Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Blind Item #11

There is no way, this foreign born A+ list rapper was going out with this A- list mostly movie actress/comic. He only does the stripper and porn star thing where they let him do his crazy fetish thing which is the only way he is able to perform. Plus, the A- lister is a bit of a talker and would spill that fetish in a second.


  1. Drake/Tiffany Haddish?

    1. Definitely! I just need to know about this fetish.

  2. I want to know what this fetish is!!

    1. He likes getting pegged and having his salad 🥗😉

    2. Word!
      It’s almost-chaste lol

    3. Ummm...”poop viewer”? Please elaborate. Someone. Anyone.

    4. All those rappers like backdoor stufg and Pegging. eating groceries is a dominant them with some and they need to acknowledge that their pleasure holes is the same as the people they fesr!

    5. Stuff theme not them..gawd

    6. Pegging and have his butt hole detailed? How basic. When I hear fetish I think it will be something shocking and weird/creepy. Where I spit out my after work wine all over my phone and a cat. Since we never know if Drake is gonna be gay or straight this is not very entertaining.

    7. Pegging and salad tossing just reg sexual fetishes for ya are they? Who are you? Mr slave from South Park?

    8. It's just anal ...good grief it's not like it's midgets shitting in his mouth

  3. So she's dating Common instead..

  4. Omg I just thought he was closeted. Oh my

  5. I'm glad my comments are being read and digested. So to speak.

  6. Lmao didn’t believe it for one second! He probably invited her to hang out with him and his friends. She seriously talks too much, if I were famous I wouldn’t bring her around.!

  7. how in the hell is Tiffany Hadish A- list? I'd never heard of her before like 6 months ago and I still only know of 1 movie she's been in.

  8. Somebody keeps trying to make Tiffany Haddish happen, she was in one hit comedy movie, most people could not recognize her.

  9. Yes Ima need to know what a poop viewer is as well lol

    1. A clear platform over Sly's bed so ladies can climb up there and take a dump on the glass while he looks up. Allegedly!

  10. after hearing about black guys and Saudi Princes' sex acts, I am going to throw up and become celibate. Nasty as mo fo's.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Aww Natalie Fink...your kind of guys like this kind of action. LMFAO

  11. There is no way she is dating Common. They may have gone out for dinner, maybe to discuss future projects but I don't see her as Common's type. He likes a different type of intellectual girl. Tiffany Haddish is just trendy now so everyone is trying to collab with her. She's a nice girl but I don't think her popularity is going to last. Plus she has no filter and blabs too much and Common does not want his personal business all over the front of the New York Post. Just because 2 people are seen together doesn't mean they're dating.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Every time you fill up your car you're helping to finance a model getting sh!t on and used as an umbrella stand. What's a shame is how many young women look up to those soulless whores without knowing how they fund their lifestyles.

    1. .❤️Absolutely right

    2. They seem to look up to them even when they DO know...

  14. ohhhhhh myyy goddddd that is something I never needed pictured in my mind lol

  15. Seriously, what is the deal with Haddish??? I never heard of her before the MTV awards. No clue what she is/was in (I have not imdb'd her). She does those groupon commercials too, right? Why is she hot shit???

    Also, Stallone has a poop camera? WTF is going on???

  16. years ago (though post Rocky et al) Sly had a dick that still a thing?

  17. Is pegged straight talk for bottoming or does he like a strap on?

    By the insinuation the rumors on this site about him and Odell are based in some truth?

    Tiffany is a comedian first so I think her blabbing all the time is her shtick. She was a regular on the Carmichael show.

  18. Pegged is usually a girl with a strap on fucking him. Odell is gay, Drake is gay on certain days of the month when Enty can't find a straight blind of him with a stripper, but he's gay mostly.

  19. Lmao! So, it was you DDonna! I couldn’t remember if it was you or Rosie R! We had a little fetish discussion in a thread a few days back!😂 I mentioned the poop ceiling and someone said that particular fetish is old hat now. So I asked what was considered cutting edge in the fetish world now and Sara suggested Sounding and then we all grossed ourselves out by googling it! 😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️ All sparked off from your Stallone story, so yes, it definitely made an impact! Lol I suggested that Enty should do a Your Turn question on fetish’s.

  20. I still have no idea who this Tiffany woman is.
    But anyway, Drake likes it in the butt then? That isn't surprising.

  21. What you learn from comments. I don't believe the poop ceiling. How can someone possibly have to happen to need to go to correspond with the request?

  22. So what are all of these sex acts that "Black and Arab" men are into? Are they doing things that white men don't do because God knows they have just as many if not more fetishes. This is probably less about race and more about people with kinks. I promise you, more strap-ons are sold for use on White boys.

  23. ...Seriously...

    I know everyone has their thing and I try to not be a judgmental person. But I cannot get behind (pun intended) the obsession of ass play and literal shit.

  24. Plenty of men like to take it up the butt. Some start in college or playing sports.. They won’t dare say they are gay, infact they make fun of gay men.. A great deal of the them like their salad tossed, I’m not about to eat someone butthole.. Sorry but that will never happen, they
    also like eating women butts out.. It’s a fetish, but to each it own.. I don’t like it and it would never happen in my little world.
    I don’t know what sounding is, but I will be googling it immediately

  25. I also never understood the whole ass eating thing. I don't give a shit (pun intended) how good it feels, there is nothing that will ever make me put my mouth where you poop. Nothing. That is strictly exit only over here, ew ew ew.

    1. Exactly. Exit only.

    2. Plenty of people with children and/or pets have had lots of gross things on them by mistake. Yet they live thanks to soap & water. Probably not such a big deal.

  26. I know a lot of people do anal and have no problems, but I have a friend who literally pooped all over the dudes dick, so the thought of that possibly happening, no matter how rare, makes me NEVER want to try it.

    1. @wendy. I know a female who has to wear pull ups because of this preferred method. And there is also higher risk of anal cancer and Hep c. It is a big deal health wise. Porn hub just does not tell you that.

  27. I looked up sounding.
    Live your best life fellas.

    I have no idea who this Tiffany Haddish is. She's got a good agent.

    1. I'm terrified to Google it. I don't need to relive the horror of 2 girls 1 cup. And all the other weird shit that came out around the same time that everyone thought was funny as hell to just send to everyone.

  28. NOT googling sounding. Prefer to think of it as a sexual act of self pleasure, of lying in a meadow, while listening intently to the sound of birds singing in the early morning hours...

  29. What does having salad tossed mean?

  30. How does Stallone get them to go up and poop on command? Well how the hell did the 2 girls in the 2 girls 1 cup video "poop on demand"? Ever heard of laxatives, natural or otherwise? Give 'em a couple tablespoons of Metamucil and away they go.

    Or, like in the 2 girls/1 cup video presumably, they caulked the girls full of some soft serve FroYo lookin' puree and they let it out on cue.

  31. I had to look up "sounding", here you are you lazy whores. p.s. It sounds awful. Some people are very bored in their lives and must love pain.

    "The practice of inserting plastic or metal 'sounds' (long thin and very smooth objects) into yours or someone else's urethra. Ultimately leads to stretching of the urethra so that larger objects (such as a finger) can be inserted in the penis".
