Thursday, June 28, 2018

Blind Item #13

This very rich, sometime celebrity has been forcing his girlfriend to watch him while he spends time with women who are yachting. She seems to be willing to put up with it because of the money.


  1. Elon musk and Grines

  2. So by "forcing," this means "allowing her to choose to do so rather than lose other benefits of the relationship."

  3. Anonymous11:56 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The backstory just gets worse and worse. I will be surprised if he doesn’t off himself...voluntarily.

  5. Beats being the “losing” half of a Cleveland steamer!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Y'all grimes haters are nasty lol her music is really good.

    1. Anonymous1:54 PM

      Knowing her on a personal level will do that. She’s a nasty and mean person. Her music is fine.

      Once in a while, when you know someone’s true colours, it’s hard not to spell a little bit of tea.

  8. what is UP with hate for Grimes??

  9. +1 for James Packer. Elon is always referred to as celebrity CEO. James Packer has faded away since dating Mariah

  10. +1 andrea, Musk is never described as a "very rich, sometime celebrity" and I think his girlfriend would be described as a musician.

    I'm digging the Met photos of Musk and Grimes, he's totally mastered the Bond villain look. ;)

  11. James Packer, sometimes celeb. I hear Musk's name quite a bit more and he doesn't ever propose and seems less likely to commit, if you can call it that.

  12. Packer packed on the pounds and can not imagine him soliciting yatchers.just hand over the credit card for some retail therapy and it will be ok with the gal pals.

  13. Stop with this bs that he's forcing her to do anything.

    1. Makes me happy to see another Texan showing our "no-bullshit" way of thinking!
      A ho is gonna ho.

  14. Anonymous9:23 PM

    If one adult forced another adult to do something, they need to 1.: remove themselves from the location ASAP; and 2.: consider legal action.

  15. Very interesting how the same exact people who scream about empowered and strong women, believe that women have no willpower, self-respect or dignity whatsoever, and are thus incapable of making their own decisions, on how to lead their own lives.

  16. I like grimes and have seen her live but this is pathetic behaviour. Hipster girl is more interested in the size of the wallet like every yacht girl.

  17. @HeatherBee - I'd rather be the half losing the Steamer than the half gaining it! Wait, I'd rather not be involved at all. Especially after Taco night.
