Saturday, June 02, 2018

Blind Item #12

This offspring knows there is more information about him that is set to be published. He managed to wiggle out of the last damaging firestorm by threatening suits and hiring a great PR team. This time though, he knows he will go down for murder so is trying to put chum in the water by his recent actions. He had someone pose as a patient and get a set schedule so everyone involved in the murder would know for certain when the victim would be at a certain place.


  1. Sounds like the guy who worked on the Jon Benet case and... maybe her brother?

    1. Steven Pitt, the forensic psychologist. He was shot in his office the other day.

  2. What the.... Is that last part English? Is this offspring a doctor?

  3. Matthew Mellons Son?

  4. The psychiatrist on the Jon Benet case was murdered leaving work yesterday

  5. So Burke murdered the doctor? Ok

  6. Jon Benet's brother is the offspring.

    Long time lurker, moving out from the shadows.

    1. ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

  7. Replies
    1. A person who is known by his or her parents has been suspected of murder.

      Last time information linking him/her to the murder was released he/she quashed it by threatening lawsuits and hiring a great PR team.

      This time, there is more information to be published which is extra damning.

      The person knows they will be convicted of their crime this time.

      So the person is trying to distract attention from his/her involvement.

      Back to the latest murder: the one who arranged the murder had someone pose as a patient to gain access to the medical professional victim. This “patient” obtained the victim’s schedule, thereby enabling the murderers to know when and where to commit the crime.

  8. The fuck? This is still being investigated like decades after it happened?

  9. If this is Burke:
    The parents truly screwed this up big time.
    It has been said: JonBenet took some of Burke's pineapple and milk.
    Burke got angry and hit her with the flashlight (accidentally) killing her.
    The parents went on that long drawn out charade of a scruffy hair stranger breaking in and kidnapping JonBenet.
    Unfortunately, and unbeknownst to the parents at the time, Colorado had a law that stated children 12 or younger could NOT be prosecuted for murder.
    If they had just admitted the crime, he'd be free & clear today.
    Now, he could be tried as an adult.

    1. Right @ david. But whose DNA is on her body?? Burke was ruled out along with dad and deceased Santa!! I'm sorry but DNA results will answer everything for me.

    2. Burke is not the only son. there is an older one who's suitcase was also found in the basement with a blanket inside with DNA on it.

  10. I don't believe he killed his sister and I doubt he'd kill the psychiatrist, just another conspiracy after they couldn't make anymore fit the parents. Lot's of evidence point's to someone not related to her, the police made to many mistakes for it to be resolved without a confession.

  11. Pineapple and milk? Blech!

    1. Yeah, the rich eat fucked up food.

  12. The murder was before the internet, where you could easily google info. No one at that knew what a garotte was. If the brother hit her with the flashlight, why would they garotte her, that is so macabre. Also how would they even know what it was.

    I saw a documentary and there was some guy who lived in a junkyard who had boots that matched the footprint but he either died or was murdered. It is a while since I saw it.

    1. Dictionaries existed before the internet. Anybody who's seen The Godfather knows what a garrote is.

    2. @gauloise

      Oh dear. Where to start.

      You see, before Google, there was Yahoo. And before even that, there was webcrawler and Alta Vista. That went all the way back to the beginning of the web where you could search the Internet from a text-based terminal. And before THAT, there was Usenet.

      And even before that, there were things we call books, which weren’t just for decoration or making yourself look worldly. We actually opened them and read the words right off their paper.

      Sometimes, we even had to go to a library and look for OTHER books off of thousands of pieces of notecards in something called a “card catalogue” kept in great big chests. And then we had to COPY THOSE NUMBERS BY HAND and walk all over the library finding the books. And THEN we had to use their indexes to find exactly what we were looking for.

      The paper cuts were DREADFUL.

      Goodness, those were trying times, back in the dark ages before the Internet. When nobody* knew what a garrote was.

