Saturday, June 09, 2018

Blind Item #10

This former A-/B+ list mostly television actress who has not had good luck with sticking on a show as of late is talking a lot about how people need to share and she says she has shared her story about depression, but left out the part where she tried to commit suicide a few weeks ago and was in the hospital for two days.


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  2. None of my business. Good luck to whoever it is.

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  4. +1 Lonely Bastard. This type of stuff should not be posted.

  5. Why should she have to state that? That's no one's damn business. Be thankful she spoke out about depression at all, especially considering the stigma behind mental illness.

  6. debra messing having a good run right now on rebooted Will & Grace. I agree w/one of the guesses above, but I will not write it here.


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  8. Fuck enty fpr posting this!!!!!

    Ohh, and don't guess himmm cuz may hurt his fucking feelings

    1. Hypocritical asshats......

      Making light of someone's mental illness is NOT COOL! You feckless cunt!!

  9. This is NOT gossip. Some things really are too personal for the tabloids. Best of luck to the individual!!

  10. No bueno man. Shouldn't be a blind.

  11. Reactions like these renew my optimism in human beings!! It's refreshing to see so many who are appalled that this is even a subject for fodder. In light of the most recent celebrity suicides, this subject is even more sad. I hope this person gets help and doesn't feel shamed by doing so.

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  13. Now I'm convinced enty is a psychopath. Who takes jabs at someone who tried to kill themselves? A fucking psychopath. I'm done and never coming back. I used to enjoy this site but I can no longer support this behavior. Good-bye fellow commenters. I will miss many of you.

  14. That person owes us nothing. JFC.

  15. Disgusting. Toying with the who's who of molesters and not revealing the names is one thing. Making a guessing game of another human being's pain is certainly another.

    Shame on you, Enty.

    My prayers to the lady in question.

  16. Agreed with the majority of posters here. And thank you so much for saying so. It's nice to see evidence that humanity CAN occasionally be awesome.

  17. So much respect for those not guessing 🙌🏼

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    1. Agreed with all whose sentiments lie on the side of humanity and empathy....Whichever this Entern is they should be writing about this jag off

  19. Val has had issues with depression in the past, pretty well known in Santa Fe. I thought it had been tied into a health issue he had had awhile back.
    But.... is there really a stigma attached to mental illness? Or do people just say there is?

    Think about people who have been open about it are usually thanked for being strong and brave.

    Everyone needs someone to talk to.

    1. >But.... is there really a stigma attached to mental illness? Or do people just say there is?

      There absolutely is, without a doubt. Sure, people with mental illness who share about their struggles are sometimes thanked and called brave by some people. But by other people, and sometimes by the same people behind their backs, they are also called lazy, cowardly, attention-seeking, and weak.

      People with mental illness (speaking in general sense) can have more difficulty finding employment and staying employed and being well liked and respected by others. As someone with depression, I can say that yes, I have been called brave in public when being vulnerable, for example, on social media. But the same people keep their distance from me and avoid conversations with me.

      So yes, there absolutely is a stigma against mental illness. It makes me sad that some people may not believe that there is just because others sometimes call us brave and strong. The general perception of those with mental illness is that we are "less" than those without.

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  21. I suffer from depression..... usually think of suicide everyday.... and I applaud Kilmer for his honesty. If it wasn't for my kids and my wife I probably wouldn't be here.

    1. Many people suffer from
      It .... more than meets the eye here or anywhere else ,as we know. I don’t discount his struggle ,nor do disagree with certain sentiments he expressed. It’s the calling of Tony a “coward “et al and challenging his “weakness “at taking his own life(if he in fact did) to his own “fortitude “ at facing his illness and living without being able to swallow etc. That was a result of his personal choice to refuse medical care based on his religious beliefs-also an example of free will.

  22. Have some dignity and boundaries, even if most of the celebs have none.

  23. The blind could have been worded better (or not posted at all), but the OTT hysteria on here is laughable.

    1. I agree so much... Gossip is gossip the whole point about blinds is they're anonymous so NO it actaully shouldn't truly hurt anyone... Stop w/this twisted victim mentality, grow up ppl!
      Oh & whoever in the hell said: "teasing about who are molesters is 1thing but this crosses the line" 2 U I say: "F*-K OFF U don't think molesting is hurtful?!" Like I said... ppl gotta grow the hell up!

  24. Beautifully expressed, Tricia, I agree with everything you said.

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  25. If the entertainment industry is even half as evil and half as demented as the blinds here indicate then you really can't blame a woman for getting depressed and wanting to end it all.

  26. @Faust you are stronger than you know.
    Thinking of you.

  27. Context is important. If you read all of Val's post it is actually very sympathetic, and heartfelt. He uses some language I definitely frown upon (coming from a family afflicted by numerous suicides) such as "selfish". but Tricia, you cannot take one word from his post and run with it. You must read the entire body of work.

