Sunday, June 03, 2018

Blind Item #14

This model all of you know, I usually give the same description for each time I write about her. This time though, things have changed. A little more circumspect. Apparently she is acting as an informant for the government right now which is why she has been a little more noticeable than normal with a certain person in her life.


  1. Cindy Crawford + Randy Gerber?

  2. Irons Shayk/BCoop?

    1. *Irina. Not sure if govt angle....maybe he was in on Leo’s shady deals

  3. Cindy is “permanent A list”, I guess but damn there have been pics of them everywhere. Wishful thinking here...

  4. Um, what model would be used as an informant for the government? And, why would an informant be MORE visible all of a sudden? Wouldn't they be low-key and kinda undercover?

  5. Karlie Kloss and that POS Jarad Kushner since the entire family launders money?

  6. Oops still a POS but his name is Joshua Kushner

    1. Anonymous2:07 PM

      I wonder what he has to say about you

  7. Cindy with regards to everything Clooney

  8. Karlie Kloss and Joshua Kushner. They are getting papped tons lately.

  9. How very Elia Kazan of her. Reckon there's lots of "informants" these days. Trying to avoid the RICO dragnet. Ratting on behaviors and exploits of close "friends" and associates. Tick-tock kiddiefuckers.

  10. It's awesome when the rats turn on the reptiles and the human beings get to watch.

  11. Cindy's husband has a connection to that scumbag with an island.

  12. She isn't an informant now, since this CDAN blind came out! Her dance card is now suddenly empty.

  13. But... why male models?

  14. Karlie Kloss has been papped with that gay dude because they are paying for it. News about him and his family? You can wait for the pap walk the next day. I don't think the blind is about her.

  15. Requires lots of careful planning over long periods to take out deeply embedded evil. KK is no fool. Anyone connected to Kushners is suspect of being an informant. I'd be surprised if she wasn't. Cuz the modeling industry is child-trafficking central. Lots of Epstein connections. She's lucky she has protection thru her beards family. Otherwise she might be arrested like Mack. Or worse.

  16. absolutely karlie kloss & joshua kushner.
    kloss likely spilling what she knows about the kushners

    need I remind anybody that kloss and kushner, along with russian oligarch roman abromovich & his wife dasha, were at david geffen's birthday party On The Houuuuuse of the Risingggg Sun (his big ass evil yacht).

    and, looking pretty suspect: joshua kushner met up with Abromovich's wife, dasha, in nyc in march 2017:

    "Jared Kushner's brother Joshua goes on Manhattan sushi date with Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich's wife Dasha Zhukova then covers his face with his hood as he tries to sneak out"

  17. Roman Abramovich
    Marina Abramovic

    Interesting. Probably nothing though. Right?

  18. You don't think Trump&NSA know about Kushner-fam? Uh. OK. Or maybe KK's spilling what she's seen and heard hanging out with the Abromovich tribe and their besties? Cuz maybe DOJ's RICO indictments are targeting RUSSIAN OLIGARCHS as well as Harvey. And maybe the "mossad muscle" used to intimidate and blackmail witnesses is part of the case. I'd be surprised if scores of models and celebs with intel to share don't come forward begging to be "informants". Like those 30+ FBI agents requesting to be called as witnesses to the DOJ-F_I-CF cover-up. Tick-tock mofos.

  19. Pamela Anderson and JA.

    1. That's my guess too. She started out as a model I believe.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. "233. The Weinstein Sexual Enterprise is an association in fact within the meaning of 18 U.S.C. 1961 (4) consisting of (i) RICO Defendants, including their employees and agents; (ii) the Weinstein Participants; (iii) The Intelligence Participants; (iv) the Firm Participants; (v) the Journalist Participants; (vi) the Film Participants, and other unnamed co-conspirators as set forth Supra. The Weinstein Sexual Enterprise is an ongoing organization that functions as a continuing unit.

    234. The Weinstein Sexual Enterprise falls within the meaning of 18 U.S.C. 1961(4) and consists of a group of "persons" associated together for the common purpose of:(i) harassing, threatening, extorting, and misleading Weinsteins victims and the media to prevent the reporting, disclosure or prosecution of sexual misconduct, and..."


  22. Karlie Kloss - dating Jarend Kushner's brother... in the DM

  23. I'm gonna leave this right here..

    You think you know nothing.

  24. KK and Joshua Kushner were out for their bi-monthly walk/paid pap photo shoot. It keeps their “relationship” current in the minds of the unwashed masses. This blind is about someone else.

  25. The shills (DP/IC) are here to misdirect from Kloss/Kushner. Perhaps he was having dinner with the oligarchs wife cuz she's an informant too? Maybe Kushner acts as go-between for (((elites))) who provide evidence to Feds in exchange for leniency. Maybe they're ALL "informing" on each other. Golly. It must be hard work tracking who is ratting-out whom in LA-NYC-London these days. You reckon (((they))) realize the money can't save them? And everyone is rushing to flip on everyone else to get the best deal? Cuz when it all comes out (and it will) they won't be able to walk down the street safely. Ya think they realize the money and fame wasn't really worth it? Cuz it never is.

  26. Cindy and her buddy ex Serbian Diana Jenkins (now an American citizen) who is supposed to be into money laundering and sex trafficking and is mega close to Middle Eastern Billionaires, arranging £100million shady deals with foreign banks including her ex husband's bank.

  27. I am really thinking it is Cindy Crawford because her husband is in business with George Clooney.

  28. Naomi Campbell and Sean (P.Diddy) Combs

  29. It is Karlie, but informing on Geffen.

  30. (((fuck off with the dog whistle parenthesis)))