      *Anf by “nobody” I actually mean a whole lot of people who read books and watched movies.

  13. For this case, the detectives should be dipping into the ancestry .com pools like they did with the golden state killer! Hopefully zodiac killer will be next! Colorado cops blew this one.

  14. Well it wasn’t waaaay before home security because how do you not know someone broke a window into your home(as affluent as they were-easily affordable).
    To me that random note said it all. So oddly written and in the exact amount of Dads bonus. Don’t think the junkyard homeless dude was privy to that.
    It’s a sad tragedy which still haunts me(my daughter her then age soon); but the answer lie within that family and Patsy rapidly declining health

  15. I think JonBenet was being pimped out by her parents to Daddy's Important Business Partners. Something went askew.

    1. I saw some of those reports that linked him to military contracts etc and that his older daughter death was a threat/hit. Who knows how many alters are in each mind. Thats how they do it: drug people, hypnotize them, film them and then later blackmail them. Makes you wonder.

      I thought it wass clear the blow to her head required more strengt h then a child could do.

      Also, what was the deal with some pictures in the washer and dryer area? Anybody familiar with that? Not sure if they were planted or fake or real or had people in them. Kind of thought it was gossip at time.

      Also, many law agencies,are accessing DNA data banks now but my understanding which they never made clear in media is that the DNA wasn't match because it was "mixed" meaning it could never be matched or something.

      This case is the weirdest in my lifetime. So many fails from so many sides. Then you would see one hard fact weighed against another hard fact. Then when jon Michael Carr confessed and wasted all that time and money. The most hard core finger pints to some junk yard owner who had employee or friend that knew who did it but that guy ended up murder or something. It became a cold lead that might have been the hottest.

  16. The only DNA in question was what was found on her brand new underwear.
    And the touch DNA came back as someone from Southeast Asia.
    Turns out the "new" underwear were NOT washed prior to her wearing them; so, the touch DNA belonged to the person who packaged the underwear at the factory.

    I know: Pineapple & Milk? Yuck!

    Also, it has come out since, that Burke had been in therapy for his anger issues at the time of the death.

    Either way, a death of a child is extremely sad regardless of who is victim or perpetrator.

  17. Anonymous12:38 PM

    +1 ERose. Seems timely given all of the pedophilia coming out of the woodworks. Child beauty pageants are a big giveaway something isn't right.

  18. David McGowan's writing on the JonBenet murder case in his book "Programmed to Kill" should be read by all, as the entire book should be.

    I know people who knew the Ramseys after the murder, after they moved to Atlanta. They said they were very strange people. But maybe we all would be after going through something like that.

    If you read the McGowan book, however, you'll smell a rat. A number of rats, actually.

  19. We're they trying to make these kids sick with the pineapple and milk?

  20. Some facts. John Ramsey was stationed in the Philippines, so he’d know what a garrote is. The DNA tests that excluded the Ramseys were suspect and the profile gathered from those tests may not even represent a real person, but a mixture of different people.

  21. There were so many things happening with this case that it had to be murder.

    Like getting rid of the rug, during mid investigation because they were supposedly renovating the house.

    I don't believe Burke hurt her over stealing some food. It was a sexual murder by somebody.

  22. The police started and ended assuming the Parents did it.They did not secure the crime scene,and ignored the fact that there were dozens of pedophiles in the area,and that many people had access to the home. I think if John did it ,Patsy would have given him up. If Patsy did it,a deathbed confession may have occurred. Both would cover for Burke,however. His behavior before this was disturbing. However,what if someone else knew they were being exposed?

  23. So the’re essentially buying time with distraction by murder. If that’s the case, WTF is the end game of said offspring? If it’s the Ramsey case and Burke didn’t do it, then he knows who did. Agree with @LeanneNorman that case was bungled so badly, not sure they would bring charges without confession or indisputable forensic evidence. Would be amazing if justice could still be served for Jon Benet’s murder.

