Sunday, June 03, 2018

Blind Item #11

This closeted former A+ list tweener turned A- list adult singer stayed far away from an event this weekend that would have been perfect to show off the new beard. She was there. He couldn't go because an ex-boyfriend was working catering and our former tweener got word there was going to be a camera and a confrontation. 


andrea said...

Nick Jonas

nonyabusiness said...

Priyanka being the new beard, LOL.

Cuddlebutt said...

Yep, Nick. Jerk ex. I find it highly ironic that his parents have, at least 2 gay sons.

Yikes said...

Genetic research has come a long way since their purity rings. They were born that way. The parents might as well own it.

Unknown said...

Too bad, they’d really make a cute couple... do their friends know their relationship is fake? Saw photos of them with friends and I was curious how that all works. Are they in on it too or do they believe this relationship?

fionafab said...

Priyanka would have been the perfect bride for Prince Harry. She deserves her own Prince. Why is she dating a Princess?

not surprised said...

Speaking of Jonases (Joni?), has anyone seen the video of Sophie Turner rolling on ecstasy? It was in the Daily Mail this morning.

Randaleese said...

I had to google her. Not everyone watches that show.. or listens to closeted brothers music.

ADFan said...

I wouldn’t buy this relationship for a moment. Seems super incompatible. Her Baywatch costars Zac Efron and Alexandra Daddario were/are much more compatible.

Anonymous said...

Priyanka. She gives off vibes that scream “run, man, run!!”

This and That said...

Money. Recognition. Hmm what else?

Morrisseyx said...

The relationship is fake came out of nowhere. Why doesn't Nick just come out as a gay man? Didn't he date NFL star Aaron Rodgers a while back too?

nonyabusiness said...

He wants to meet Meghan Markle since Priyanka is friends with her.

Sd Auntie said...

Priyanka is one of the most beautiful woman in Hollywood but has never stopped out with anyone notable. I know that Bollywood is pretty harsh with the ladies so even if it is fake, you go girl. Nick is hot!!

Taytay25 said...

His friends probably do know it's fake but don't say anything to his face to be nice. There have got to whispering behind his back. This was just so random and out of the blue.

Boo said...

Why doesn't Nick just come out? Its not like he has this smokin' hot career any more. Priyanka is a WOMAN, Nick looks like a little boy lost. What a mismatch.

Bearding, such a joke. I think people are pretty much clued in these days that H'wood is liberal in their sexual tastes. Other countries might not like it, but they're not sleeping with these guys so buzz out of their personal lives. Little fan girls will still fantasize.

Seeing some of these guys with their beards is painful to watch because the chemistry is always awkward and "friend zoned".

UniversalEnergy said...

If this one is Nick and Poopyanka, she went to a birthday party for a musician friend Matthew Koma (wrote music for Joe Jonas and Shania Twain) and went to a friend's daughter's party. I checked on her IG. Some thought he dated Aaron Rogers.

UniversalEnergy said...

Does anyone know who the catering ex boyfriend is?


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