Monday, June 25, 2018

Blind Item #14

This former A list mostly television actress from some hit shows back in the day is going to have to do some trading to get out of her latest jam. The thing is right now, no one is going to believe what she says, which is a shame because she could bring some very big names down. Very big. The biggest.


  1. Poor thing. She needs some serious help.

  2. Too bad she didn't write that memoir sooner.

  3. We want all of the names and we want them now

  4. Is the phrasing of the last sentence a Trump reference?

    1. I think it is. She's old enough for him to have hit on her early in her career - the 80's. I can totllay see him doing that.

    2. I thought it sounded like a Trumpism as well.

  5. Heather Lockear and she is a hot mess express!

  6. can someone please with more knowledge on the subject list the known and rumored connections between Locklear and Trump

  7. Definitely a Trump reference.

  8. Pft, other than the fact that Heather was supposedly a republican and spoke at an event for another republican running for congress. smdh

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Trump? ...Is It TRUMP???
    Whos the actress, Locklear?
    Get you shit together GURL. We wanna hear the dirt!

  11. Bigly names. YUGE

  12. Oh Heather. Not sure who she'd snitch on to get out of this trouble, seems like the big players run the system. However if she could offer up some pedos they'd probably cut her a deal.

  13. She won't see jail time so no need to give anything up to anyone. She'll get a hefty fine with some community service and forced rehab. That is if she doesn't die first before seeing the judge.

  14. Aka she'll be dead by hanging in 2 weeks. Yay another one

  15. Given context, I would say the biggest equates to SS.

    1. I cant think of anything she's ever done with SS.

  16. +1 Thonker, that was my thought as well, another door suicide/auto-erotic asphyxiation gone wrong.

  17. Is this about how many people who may have crossed Uncle Donny coincidentally had accidents?
    There's no way to prove it, you libtard conspiritard Soros sucking puerile dipshits😎

  18. She is likely being fitted for her Kate Spade ascot as we type...

  19. Hey Unknown... you support the man who will destroy our Democracy. So fuck off.

    1. Cc423, in case you missed it, we are a constitutional republic and as such one person can't do shit to destroy it. So you fuck off and go read a book!

    2. What country are you from?

      The US is a constitutional republic.

      Mebbe you’re just really, really stupid huh?

  20. I’m going to guess Talley for the big name. Not sure on the actress though.

  21. Trump is obviously the biggest name in media at this moment. But Charlie Sheen seems the most likely suspect as it relates to HL.

  22. @CC423 No. Fuck you. I'm sick of all of you mf's who sully what used to be an enjoyable read of comments.
    He won. Get over it. He lives in your heads for FREE. I voted for him. I am a Repblican Latina.
    Stop it with the Trump references. Done with it already.

  23. How are we thinking this is Trump? I thought Geffen was the very big name on this site.

  24. I like dissing Trump and Clinton too.

    They're both so deserving.

  25. Oh FFS, let's review the blind, "she could bring some very big NAMES down. Very big. The biggest." NAMES, plural, multiple, the biggest names.

  26. We already know she has dirt on Sheen and a number of producers who made her f*ck for roles, but there could be more.

  27. CC423, we're a constitutional republic, not a democracy. Until you know the difference, please refrain from commenting on politics.

    1. Well said Angela! Didn't mean to copy you, but I reiterated almost the same thing before seeing your comment!

  28. Anonymous2:16 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Anonymous2:17 PM

    What is with you people? People love to tell everyone what to think and LOVE to tell others who has the right to say things. We all do for heaven's sake.

    Get back to the gossip and the fact that no one here will be surprised that Heather Locklear will die by "suicide". Not one of us will buy that. This is so fucked up and sad.

  30. Maybe it's not Trump, Maybe Heather Locklear slept with the world's fattest man.. or the Pope.

  31. Hey, @CC423,

    I hate to inform you, but democracy died in 1988.

