Sunday, June 03, 2018

Blind Item #10

This married A- list mostly movie actor has always been a serial cheater but his wife has learned all his secrets when he is home. He loves loves this press tour he is on right now out of the country for a new movie because his wife stayed home. 


Tricia13 said...

Paul Rudd
But I don’t buy it

Gylly said...

Nooooo! Not Paul, Tricia!

Yikes said...

Dammit just had Clueless on and he is so adorable.

FA said...


Tricia13 said...

I’m with ya both I LURVE him but nada surprisises me. Kinda heard he’s not the “aw shucks “ dude he portrays(his wife is from a town I lived in for a bit)

IanPhlegming said...

Uh-oh. Was that "Aw Shucks" comment a reference to an earlier blind? I love Paul Rudd too. :-(

Randaleese said...

So, why do you guess him, if you don’t buy it? I’ve seen you do that before.
Because the majority of this site is bullshit...and it’s all for laughs or ???
I don’t get it.


Sara, Making It Work said...

@Ddonna, Aww Shucks was Sean Astin.
Himmmm commented with extra clues.

Tricia13 said...
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notthisagain said...


shut the fuck up, ya dumb stalker

Tricia13 said...

*Said the asshole who is reduced to commenting under multiple different names because they douched/Shamed themselves off the site ...

(Asshole )

Tricia13 said...


Mary Lamb said...

Stop thinking everyone is a stalker or Derek. Chill the fuck out.
There is someone who has multiple monikers (going on 6 or 7 now) and it isn't Derek, no matter how much you'd like it to be.
I've been around the internet for a while and know exactly who the psycho is, and it ain't the person above (just another asshole responding, there's lots of them lately) that you'd like to make more of than it is. Enough with the self-righteous crap.

Sd Auntie said...

Uh. She has every right to complain Mary little lamb. Derek/riven is a dangerous person and wants to be Tricia. Her guesses are good and this "me first" guesses are childish. It's not like your getting paid.

. said...

I loved his lip sync on the Tonight show, and I have an old lady crush on him, so even if he is an ahole, I give him a pass, at least in my fantasies, lol

. said...

stop picking on Tricia, jelly much? She's one of the main reasons I enjoy this site.

The Truth Will Set You Free said...

Josh Brolin?

Unknown said...

Not Matt Damon he’s in Australian up the coast from where I live camping/holiday with his family and Elsa Pataky

Tricia13 said...

SD Auntie always good seeing ya👍❤️❤️🥂

Southern Man said...

Fill in the blank...

La-Juice said...

As a long time, mostly lurker (who only guesses when am sure to be absolutely wrong) I feel that -although she can take care of herself- we need to protect @Tricia at all costs.

Tricia13 said...

Thank you much.
Lots of great people here.....
More of us than trolly misfits with agendas and yet nothing going on😉

katie s. said...
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