  24. I've seen several movies and mystery novels featuring garottes over the years. We weren't *that* clueless before we could search the web.

  25. I'll believe this blind when the info regarding the imminent downfall of Don Henley comes out. Until then, I call bullshit.

  26. Anonymous1:48 PM

    A garotte is a fancy noose. Most people know nooses hang/kill people.

  27. This garrote conversation is stupid. It was not some great fucking secret before the internet, everyone knew what a fucking garrote was even then.

  28. A garrotte is easy to make. You just a string, with their ends, in a piece of wood and tie the knots, so it cannot come loose, and keep twisting it in one direction.

    A 6 year old child is not going to prevent her death at the hands of anybody who is at least a couple of years older than her.

  29. Jeez. I was on vacation last week in Boulder and we drove by the house. It was amazing how different the view was in person vs. on tv.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. The junkyard guy with the rare boots stated and his partner had decided to kidnap jon benet and leave a ransom note where the would get 50 - 60,000 each, which is basically the same amount as the dad's bonus . The DA announced they were zooming in on a suspect, and he committed suicide two days later.

    It could have been someone in the family, but it also could have been someone outside it. The police bungled it by narrowing in on the parents with too much tunnel vision.

  32. Like Rebecca Zahou in Coronado that used those complicated knots to commit suicide. I can barely tie my shoes and doubt she could either. Rich people can get away with murder if you have the right lawyers and inept law enforcement. Totally think that it was an obsessed BP fan and maybe it could have been Burke.i hope not but We will see!

  33. @ DDonna - I've put that book on my wishlist, it looks good.

  34. Not that it matters much, but there was the internet in 1996. Google wasn't around but I absolutely remember being forced to learn what the internet was (and what yahoo was) in 1996. Once I learned it, it was amazing what I could find. For those of you too young to remember, there were things called encyclopedias and books to research things before Google was born. (And I dont consider myself that ancient at 45)

    1. Agreed. I used internet chat rooms in 1994 and when Jonbenet died it was probably the first time I used a search engine

  35. How to spot a millennial: they think the internet is the fountain of all knowledge and us older folk lived in an intellectual wilderness prior to its invention. Of course we fucking knew what a garotte was. As for JB's murder, whether it was a family member or some perverted stranger, they're still to blame. They put make-up on her and pushed her down a catwalk. All these crap beauty pageant parents are guilty of child abuse.

  36. A garotte featured prominently in The Godfather, book and movie.

    The internet was around long before 1996, even the www had been a huge thing for 3-4 years. In fact this was one of the first 'true crime' stories to get a lot of traction from web sleuths. It was actually easier to search and find things online pre-1998.

  37. Always amazing how many youngsters of a certain generation can't realize that their elders invented computers and built the internet. I guess they feel it just feel from the sky /./. (pssst, the old ones also walked on the moon, for reals)

  38. Jon Benet had a skull fracture and was strangled. One method was the cause of death and the other was a decoy. Only the killer and the authorities know.
    I support the theory that the illuminati/freemasons demanded that Jon benet be a human sacrifice to their santanic gods. They faked the muder with the help of local authorities. Jon Benet grew up to be the future katy Perry, the nun killer.

  39. Han Niam: Turns out FOUR people were murdered last week, all connected to a law firm. This has nothing to do with the JonBenet murder. Evidently the police and other law enforcement have an idea who 'he' is. Someone who probably lost a trial and felt he wasn't properly represented by Pitt and other legals. This is going to be a long, hot Summer, murder-wise.

    1. @Boo Hey, Boo, welcome back.

      The information about the other murders wasn’t widespread when I posted, I guess. The blind COULD be more imaginative BS based on the original articles which focused just on the Doctor.

  40. Apparently police believe one male subject murdered four people, including the Jon Benet psychiatrist, 48-year-old Veleria Sharp, 49-year-old Laura Anderson, two paralegals at a Scottsdale law firm, and a fourth person whose body was discovered Saturday

  41. I remember doing high school, and college research from a card catalogue.

  42. I know Burke is creepy, but where would be have gotten a stun gun at his age when the murder took place? She had stun gun marks on her arm.

