Thursday, June 07, 2018

Blind Item #10

What is surprising in this is that this is not the first time this married foreign born permanent A list celebrity has impregnated a woman who is not his wife. Apparently this is the third time, but this is the first where the woman is not willing to get an abortion. This would be jaw dropping to the world if it became public knowledge. His foreign born A list wife would be humiliated.


  1. Anonymous8:55 AM

    If the baby mama doesn't have any money she just won the lottery.

  2. Omg, this would be funny! Posh looks like the most miserable person in the world!!

    1. +Jennifer...ya you are right. You actually can't blame him too much for dtepping out .

  3. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Here I was thinking Justin Trudeau or Prince William! haha!

  4. juicy if it came out that it was DB

  5. It always says athlete if it's Beckham

  6. People commented on her teeth back in the day so she stopped smiling. Now that she stopped smiling, people say she looks miserable. She can't win. I wonder why she was the only Spice Girl invited to the Royal wedding?

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  10. Could be the Beckhams. They are currently online auctioning off of their wedding outfits 'for charity'. No woman parts with her wedding finery unless her only other instinct is to shred them to pieces.

  11. Rock, just a guess, but I think they invited her only because they wanted him at the service and couldn't exclude her. He is allegedly tight with the two Princes. But everyone knows that, right?

  12. +1 Lyla & Tea, I'm not feeling Beckham for this one either. I doubt it would be jaw dropping to many if he knocked up some chick on the side. Someone more important though, that could be quite the scandal.

  13. Prince William.

  14. Wouldn't Prince William be A++ tho?

  15. Prince Philip? (The Queen's husband)

  16. Yeah, since Beckham has had affairs become public before, it wouldn't be "jaw dropping" to find out that he cheated and got a woman pregnant.
    I'd look at someone with a "good guy/devoted husband" persona.

  17. I feel bad for Victoria Beckham. She doesn't seem like a horrible person at all. As for her man, bet it's the "socialite" who can't shut up to the media. Men never learn.

  18. I have a bit of a soft spot for her, @Unknown. Every now and then she says something kind of witty and self deprecating. It seems like there is a bit more to her than the rest of her family.

  19. Not Beckham, he already has a "secret" daughter about the same age as his son.

    I like the Prince William guess.

  20. @G You think Philip is testing out that ‘new hip’ of his?! What a visual! Lol

  21. Prince Charles? After all the hard work rehabilitating his reputation it would be surprising.

  22. The Royals are A++ but who knows?
    Becks was caught cheating but not impregnating anyone... there a big difference.

  23. Prince Albert of Monaco.

    1. He already has a child with a flight atendent - before marriage

  24. DB - he's got form. Isn't there another blind he's been with another woman for two years or so? As for Prince William, that would be explosive, bigger humiliation for RF then even for his wife.

  25. +1 @ Andrea. I read that he has two daughters from two women: one in Miami and one in Cheshire, England.

  26. he wants to leave.
    she wont let him.

    sorry sweetie, it makes sense he's steppin' out on you hard. posh made it known long ago she'll play doormat if it means keeping the family facade & "brand" up.

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  28. @Nemo and @Unknown, totally agree. Victoria has always come across as classy, witty, and self-driven.

    I don't think this blind is about the Beckhams either.

  29. He is beautiful so I dont blame the gal. Posh needs to give him the boot. Some older billionaire is waiting for her and will sweep her off her feet.

  30. The key here is "This would be jaw dropping to the world if it became public knowledge". Would anyone really be surprised if this was Beckham and his blinds usually say 'sportsperson'. It has to be someone else. Worldwide shock could only be a Royal or a Politician. I'll throw Macron's hat into the ring because of his great 'love story' PR and the fact that there will never be children from that union, shades of Napoleon and Josephine.

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  32. Anonymous8:18 AM

    I loved my husband, too. I was supposed to keep my mouth shut, and live with a fraction of a husband, while he had two women.
    Finally ended it; but there were many sleepless nights. Many crying sessions.

    I would cross the street to stay away from D Beckham. Seriously.

  33. It's all in the news now that David got Harper's school teacher pregnant.

  34. Welp turns out it’s true.. he got his daughters teacher pregnant oh my

  35. Jeebus, run Victoria, run! Back in the Spice Girls days I bought th sulky persona, but she did two reality shows after that (at th time of her solo career) and one either just before or after the Rebecca Loos thing. She was very funny and self-deprecating (and called straight-up called Naomi Campbell rude); and he’s a professional thicko with a helium voice, and a habit of getting sent off in Internationals.

  36. Only half true. It's true DB has a daughter (who is probably a teenager or approaching teens by now) and her existence is an open secret here in the UK. But the current rumour that he got Harper's teacher pregnant is not true.

  37. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Posh always looks like her favourite hamster died that morning

    But I'm going with David here too.



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