  28. I did,respectfully @kiki.
    I maintain my opinion that his opining about Tony B was both touching and offensive. But then again, Kilmer has really never been known to be an imperfect, emotional/empathetic,gracious soul no matter how may now attempt to be so.

  29. Whoever it is, I hope she finds peace with her demons!:( Imagine feeling so hopeless you try to end it and "fail". I hope she has people who truly care!

  30. Oh, this isn't one person running CDAN. No, a group of paid people; and, probably some of the thoughtless comments are by a 20 something in the office.
    There's also fake blinds to draw people in, i.e., the Duchess of Connaught crap, and the mystery person in the room with Anthony Bourdain.

  31. All my love and support to the subject of this blind.

    That's all I have. I don't even want to make a guess.

  32. Discussing your MH issues is difficult enough, there is no reason at all why whoever this person is should feel compelled to talk about their suicide attempt. I hope she manages to heal, and to be allowed to do so privately if that is what she wants.

  33. "This should not be posted...Now I'm convinced enty is a psychopath...In light of the recent celebrity suicides...Making a guessing game of another human being's pain....Have some dignity and some boundaries."
    Beautiful, and I agree 100% with all of those kinds of sentiments expressed here. But it's not just the exploitation of other people's suicide struggles. It's also the spreading true or false tales of named people being sexually abused without their consent; the spreading true or false rumors about women being sex workers without their consent. All three of these things are examples of the sociopathic exploitation of others' oppression for entertainment value and are part of the problem. Apologists for this type of 'entertainment' would love to dismiss any and all mental health-related issues, self-medicating, and damage involving famous people- especially famous women- as proof that they must have been trafficked/raped by Hollywood higher-ups and pat themselves on the back for spreading these rumors. That's the easy position because it doesn't require the apologist to take a critical look at what they circulate and revel in. But this kind of thing has been found to have negative impacts on people psychologically too. There are other ways to harm and exploit besides physically raping someone.

  34. I gotta say, I don't understand the holier-than-thou hysteria over this blind. Saying, "fuck you for trafficking on peoples' pain?" THAT'S ALL THIS SITE IS. Guess who's cheating? Guess who doesn't know they're getting cheated on? Guess the addict? Judge the addict's behavior at an afterparty. Guess the murderer. Guess the pedophile. Guess the pedophile's victim, for fuck's sake! How is this blind any worse? Seriously, someone help me with this.

    1. And the comments on blinds about Cornell, Bennington and Cobain are pure (sometimes vicious) judgements depending on whether it was 'murder' or not! How is that acceptable, but an anonymous blind about a suicide attempt is off the table? Is it because we know who they are?? All these mental illness blinds are sad.

    2. I completely agree. So let’s have a go at guessing the pedo rapists who raped before and continues to rape. Better yet let’s guess who he molested. That’s ok for a blind.

  35. I have a hard time believing this is even real. With everything that's happened the last few days, it's an easy fake blind to rile everyone up. Mission accomplished. Calm down. Move along.

  36. what a ridiculous over the top response. I agree, almost laughable, if the subject wasnt so serious. Stop your pearl clutching and stop and think that maybe Enty was being sympathetic, it isnt a nasty blind. If everyone shuts down all talk about this subject it will NEVER get better. Stop shutting down any conversation with your holier than though bullshit.

  37. Blue Margarita - the comments were spot on, it's your moronic response that is bullshit, the criticism of this blind is justified, try thinking with some depth instead of being so simple-minded.

  38. It's only now that you're noticing that the site has gone to crap?

    In the world according to Enty, it's fair game to mention people who tried to commit suicide. But then nobody actually commits suicide. It's always murder.

    Kurt Cobain tried to commit suicide when he was in Rome a few months before his death. He had a heroin addiction, a huge chronic back pain, he left tons of notes about how he wanted to die and his fascination for guns, but Courtney Love obviously shot him.

    Mark Salling was facing years in jail as a pedophile. His career was over. But it was a staged suicide. Murder!!!!

    All right, I'm caricaturing. Some people do commit suicide, like Mick Jagger's girlfriend, L'Wren Scott, a few years ago. But it was because of how Jagger treated her. Which makes it basically murder, as he's responsible for that.

    In Enty's world, the murder rate is higher than the suicide rate. And in the last few months, it's always been a bunch of Jewish moguls (Geffen Spielberg, Weinstein, Epstein) or the Clintons who are behind everything. He had evidence for a conspiracy against Anthony Bourdain even before the police untied the rope. These people can kill anybody anywhere, and it has happened hundreds of times. Of course, they also happen to kill the wrong target, as they wanted to silence Asia Argento, who was in Rome, and they couldn't exchange their plane tickets where it was written Basel, or they couldn't rent a car to go to Rome from there, so they had to kill Bourdain, but it's still murder. And they're dangerous.