  43. Not saying that Burke murdered or accidentally killed his sister. If he did though and if his parents were covering it up, they could have fashioned a garrote, used a stun gun, and whatever else was used on the poor girl as a distraction. We are not talking about a couple who were ignorant.

  44. @Pamela Olson -- Bless you! It's an eye opener. If you feel you learn something from "Programmed to Kill," after that you should check out David McGowan's "Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon."

    1. I can only read “Weird scenes” in chunks b/c it makes my head hurt

  45. Marks on Jon Benet's chin showed the use of a stun gun. Only bit of evidence that has thrown me....I watched a Netflix docu about it today. A 3 page ransom note written in their home with their pen and paper and being murdered in the home..all of it apart from the stun gun screams it was someone in the family.

    1. 3 pages written while you are in the house. No way. It would've been rushed and including the exact amount the husband got as a bonus at work that Christmas....then there's the pineapple

  46. Boo, if this is the original Boo, WELCOME BACK!! Love you!!!!!!

  47. Oh my, I didn't realize there was another son......

  48. Hi, Seems:

    Love you, too! Yes, this is the 'origial' Boo. Not the fugazy Boo that posted in my name last year. Don't know who the heck that was. Only here for the beer, as they say in the UK. My surgery is going to take a while to heal, so I will try and post as often as I can. If those fires in New Mexico worm their way over to Santa Fe and burn my ranch down, I guess I will be spending more time here. The wonderful folks in NM really don't need this right now. Prayers.

  49. Oh well here goes -

    ' Lot's of evidence point's to someone not related to her,"

    Actually no evidence points to anyone who was not in that house that night. It was someone in the family.

    "The police started and ended assuming the Parents did it"

    No they didn't. They assumed it was a stranger hence -

    "They did not secure the crime scene"

    Because they believed everything the parents said. Classic police protocol is to get everyone immediately away from the crime scene. The cops were so enamored of the Ramseys and their wealthy friends, they didn't do that.

    "It could have been someone in the family, but it also could have been someone outside it."

    There was never any evidence that someone broke into that house.

    "Not that it matters much, but there was the internet in 1996."

    Yep and Jonbenet was a hot topic then.

    "is parents were covering it up, they could have fashioned a garrote, used a stun gun,"

    The use of a stun gun is inconclusive. One theory about the garroting is that...take a deep breath for this...warning, don't read any further because this is disturbing...Patsy or John figured that JB was mentally damaged after the head injury and seizures. Rather than implicate the family and have JB attached to life support till she dies (in their mines) they garroted her.

    Don't know how much sense that makes, though.

    "A 3 page ransom note written in their home with their pen and paper and being murdered in the home"

    Not only that, but there was an equally long test document written by hand and thrown away.

    What stranger murderer sits around in a kitchen of the victim, after the murder, spending hours writing long-winded ransom notes?

    The skin marks may or may not have been from a stun gun from what I've read.

    1. @plot Huh. Thanks for all of that. I only followed this case whenever someone left a newspaper on the bus back in the day.

      The ridiculously long ransom note is especially damning for the family.

  50. Some experts think Jon Benet might not have been tased, but instead struck by the pins in Burke's model train set. 2016 article in Rolling Stone magazine says "The team ultimately found that upon being tased...the marks left on his skin looked nothing like the ones found on JonBenรฉt. Later, we learn that pins in the toy train tracks from the Ramseys' "train room" could have been responsible for the injuries."

  51. I believe the brother killed her by accident and the parents tried to hide it

  52. Boo is back!!! So glad to see you!

  53. Grew up in Patsy's hometown. Odd stories about her, but "after".

    Family almost certainly(like 99.6%) - I've always liked the grandfather in a darkhorse kind of way.