    That was the year the Dems and Repubs made a deal to share power and exclude any and all third parties. It forces an Us vs Them dichotomy, which is the basis (imho) of why we got Trump as president. He was the record scratch that pissed the establishment off (establishment defined as those in the fed government who were not elected into office, and stay in position through various administrations. If Pres/Congress/Houses/Supreme Court are the visible to the public chess game, then the establishment is the chess game played out of public sight. It's where the real action is, instead of the puppet show we *get* instead.) because Clinton was the establishment's choice.

    In '88, the Repubs and Dems tried getting the then-sponsor of the presidential debates to sign off on this deal to give it legitimacy. The League of Women Voters instead gave up sponsoring the debates because they would not be party to the corruption. They gave a press briefing explaining why they felt narrowing the political playing field to only two teams was detrimental to the wellbeing of the nation.

    And you know what? They were right.

    So while people whine that Trump got elected, and refuse to look back to understand why things happened as they did, the country does another swirl around the drain. If Trump is the clog in the pipe, the establishment is the tree root that utterly ripped the pipe apart, out of sight. One would think Trump was the problem until they got a decent perspective on the situation.

    Watch the video in this post and understand why any notion of democracy died in 1988, rendering Trump a symptom but not the problem.

    1. You are 100% correct. It is shameful how little Americans know about our politics. Makes me wonder how long our media has been hiding/not reporting what's really going on when it suits their interests.

  32. No, poster above, you are most certainly NOT a latina.
    You are a Russian bot.

    And, so is Unknown.

    1. And who/what in the hell are you, @Hortensia? A DSM-V cluster A personality disorder?! GTFOH with that "you disagree? You MUST be a Russian bot!!!" mentality. Please seek help. Thx.

  33. Who wouldn't hit on her in he prime?

  34. Heather Locklear Aaron Spelling

  35. If Trumpenstein did bone her ass back in her prime days, i don't see how that would "bring him down".

    If anything it would simply add to his mystique.

    It would add to his honor too, for not openly bragging about that particular trophy.

    1. When she was at her hottest in the 80's she was an adult so I don't see how Trump having any involvement with her would have been so scandalous it would "bring him down"!

      I think she knows about the rampant pedophila in Hollywood and she's got some filthy pedos scared!

  36. God, no one cares if Trump was getting tail at whatever point in his adult life. Seriously. He was a known philanderer and American voters did not give one fuck about it.

    If this was Locklear, it's over as far as sharing any story. Completely discredited as a wackadoo with severe mental illness and addiction. A shame, too, because I have no doubt that she could spill some serious dirt, but what she has to say won't do any good now. She needs to check herself into a LONG TERM treatment plan, as in a year or more, disappear and get better. THEN do a book and explain how whatever she went through with whoever is why she lost her mind.

  37. @Jon Feltman, exactly how many accounts do you have? It's fun to watch reply to your own comments. I wonder though, from a purely anthropological standpoint, why someone would do that?

  38. I've counted at least 5. It's fascinating.

  39. If you use sock puppets you're fucking amateur

    11 year olds do that on /b/

  40. I bet poor Heather did everyone. She was the "it" girl of the 80's and 90's so she must have been spread all over the place with everyone and everything. This is only a few, but I bet there were these men times 50:

    Shatner, Moondoggie, Adrian Zmed from TJ Hooker, Forsythe and who knows who else from Dynasty. The dudes on Melrose Place, Tommy Lee and friends/bandmates, Sambora and friends/bandmates, other assorted rock and roll people. Spelling and his higher ups....ugh, I just feel so sorry for her. You'd think there would be some aging rock star that has got their shiz together and is lonely that would be good for her to hook up with now. Somebody a bit older and wiser to tame her inner shrew.

    I also bet all of the drug and alcohol issues are out of her control. Anyone that wants to silence her can get to her through her drugs and alcohol and who ever is her provider. Sad. I just hope she isn' the next Kate Spade.

  41. Definitely Locklear....any chance it’s Charlie Sheen? It sounds like a Trump reference, but Sheen talks like that sometimes too.

    1. This is a good guess. Sheen might have molested/raped many more stars than Haim.

  42. This poor woman has been humiliated, degraded and used for most of her adult life and yet I detect no sense of empathy from any of the self-righteous posters on this site.

