Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Blind Item #12

Two anagrams of the names of characters in this very popular non superhero almost network show solve one very important mystery. The "crossover" actress is one of them.


  1. Ahh come on I haven't even watched season 2 yet lol

  2. i don’t even know what i’m supposed to be figuring out here lol

  3. The fuck does this mean? You leave my River kids alone!

  4. It is June, is that guy from the Eagles in chains yet? LOL!

  5. Katie Cassidy is a crossover actress on CW super hero series. She could be part of the answer that the anagrams tell us.

  6. Is Katie Cassidy the key to what happened to Nikola Tesla's missing designs?

  7. Sup Count! Today is the last day to turn in ballots for the California primaries. So I guess that's it. Usually enty would post after the fact some salacious reason the truth will never out. Can't wait.

    1. Double Jeopardy and and a woman having to out herself as a whore are the reasons nothing will come out.

  8. If it doesn't get Jeffrey Epstein arrested, I'm not going to tax my brain cells trying to figure this one out.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


  11. This one is like a word math problem:

    The train left the station at 9am going 35mph and traveled a distance of 100 miles with 2 10 minute stops before arriving at it's destination. What color was the conductor's eyes?

  12. Was there another sentence left out? I need some Scooby snacks to figure this one out

  13. WTF...what mystery are we supposed to be solving here? What crossover actress is on Riverdale? Katie Cassidy is from a superhero show....

  14. Doesn't have to be Riverdale. Could also be Supernatural, The Original, The 100 or Jane the Virgin.

  15. So, it's a network show with a major mystery in the current arc. Two of the characters' names, when you jumble them together, spell out the answer to whatever is going on in the plot. One of the characters whose names you use is played by the "crossover" actress.

    Now if only I gave two shits about network TV, we'd be in business! I really need to re-up my crossword subscription...

  16. Wait, so Jane wasn't a virgin? That explains a lot.

  17. WTF is this fresh hell blind even about?

  18. I took at as the anagram would solve one of the longtime mysteries of this site (Coke Mom, etc.).

    1. Coke Mom is Debra Messing. Mystery solved.

  19. If I had to guess at what flavor of stupid the twist could be, it's something like the guest actress is the long-lost sister of a lead character, and if you mix up the letters in both names it spells the dad's name or something.

    I don't watch Riverdale but word game secrets sounds like something Supernatural would do, based on the 12 whole minutes I've seen of it. Now if you wanted to talk about that time their fan community tried to harass the actors into acting out their gay incest fanfiction officially on the show, I can tell you ALL about that!

  20. Sticking with the Riverdale theme...could it be ETHEL? Since it's "crossover" actress...may not be a "true" crossover of the same character?

  21. Ooh, I love me a good anagram.

  22. Could it be someone on The Originals who was also on The Vampire Diaries? I'm so confused.

  23. Anonymous6:34 PM

    This isn't a blind. Its a riddle. The names of two characters from (Stranger Things/Handmaids Tale/13 Reasons Why/some other streaming show not involivng superheroes) from an anagram that spells out some CDAN mystery. One of the actors appears on another show as the same or similar character.

  24. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Whoops. ALMOST NETWORK. so CW. Not streaming. Going with Riverdale.

  25. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Definitely think Shannon Purser is one of the solutions to this. Crossover in quotes indicates not a strict crossover but her Ethel Muggs is similar to Barb. So its Ethel and...someone

  26. Sadly, this Don Henley broken promise has confirmed my reluctant suspicions that Himmmm is full of shit.

  27. What a weird blind! So vague and the ‘mystery’ isn’t clarified - is it something to do with the shows storyline or CDAN or one of the great mysteries of the universe itself 🤔 Perhaps Enty’s discovered the Holy Grail.


  28. I'm an SPN diehard, so let me throw a few things out there. Might be something or not.

    Kim Rhodes has been playing Sheriff Jody Mills on SPN since season 5. There was a backdoor pilot for the spinoff that included a 4 episode arc on S13. It was passed over for the Original's spinoff due to "corporate red tape". Many fans of the spinoff are crying foul because of "diversity and women's voices" which is the biggest load of shit. Especially when the show was written by old white men.

    I figured it was because Kathryn Newton is too busy these days with movies and cable network shows. KN was the main character of the spinoff.

    However, Kim Rhodes was also the mom on The Suite Life which has been in the news recently because of Disney's pedo employees. I've always wondered what she knew...

    @ Mick - I've been to plenty of con's and have never seen anyone try to get J2 to play out incest fantasies. Can't say the same for the angel fans. Misha Collins himself feeds those delusions. It never has and it never will happen on the show.

  29. If anyone wants a challenge, here’s a link to an anagram generator. Put the names in and all the permutations are listed. http://ingesanagram.appspot.com

  30. I put Archie and Josie in there and there’s hundreds on the list. So I guess this isn’t going to happen. Oh well.

  31. If its not not a super hero.. then is it a super villain tv show?

  32. I feel like this is about Supernatural, not Riverdale. No clue who the "crossover" actress is, or what that is even in reference to, or the "mystery" alluded to. This is a pretty poor blind.

  33. Could be the big reveal from the season finale of Jane the Virgin. Brook Shields was on this last season (crossover from movie fame?) Her character is River Fields- which has a few letters that would be found in the word EVIL, as part of EVIL TWIN, which is my guess for the cliff hanger, given the telenovela nature of the show. On the CW (almost network in Enty speak)
