hilary Clinton. "

    Then you helped put us in this condition we find ourselves in. Do you expect the rest of us to thank you for that? All you care about is taxes???? Do you imagine yourself rich or something because they are the only ones getting any tax breaks and it's been that way for decades. Who do you imagine EVER gave the average American a tax break and what the hell do you imagine that would accomplish???? A couple more bags of Doritos every week in exchange for shitty schools, crappy roads, horrible medical care, people dying of preventable diseases, a terrible relationship with the rest of the you can have you symbolic tax break?

    A distaste for HRC. Wow. Rather have a swindler buffoon who is only in it for himself. I see.

  74. @Do Tell

    "You are EXACTLY the kind of hardline, all or nothing, if you're not with us you're against us, my party right or wrong individual that has driven me to the center and to the point where I am only very tenuously a Democrat anymore."

    So you base your vote on how others treat you? That sounds really healthy for you and the whole country. Want your ass kissed before you will support anyone, charming.

    No wonder Trump is appealing to so many. He likes his ass kissed, too.

    "I suppose"

    Then you are formulating fantasies to work up that precious Outrage! You have no idea what I think of Waters or anyone else. You could ask, of course, but you really don't want to know, do you.

    "Obama cutting EIGHT POINT SEVEN BILLION DOLLARS from the food stamps program,"

    You DO know that your GOP friends in Congress were going to cut $39 billion from the food stamp program and that Obama negotiating that down to $8.7 in cuts was considered a good thing.

    No? You didn't know that? Really? What's your news source?

    "I am guessing you wholeheartedly applauded the Obama administration using the IRS as a weapon to target their political opposition"

    I'm guessing you don't know that no president has the power to use the IRS as a weapon. If you are talking about the Tea Party and all it's variants, the IRS regularly audits new political or religious movements based on key terms and phrases. Actually, the IRS caught a hell of a lot of Tea Party monetary shenanigans going on.

    Do you not want the IRS to investigate the finances of new movements and social phenomena? I can assure you that Occupy Wall Street had their books audited soon after they gained popularity. That's how the IRS works. They want their money.

    "you think that Dem Senator Barney Frank getting lending laws loosened "

    Actually, that was Bill Clinton and Al Gore who signed the new lending laws.

    "when the Dems did the same thing to slime John McCain's POW and military records when he dared to run against the first black major party presidential candidate."

    The first pol to slime McCain and his military service was Bush in South Carolina during the primaries because Bush was falling behind in the polls. Look it up.

    "The Daily Kos insinuated that a photo they misread meant that Sarah Palin was not actually pregnant at the time she claimed to be with her youngest"

    Oh for fuck's sake, EVERYONE was insinuating or implying that! Even Republicans on Fox questioned her last pregnancy on air. You know who did the most stories on it? Business Insider and The Atlantic. Are you willing to call those liberal rags? People did stories on it. The National Enquirer, too! But you pluck out the Daily Kos, why?

    I never maintained that any political entity has this moral highground of yours. I maintain that voting for the Democrats does more for US, for the people of the USA, than voting for Republicans. That is all.

  75. plot's a rambling lunatic, why does anyone still bother?

    she's the crazy-haired, smelly nutter who screams unintelligible nonsense at passers-by in the streets:

    see above: 'your girlfriend's black? you're RACSIT!'

    'your girlfriend isn't black? you're RACIST!'

    'you're white? you're RACIST!'

    'you're a minority? you're RACIST!'

    'you don't have minority fiends? you're RACIST!'

    'you do have minority friends? you're RACIST!'

    She's fucking psycho.

  76. +1,000,000 @Unknown.

    You ain't just whistling Dixie. Cuc-KOO!!

    1. @unkown and @do tell
      There's no sense in this, or in calling him out (I refuse to believe it's female)
      The problem is, even when the obvious is pointed out as unkown did up there ^^ plot still asks for proof. Always proof, even if you give it.
      There comes a point that if you just sit back and read it for entertainment, it's not bad. The contradictions alone will give you comedic relief for hours.
      Just a friendly recommendation...
      It's helped me get through what used to be insufferable and now is just funny. And in my professional opinion, a medical (psychological) condition. For that, we can try compassion. But it's tough, yes.

  77. It's a tough choice, who is more evil condi or hillary? i was under the impression she was having an affair with the chimp but her being a closet case wouldn't surprise me. A traitor to her country.

  78. Aw Unknown, you cared enough to invent a fiction.

    So, just to be clear, where have I stated anything that you claim? Again, you don't seem to be able to nail your points home.

  79. @rosie

    "plot still asks for proof. Always proof"

    Yes, when someone makes accusations against me, I'd LOVE to see what they are talking about.

    If someone accused you of all manner of shit, would you NOT want to know what they are referring to?

    That's what I don't get. It doesn't bother me that people are lashing out at me. I've become a convenient target before and know how this goes. But I'd love to know which of my words have led anyone to find me so execrable.

    To be fair, you have been honest and open with what you find repellent in my positions and I appreciate that. I may not agree but I'm more likely to see the other side of my own (potentially fuckt up) opinions of people lay out what offends them so much.

    I do know stuff that many here don't. I don't hold that knowledge in any way superior but it is fact based knowledge. If people have problems with the information, that's on them. Vilifying me, rather than dealing with real information, isn't productive.

  80. I'm sure Huma wishes should could have just been a lesbian every day of her life. It would have worked out much better for her.

  81. If it is Condi, I don't think it would ruin her legacy at all. If anything, it would draw attention from her most notable achievement, namely a phoney war that still rages today.

  82. Don't you hate it when Liberals fear monger about Republicans? Because Republicans are NOT homophobic. Liberals are race baiters. How's about that for a generalization? NO. REPUBLICANS ARE NOT HOMOPHOBIC. SMDH.



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