Blind Item #12
This late night talk show host thought this B+ list mostly television actress who is on a hit network show that requires zero acting was hitting on him before and during the show. So, the married host hit on her hard and was rejected in a second. The actress threatened to tell the wife of the host.
The host is Fallon. Who’s the girl?
ReplyDeleteJenna Dewan and Fallon?
ReplyDeleteYucky. Jimmy looks like a guy who wants to cry in your arms after making tender love.
ReplyDeleteLmao so are women baiting men just to have a metoo story?....
ReplyDeleteUh no. That's not at all what this is saying. Men, learn to tell the difference between being nice and wanting to duck. If she's working, chances are slim that she's actually flirting.
ReplyDeleteDucking autocorrect.
DeleteUm no. The blind clearly reads she was hitting on him before the show... and during the show which either means she was flirting on camera or during commercial breaks. The blind didn’t read she was being nice and he took that to mean she was flirting.
DeleteIt doesn’t say she WAS hitting on him. The blind says he THOUGHT she was hitting on him.
DeleteUnknown reread it with your smartass glasses on take off your dumbass ones...keyword THOUGHT...I bet ur one of those guys who hits on women cause she's nice then says she asked for it or call her a whore when she says no lol
DeleteIts Fallon and Kidman.
ReplyDeleteJimmy Fallon wanted to f*ck Nicole Kidman?!?! Recently?!?!
ReplyDeleteShe looks like someone trapped in a plastic costume of themselves.
If this is Colbert, I'm killing myself.
ReplyDeleteI feel like it would say pay cable show or something if it was HBO.
ReplyDeleteKidman's pay cable show actually requires acting. I never liked her, so wont defend her, but she can usually pull off a role. Jenna Dewan had her um, assets on display, This is def her, she is on the World of Dance reality show
ReplyDeleteIt's not Colbert. I feel he's too smart/aware to do something so stupid
ReplyDeleteColbert says something stupid every night.
DeleteNicole Kidman is not mostly television so it's not her and she's still "A" list
ReplyDelete+1 Too, sandy, tiny, Truthseeker
I thought it was Fallon's alcoholism that made him so miserable but maybe it's his marriage.
Men often mistake kindness and accommodation for flirtation.
ReplyDeleteActually they mistake it for "She wants me." LOL
Delete@Unknown, you might want to check that first sentence again, "thought" in particular.
ReplyDelete"This late night talk show host THOUGHT this B+ list mostly television actress who is on a hit network show that requires zero acting was hitting on him before and during the show."
Isn't Jenna Dewan the host of World of Dance? Shit requires no acting.
ReplyDeleteI saw her on Fallon last night. I was surprised how pretty and tiny she is. Great dancer in high heels and form fitting dress, (I would have slipped and busted my ass on the waxed floor). I had only seen her in pictures and she never looked very attractive to me, in the past.
ReplyDeleteGo, Girl!
Like we needed any more reasons to hate Fallon. What a shitbag.
ReplyDeleteWhy is Jimmy Fallon ALWAYS crying?
ReplyDeleteHe's always crying because he's one of THOSE drunks.
ReplyDeleteYes, World Of Dance.
ReplyDeletefallon is a POS
ReplyDeleteOKC Teacher, Jenna had to have something going on to keep Channing so long.
ReplyDeleteThere is a huge difference between "flirting" and "coming onto someone." Flirting is a tool used by people during all sorts of interactions and doesn't necessarily infer sexual contact of any kind. It's done to get some kind of reaction or to make the other person feel special. It's also done for humor at times. I "flirt" with business associates, friends, and even members of the same sex. I tell my female coworkers that I like their outfit, or their hair looks nice. I tell my boss he's the greatest boss ever. I tell my clients that they are my favorite. Stuff like that. I have once had a client take my flirting the wrong way and came onto me and I left immediately (happily married woman.)
ReplyDeleteSo the moral of this story is that just because someone is showing you some attention, or complimenting you, or even being flirty, doesn't mean they want to have sex with you. Is this a #metoo story? No way. As long as he took no for an answer there's no hard in making a pass at someone. But the real problem is that the guy is married and a dirt bag. And that he thinks so highly of himself that he mistook someone being nice or even flirty as a sign they want to have sex with him. He is the one who should feel like a total loser, but in his head he's probably like - she was coming onto me!
I know Fallon is a drunk POS, but honestly, I'd ride him six ways to Sunday. I guess I love a cry-bitch baby geek type.
ReplyDeletep.s. What's up with the CAPTCHA today? Man, I've had to complete at least 6 rounds multiple times. Either I'm really shitty at it or "security" is beefed up.