  54. The ransom note was the crucial evidence for me that proved the parents were lying. As plot said (in a good comment, thankfully free of politics!), kidnappers do not sit around at the scene of the crime writing ransom notes. And they also don't refer to themselves as "a small foreign faction," a term I found hilarious, right out of a Leslie Nielsen spoof.

  55. Whatever the case, having a shit load of money sure isn't a recipe for happiness..

  56. This case is awful. The Madeleine McCann case is awful. These poor kids...

  57. Does anyone know why the older step-brother was ruled out? I believe he was in college at the time and had been home for the holidays.

  58. No the mystery will be solved after all. This case was haunting me for like 10 years now, so pretty cool.

  59. Someone used a garotte (new word for me! Thx internet!) to murder Maury in Goodfellas, which came out in 1990.

  60. My first thought was Redmond O’Neal for this one. What “chum” has Burke Ramsey put out in the news recently?

  61. The beauty pageant part of this story has been a giant distraction. People have strong opinions either way, but they need to set this part aside.

    The police video taken inside the house, after the accident (or crime) suggests to me that these were two well cared for children...

    I believe the family had socialised with friends that evening. It was a typical family home at Christmas time - slightly messy, cluttered, chistmas decorations, wrapping paper, dishes strewn around the kitchen. These weren't people planning or expecting a sudden death or murder.

    The relaxed state of the home goes against everything they portrayed the mother as being - a hyper perfectionist. The house shown in the "after" video, is not the home of a pedantic perfectionist woman.

    The evidence (the 911 call and the note) point to the parents panicking and very quickly deciding to cover for Patsy's only remaining child. Patsy was diagnosed with stage four ovarian cancer at age 37, when JonBenet was only three ... No more babies were going to happen for Patsy and she knew she had limited time with her kids. If they'd just told the truth.


  62. Did not know what a garotte was before reading this post but have read David McGowan's "Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon and Programmed to Kill" ........think the author gave his life to write them.If you want to understand why we have so many multiple murders & and why as gov., g bush the lesser 's only pardon from death row was a particularly vicious serial killer...hint. Government . had some bucks invested in him.

  63. I always thought the brother was involved. Even though so young. I thought the garotte would have made it easier to strangle her. I saw JonBenet as the golden child and the possible resentment that would have created in a sibling that had issues. And if Patsy was a narcissist then image was everything and she would have been even less likely to admit her family was less than perfect. Definitely wouldn't admit the horror of murder.

  64. This sounds more like a setup. I think the last thing they would want is more attention. Doctors have so many backup files that killing the Dr alone wouldn't protect anybody. More like killing would accelerate a threat at framing someone.

  65. The underwear was brand new never washed the trace DNA was from the the person who handled it at the underwear factory

  66. @ DDonn - Thanks, I will!

  67. @B626

    Yep! John Ramsey keeps flogging that DNA as the killer's but it was so badly degraded that it was more than likely deposited when the gussets were sewn in the underwear in the Philippines (I think it was.) A Y chromosome was barely discernible on the sample. It was very old DNA.

    John keeps buying headlines that talk about the killer's DNA, which is more proof that he is still trying to control the discussion and manipulate it away from a family member.

  68. Yes someone commented about Underwear DNA before me it’s one Helluva f**ked Up mess

  69. I thought Bourke Ramsay/ the whole Ramsay case would be too obvious, so for something different I was thinking something like John Landis' son, Max or something about the 'treatment centres' around Ariz, since Steven DID work on many other forensic cases directly and indirectly.

    A huge stretch, but something different to think about.

  70. @hortensia-I got a masters degree in 1993. We had a CD Rom where you could look up abstracts from journals. You had to schedule a time to use it. We then would drive to whatever library had the journal you needed and bring a roll of dimes to make copies. It would have been so much easier now.

    As far as the JonBenet Ramsey case, there is so much garbage about it on the internet and conflicting information. The investigation was botched, intentionally I believe.
