Thursday, June 28, 2018

Blind Item #12

This A list mostly action movie actor has been on a self styled tour as of late. Apparently, it is really just a way for him to find new women to have sex with in every town he visits.


  1. Chris Pratt by name Pratt by nature

  2. I think it's Pratt also but is his traveling "self styled" or for Jurassic World?

  3. Channing Tatum and his alcohol label?

  4. Channing Tatum was here a couple of days ago doing something. Book signing? No idea, I just remember hearing about it.

  5. Channing Tatum is in DM today for signing his vodka in Pensylvania

  6. Probably supposed to be Tatum with his signature vodka, but I'm not seeing him going to multiple locations. Pratt has been bumping around the country promoting Jurassic Park but that's pretty typical.

  7. There is a never ending supply of willing ladies for all of these guys, everywhere they go. Maybe he just likes to travel!

  8. Single man enjoys the company of single women as has been happening since the dawn of time. Why am I supposed to clutch pearls and faint again?

  9. Chris (Evans) hasn't been travelling around but in his hometown supporting his uncle

    Sounds like Pratt but like @Ophelia said, is it for Jurassic World or not, but he does fit the 'most action' movie actor, so does Channing Tatum

  10. I hate blinds were you know it's made up just from looking at DailyMail.

    I guess its charming potato

  11. Channing isn’t a mostly action movie actor so it doesn’t fit. Pratt makes more sense.

  12. If it's Pratt, I hope he's coming to my town next 😘

  13. Pratt may be all movie now, but started out, and has many years on, television.



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