    If he can find people stupid enough to swallow it, and stubborn enough to think that any reasonable assessment of common sense about the blinds is just a conspiracy by the naysayers to deprive them of the real truths, why wouldn't he?

  39. Also, it shouldn't be of anybody's business, if the blind about the television actress has some roots, to talk about a suicide attempt.
    She has shared her story about depression because she's trying to help people, to let them know that they are not alone, that it can even happen to somebody like her, so they can seek help. Why should she mention extreme and traumatizing details, especially as they would make the story about herself?

  40. Quite right Angela, suicide is never suicide because it's always something else going on. All actresses are Yachting, despite how incredibly easy it would be to get caught out in today's age of social media. Some of these posts are just copy and paste with new names thrown in.

  41. The fact that this was posted on a gossip site is disgusting.

  42. Angela why are you such an anti semite? What does the moguls religion have to do with anything? Noticed the Clinton's religion wasn't mentioned.

  43. Anonymous8:43 AM

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  44. Anonymous8:49 AM

    @alice h: It's not 'disgusting'. It's a very important subject that needs to be discussed. Depression is the elephant in the room that everyone tries to ignore. People are afraid to talk. Horror stories about lobotomies,asylums, well known people like Farmer and Kennedy who were treated horribly.
    It made people afraid to talk about depression.
    My poor mom, she self medicated for forty years due to depression . The alcohol was what killed her. She had no clue. No treatment.
    I have depression, my sibling also. There have been two suicides and one attempt that I know of, in my family.
    We live on a terrible, negative Rock, this planet.
    And for every dramatic and sudden suicide, there are millions of passive suicides.People taking large amounts of substances, knowing it will eventually kill them

  45. Taylor. I'm not an antisemite at all. I'm just making the nasty innuendo written here explicit. Enty has been writing again and again for months about a small groupe of people who are supposedly behind almost every crime or scandal in Hollywood, and basically all the names that Enty focuses on are Jewish. Ryan Murphy (who's not Jewish) had to get rid of Mark Salling, but that's basically because of a request by his supposed overlord David Geffen, who is Jewish. A lot of other stories have the same patterns.
    Weinstein and Epstein are monsters, there's evidence of it, but whoever his source for the Geffen or Spielberg blinds is, the person is clearly updating some old antisemitic canards about Jews and little kids, and uses the Weinstein and Epstein cases as springboards for this kind of generalization. And it's mind-boggling when it comes to Spielberg, who has an otherwise squeaky-clean reputation (apart from what Crispin Glover wrote about him).
    Then, the Clintons are now supposed to do the same thing with politics. Shadowy figures with unlimited lust for power and control, ready to destroy many lives in the process. They have some kind of magical formula to kill people with cancer among other superpowers they use for evil causes, and yet Hillary can't get elected.

    This blog was originally about singers who had other people sing in their place, and some other stories and rumors that some entertainment attorney could reasonably hear about at their office. Hell, I even found grounds to the old DM-related blinds, because the site may run their stories through American lawyers to be sure they can't be sued in the US, and Enty may get a few off the record scrapes here and there.
    Now, it's almost always about crimes that should require arrests and jail time, and yet they are published to entertain the readers. If somebody had evidence of such crimes, it should go to the police first, rather than on a gossip site. It's the right move. And if you don't, it also makes you a complicit. It's also bewildering that the perps, who are well organized and execute perfect crimes, leave such a trail of clues that goes directly back to them just a few hours later, and won't try anything to silence Enty. Actually, if Geffen or Spielberg (whether guilty or innocent) had a hundredth of the power they're supposed to have, this site would be kaput by now.

    This is not Infowars territory, but it's getting there. Actually, the site may have been silently remodeled as a gateway towards right wingnut conspiracy theories. It looks innocent, as it's mostly about liberals such as George Clooney being a fraud and a hypocrite, but after a while, it's also about the Clintons being the Lord and Lady Macbeth of our days, the democrats having no spine at all, and a few Jewish names who control everything in the industry. Take your daily dose of Enty's and you'll find that Alex Jones makes sense.

  46. And I think I'm done here.

    I agree that once we're talking health issues (dementia / mental illnesses / attempted suicides or suicides) that's a line too far for me.

    I'd hate to think what negative things people would say about me & my past were I on any celebrity list.

    I'll stick to just the kindness blinds & the Old Hollywood blinds from now on thanks.

  47. James, a big issue with yachting is that some of the starlets supposedly involved can ask up to $100,000 a night through paid appearances at clubs and parties. Unless she's quite the agoraphobic or doesn't want the IRS to be informed, what woman would fly to the Mediterranean Sea and have sex with somebody she doesn't know when she can get as much money just by smiling for a few hours?