    Please let her have a quick minute to dry-out and try to rebuild her self-esteem. We don't know her or her life.

    As for her torturers, some will fry, some will talk and some will walk. It's just the way the world works, always has been.

    1. One of the blind items here said she and Sheen took turns molesting her daughter Ava. If that’s true then she can go ahead and off herself. Good riddance.

  43. Mandi Rei Sara - thank you. That was informative & insightful.

    CdAN commenters are truly the best. It's like one big dysfunctional family; most stay & fight it out or defend one another. Then on the next thread they are allied.

    I want to thank you all for challenging me & helping me lighten up my perspective; looking at things with more of an open mind. The collective intellect on here is quite incredible. All of you seem to be some highly educated smart-asses.

    A special shout out to the resident perverts who have taught me how to laugh at the absurd & to stop taking things so fucking serious. Shout out to all the day ones.

  44. I would think the power player in this is BonJovi and crew

  45. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Oh come on Enty, get your "spy just to make conversation" to acquire names. I am working to marshal a team of Dexter's to exert justice to pedos, child and animal abusers. I'll let you arbitrate the first round of targets..for your bird dog fee, of course. No red scarves, just prodigious spiked butt plugs for the calling card.

  46. @rocky

    "He won. Get over it."


    Would you get over a HRC win? I think not!

    As Donny Moscow continues to destroy our democracy and our judicial system, getting over it is traitorous at this point.

    Bet you're all about 'Merica.

    1. Pack up your studio apartment and move to Mexico please! Adios!!!

  47. The TV show "Killjoys" is about aristocrats cloning evil mulattos who then begin cloning themselves and the sacrifices that must be made to stop them.

    The Chinese traditionally refer to this as a "eunuch crisis."

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. I say vote Gary Johnson 2020. He actually gives a shit about people, not power.
    That being said it's Heather and not Bon Jovi.
    Mandi that was great.

  50. @Hortensia- me vale madre piruja.
    @plot- you need some Midol?

  51. I went to high school with HL. She was kind, funny and just as you’d expect, extremely popular. She didn’t date a lot of people or have a propensity to sleep around, as some of the posters here have said (like it’s a bad thing). I wish her well.

    1. @leeyeslee You’re from Newbury Park too? Small world!

  52. TMZ is reporting she overdosed and is now hospitalized. I hope she gets all the help she needs and can get better

    1. @OB,
      Ah geez. Hope she's ok.

      I do feel for her, she has been a victim many times over.
      I am very prone to believe that blind more than the Sheen one.
      Of course, they both could be true.
      But who knows?

      If she makes it through ok, she should talk to whoever Sheen is spilling his guts to. (And I DO believe he is telling ALL, to be published street his death.)
      I feel like whoever it is, will believe her and can back up some of her statements.

    2. Published *after his death*. SHEESH.

  53. Forgive me for saying so but you Americans are awfully fucked up these days. Constant freakouts over politics? How about everyone try lightening up just a tad?

  54. @rocky

    You so funny!

    BTW, shitty Spanish there. Study harder.

  55. I am worried about her. It is awful to be at the mercy of psychiatrists - that's something everyone should try to avoid. Having said that... While I don't like COMPLYING there is a method to that madness, too. Her sense of her own strength must have been horribly distorted for her to AGAIN go after cops and EMTs.

  56. Who is SS?
    Why use abbreviations on a website like this EVER? It's half made up shit anyway.

    And you Trump supporters need brain surgery. The guy was always a temporary Prez and he's going down fast. LOONY TUNES.

  57. OMG everyone hold onto your knickers! Trump might have shagged HL when she was an adult, with her consent!!!

    LMAO you libtards are so amusing. There you are, still high-fiveing JFK from the grave for fucking around, and passing actresses - who then ended up dead under mysterious circumstance - onto his brothers, and Clinton getting a blowjob from a young impressionable women, whose life was then completely destroyed, but Trump can't fuck HL 30 or 40 years ago, when he wasn't even in politics?

    Get the fuck out of here with your pathetic hysteria, he's going nowhere, in fact, your psychotics are very likely getting him re-elected.

