Saturday, June 02, 2018

Blind Item #14

This foreign born former A- list mostly television actor who really doesn't work much any longer says the only tangible thing he has noticed from the allegations leveled against him other than some loss of work is that he had his girlfriend have to pay for their threesome partners now whether they be male or female. They used to be able to pick them up from clubs for free each night.


  1. I'd say loss of work is a pretty big deal.
    Especially with the extra expense of sex partners.

  2. Are threesome partner expenses tax deductible? Asking for a friend.

  3. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Tricia you are good!

  4. Christ on a pogo stick! Do these youngin's these days NOT realize how the medications that used to clear up their diseased selves are no longer working!?
    HIV/HPV, etc.

    Everyone see the recent pic of Depp? Can we all guess what he's sick with?~

  5. @Seems life... I saw the picture of Depp. Heroin chic perhaps? He does not look well.

    1. He looks a shadow of his former self.

  6. Isn't he about to film a movie about a man with a terminal disease? I think that's why he has lost so much weight. I hope so anyway, as I am utterly in love with him and won't hear one word uttered against him....

  7. Paying for a 3some partner is not cool.

  8. Depp is indeed playing a terminally ill man in his next movie, Jo, but that won't stop the naysayers posting their usual bullshit.

  9. First Johnny was boozing and looking bloated, now he's got a disease and wasting away...
    How about people doing some research to see what part he's preparing for Before you trash him?
    @Jo I'm with you on this one!

  10. Yay! Love Depp. He will marry me one day.