  48. @Faust...I'm so sorry you've struggled and I honestly wish I could do something for you. Yes, your kids love and need you, but I bet there are so many others that do as well. You're important! Thank you for your honesty. That alone proves how special you are!! Big hugs to you!!

  49. Good grief, have the commenters here become so ridiculously PC & virtue-signaly.

    Give it a rest, you all are afraid to guess on a gossip site if someone has possibly tried to commit suicide recently, and are freaked out about it, yet have no problem guessing whether someone has OD'd, cheated, been raped, has an eating disorder, murdered people, been involved in child trafficking, etc.
    This site's comment section used to be brutally honest, and everyone understood they were just goofing off, making guesses out of the clear blue sky and because the commentariat is a bunch of rando people with no power, whatever is said DOESN'T AFFECT A SINGLE THING IN THESE PEOPLE'S LIVES.
    We aren't People mag, or Page 6, or ET. Stop getting so full of yourselves, ffs.
    Everyone on planet Earth has some sort of bad periods, self-hate, depression, feelings of loss and feel like they should give up or they have nothing to live for, at one point in time of their lives. They've, (We've), all done stupid, careless, self-destructive, and selfish things, hurt other people, and what have you, and famous people are just like regular people, just on a larger scale.
    Having some mental illness or possible suicidal ideations is *NOT* something that will necessarily harm a famous person's career, give me a break. ESPECIALLY in this victim-mentology driven climate. Hell, if anything, it would only drive mass public support and get whomever it is, if they wanted to speak publicly about it, a People cover, a sit down interview w/Ellen, and lots of free press for their "bravery."

    As for the assertions that there have been "too many anti-Jewish blinds," by whomever above, they aren't "anti-Jewish," don't be a dunce. They're blinds about the rich, famous people who have been caught in committing crimes and seriously odious behaviors. It just happens that Jewish people are 87% of the people who've been outed in the #MeToo movement because they dominate the media, Hollywood, and the music industry in numbers, so it only makes sense that if they are the predominant group of people in those professions, that more of them will be caught out as the ones committing these acts. It's not anti-Semitism, it's just demographic numbers.

    Good grief, get a grip on yourselves & your narcissism, people.

  50. @Zeroh Tollrants

    There is a definite trend from the site to focus more and more on child molesting, murders disguised as suicides and sex rings, as opposed to more "common" blind items about cheating, plastic surgery, bearding, etc. At this point, most of the other gossip sites have also stopped sharing blind items from Enty, as they believe the stories to be fabrications. They (Dlisted, Data Lounge) actually stopped around 2012-2014 when there were all these clues about Robert Downey Jr being "Himmm", as it strained any boundary of credibility, or when the site started to publish a dozen blind items a day as opposed to one or two. If all these blinds were coming from somebody working in entertainment law (through a few of their colleagues), what are they doing the rest of the day when they're not writing the blog or talking to their contacts? And why are people still talking to them, if everything gets published just hours later?

    And it's not just about a bunch of Hollywood guys who happen to be Jewish being depraved. The BIs after #MeToo occurred are basically about Spielberg or Geffen as the real lead villains, much worse than people like Weinstein or Bryan Singer. They are pervert EXACTLY in the way described by old antisemitic imagery. A secret society that controls Hollywood to satisfy their thirst for lust, and destroys clean cut kids, never hesitating to kill anybody who could reveal their secrets. Anti-Clinton gossip has linked Bill and Hillary with Jeffrey Epstein for quite a while. Just imply that Spielberg or Geffen, who are famously liberals, have ties with Epstein, and "everything" makes sense.

    Now, we get every day a bunch of very random generic blind items that could apply to tons of people, just with the writer making guesses on the base of some publicly known information. Some celebrity gets noticed at an event the night before? Imply it was because of the drugs or the alcohol they had taken. Some actress talked about her depression? It can't be just depression, she must be suicidal. These blind items are more and more poorly written (and in poor taste, as reception attests for this one in particular), but they are required as a dressing for the longer blind items, stuff where Hollywood honchos are now pedophiles and criminals about as bad as Hitler. Or stuff where some guy fancies about his golden days in Tinseltown, twenty years ago, when he knew every cool cat around and when every legend of the silver screen was friends with him.

    The whole blog has almost turned into the fantasy of a Hollywood never was, a guy with a few connections but who never made it. He has kind memories of events he wishes he had been part of, and he despises the powers that be, as they are too obsessed with protecting rapists or child molesters to allow talented mavericks such as himself to make it in the industry. With time, anti-semitic innuendo gets more and more poorly hidden, or the guy gets hired by a conservative media group that pays for more stories about hypocrite liberals, especially if it pull the kid rape string.
