Monday, June 04, 2018

Blind Item #14

Someone should ask this A- list mostly movie actor who has been acting since he was a kid about that new swastika tattoo he has on his body. 


  1. Suprised there hasnt been a depp blind today, it looked horrendous over the weekend

    1. There was one last week.. he’s on drugs, nothing new

  2. B..b..b...
    But isn't Shia

    1. @Geeljire

      Meghan Markle's dad is Jewish. Prince Harry was photographed in Nazi uniform. Notice how her dad didn't give her away/walk her down the isle?

      Self hatred is real.

    2. Her father didn’t feel comfortable with all the attention and didn’t want to walk her down the aisle.. that’s it.

    3. @Unknown

      We know there is always more to story. I would not want to watch that ritual, sorry, wedding ceremony either. I didn't see all of it but conspiracy theorists & truthers are having a field day.

    4. Come on T.W., let that shit go. Sometimes a wedding is just a wedding. Not everything is related to the Illuminati or a conspiracy. I see you alot on C.D.'s site. He pretty much lost me by harping incessantly about Trump and insisting that MM was little more than a bed wench and that she and Prince Harry would never marry. There's just too much negativity going around, pulling otherwise sane people down. There's also a beautiful life out there just waiting to be lived. Let's go live it!

  3. Shia is filming a movie where he portrays his father, who was a vietman vet and sex offender. Maybe his dad had that tattoo on him? He is also bald right now. So....

  4. Shia has worse issues than a tattoo.

    1. @Brayson87

      The Torah forbids getting a tattoo. A lot of Christian denominations forbid getting a tattoo. Either Shia is not an observant Jew or he needs mental help.

    2. Tw. Lots of Jewish people get tattoos. Yes it is clearly stated in the old testament but lots of Jews are reformed and do whatever they want.Some eat pork too.

  5. Shia is an extreme liberal. I highly doubt this.

  6. I wouldn't call Shia liberal, more hippy cultic.

    1. To be honest I don't think Shia even knows what he is, or what he believes. He is very messed up as we all know but whatever his issue is, it doesn't excuse his violent outbursts.

  7. 4chan stealing Shia's flag is one of the greatest troll jobs ever.

  8. Is it permanent? I know he’s playing his dad in a movie maybe it’s for the role.. a Jewish person having that tattoo’d on their body makes zero sense smh

    1. Felons of Jewish descent do have this tatoo to align themselves with NLR and other Aryan groups. Strange but true

    2. This is called the Weev Aurenheimer Prison Lube Special in some corners of the internet.

    3. Not to be rude, but has *anything* Shia has done in the last 7-8 yrs made a lick of sense? The man gets FURIOUSLY angry about racism, but he treated the black officers like garbage, throwing out all kinds of racist slurs. The man is mentally ill & a druggie. He doesn't have a coherent narrative on anything.

    4. Why would should such an uniformed thing be said about Weev?
      He spent his entire time in a solitary/segregated FEDERAL prison, and didn't get that tat in prison.
      The 4 corners of the internet are often stupid & clueless.
      I'd know this better than the "internet," due to the fact I talked to Weev for a couple of hours last night.

    5. Ha! Weev is a fed op fuck all of you scrubs.

      Tell me what a communist revolutionary Jen Caban is next, alright kid?

    6. Weev ain't got shit on Geeljire, he's nothing but an attention starved pathetic power bottom.

      I'm sorry you wasted hours speaking to a nobody.

  9. Does anyone like Shia? I feel like he's alienated everybody.

    1. I actually think he's very underrated.
      I dont really know if he killed a hooker it's under my professional radar. I would watch all his movies with him if he ever did it again.
      He was excellent in "Man Down."
      Give it a shot at least, critics hated it.

  10. I like Shia as an actor; as a person, no.

  11. MM's father is Catholic.

  12. Yup Shia sounds right.

  13. Replies
    1. THIS. He's been involved with at least one "heathen" group that is shady as hell. But he's not a mostly movie actor.

  14. Anonymous7:11 AM

    @unknown Ive read your comments. I doubt you sincerely believe that the current M Markle, is biologically related to Tom Markle.
    Look deeper.

    Her "father" worked on TV sets, plugging in lights...and Presto. His daughter is elevated to the United Nations; and a coveted Argentinian govt position at age 25? Uh huh.
    That's a fun story... if you enjoy Disney style fantasies.

    How did he pay for four years at Northwestern? "The lottery". Uh huh.

    You couldn't make this stuff up...And yet, they did.


  15. @Zero

    Then his girlfriend is uninformed, not us, since she called it a prison tattoo.


    She sure looks like her father and his other kids. Northwestern has...gasp! Who knew!!!!?????

    Meghan Windsor's past internship position with a UN project and IES Abroad seems to be focused mainly on living with a Spanish speaking family and learning the language. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of those at every college and university. What is so coveted about Meghan's in particular?. Do you know how many students take their junior year abroad? TONS. Most have flashy titles too while the main focus is just learning the damn language well enough to order dinner.

    Why don't you write some real fiction? It would better suit your needs than spreading...gasp!...conspiracy nonsense.