  58. I think this is more likely to refer to Spielberg or Geffen.

  59. @Jennacheryl - It's all just Masonic Kabuki theater.

  60. @Plot making fun of a POC's use of spanish ironically INTOLERANT and prejudicial.

    I still want to know....Plot, do you shill over at the CDC facebook page by any chance? Or more specifically, do you shill for ANY organization at all? Political, corporate, governmental, etc.?

    Not that I expect you to admit it if you do. These arrangements involve use of binding NDAs and the such. Just figured I'd inquire anyway. I have seen a few posters here on the Kat Von D blind items that SURE post exactly like the obvious shills on CDC and pro-pharma pages at FB. Wish one of these shills would go rogue and speak about the NDAs they have to sign and how much they get paid to swarm in and attack counterviews on social media. These tactics are real, by the way - no need to accuse me of being a tinfoil hat wearing Alex Jones crusader. This stuff is happening, and by ALL sorts of entities - regardless of their political affiliation. It's the entire basis of the Russian collusion argument, for one. So please spare me on any partisan-based arguments, defenses, or deflections.

  61. Heather is Marla Maples cousin....

  62. @Rem Rem

    "we are a constitutional republic and as such one person can't do shit to destroy it. "

    We have a series of checks and balances that the GOP is actively destroying as we speak.

    IF the GOP can hack future elections (which they have done before) and 3/4 of the nation's state governments are represented by one party, they can call a Constitutional Assembly and rewrite the whole Constitution how ever they please.

    Trump is a symptom, not the disease. What he is doing is a mere appetizer.

  63. @bored with her fantasies

    "There you are, still high-fiveing JFK from the grave"

    OMG woman! What generation to you image you live in now??? The swirling imago of your besotted mind illuminates visions so very passé.

    Go wear that Nixon button with pride! Your neighbors in Bayonne need a laugh.

  64. @Yummy

    "Plot making fun of a POC's use of spanish ironically INTOLERANT and prejudicial."

    Yes! I tend to be intolerant of horrible language skills. There is really no excuse for it.

    "CDC facebook page"

    I don't Facebook. It shocks me that anyone would. From the beginning their greed for our personal information was apparent but you lapdogs, you dim of wit, joined anyway...and now claim Soros is controlling the whole wide world! Geffen! While denying the apps and features you've allowed FB to use to harvest YOU. How about that facial recognition shit they've been collecting, unbeknownst to YOU (oh conspiritard Daddy) were ever paying attention. HA!

    If you want to shrug off the real ways Power is trying to minimize our choices and freedoms to idiotic commercial decisions, I guess that is fine. But then throwing all this nonsense on HRC, Obama, Soros, while ignoring the Russian interference, makes you look like a pretend Keystone Kop.

    You ain't doing shit but distracting yourself, and entertaining yourself by making horrible accusations without a shred of proof and getting off on pedos.

    See, that makes you morally bankrupt, not just a damn fool.

  65. This is sad. Locklear lives nearby, and is known to be very sweet. Obviously she has big problems. Hope she gets the help she needs and can heal. (BTW, go NP Panthers!) ;)

  66. @dee
    I love Heather Locklear
    I love DJT (I do - can't help it. Was horrified when he announced his candidacy, tho.)
    Am hoping the two paths don't intersect in way that is/way damaging to Heather.
    Or him.

  67. @twounstable2

    That's because in 2013, Obama repealed the Smith-Mundt Act, which forbade the use of domestic propaganda. So, it's okay when "news anchors" read scripts given to them because they make more being a propagandist than being journalists.

    CNN showed their colors at the election; HRC would win, hands down no questions asked.

    Reality said otherwise. She didn't win hands down, and she went on to attempt the "Purple Revolution" (which is about as close to the establishment showing their bipartisan selves for all the world to see since that fateful deal back in '88) to usurp Trump. That notion withered away, and we haven't seen a purple wave, let alone a purple puddle. Americans aren't taught to give that much of a damn about politics; professional sports and other entertainments have more importance. Perfect example: people waiting days in line to get a new cell phone or movie ticket, yet can't find the time to go vote.



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