Thursday, May 31, 2018

Your Turn

Favorite Star Wars movie. Worst Star Wars movie.


  1. Favorite: A New Hope

    Worst: Tie between the first prequel and the second prequel. I literally blocked the second one from my memory.

  2. Original was the best.

    I haven't seen the last three, but the one with Jar Jar Binks was terrible.

  3. Star Wars the Original was my favorite. The ones with Hayden Christensen the worst.

  4. The first was the best. I didn't see the first prequel but heard it was awful.

  5. Spaceballs. /End discussion

  6. The Last Jedi was the worst, if you go on YouTube and check out videos by a guy named anti Trekker you will find a twenty-something part complete dissection of the movie that goes through all The Good The Bad and The meh, and completely explains the illogical plot holes and other troubles that have the fan base up in arms

    1. Anonymous10:51 AM

      TLJ is a terrible movie. We’ve gone from Joseph Campbell to spaceship fuel. The writing is lazy.

  7. A New Hope is still my favorite, but I think Empire Strikes Back is a better movie, objectively.

    The worst is easily Attack of the Clones. Phantom Menace was not good, but AotC was actively bad.

  8. The way Disney Wars is trending, the worst one probably hasn't been made yet. The Lucas prequels were bad, but at least interestingly bad (see the Mr. Plinkett reviews). My favorite would have to be Star Wars (that's its effing name, not that "New Hope" crap), because I was one of those kids drawing X-wings and Tie-fighters on my school desk, although Empire Strikes Back is probably the best.

  9. My favorite is The Force Awakens and have zero interest in what basement dwelling fanboys think.
    Least favorite would probably be Solo, but I haven't seen it.

  10. Also check out world class bullshitters, Johnson Kennedy and Abrams should all be kept away from the franchise

  11. Empire Strikes Back for favorite. Last Jedi for least.

  12. +1 filmfanb

    I see your schwartz is as big as mine.

  13. I didn't love the prequels, but found Temeura Morrison fascinating as Boba/ Jango Fett. If they make a full spinoff with him, I would be happy.

    1. Anonymous11:14 AM

      The way he said “always a pleasure to meet a Jedi” but he’s really saying “bring it on, sissy” is so awesome

  14. Han Solo died in the carbon freeze. End of story.

  15. Best: "Empire Strikes Back"
    Worst: "Attack of the Clones"

    "The Phantom Menace" also lousy, but "Clones" is just a bore. Goes on forever, nothing to care about, terrible performances.

    "The Last Jedi" is bad and blasphemous to the "Star Wars" mythos, to the point where it may have sunk the franchise as a global powerhouse.

  16. Best - None
    Worst - Them all

  17. Never saw one but agree with filmfanfab

  18. OK, guys. I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies. Bring on the hate.

  19. Fave: Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith
    Hated: Episode 8: The Last Jedi

    Saw Solo Tuesday. Thought it was decent.

  20. Last Jedi
    Kylo Ren was the protagonist and Yoda is an evil undead warlord

    1. Solo was decent but Rogue One was better

  21. Best - Empire Strikes Back
    Worst - Attack of the Clones

  22. The second one (Empire Strikes Back). Last Jedi was trash. Really disappointed as I really liked Rogue 1.

  23. @Normal, yes, the writing is incredibly lazy now. Not just in Star Wars, but in so many movies. Sometimes they're able to substitute (distract?) for it with good enough action, effects, and quips that they end up with a movie people enjoy well enough in the moment; but they won't be remembered in a decade because the story and characterization are so weak.

  24. Like @ckpsjp, I have never seen a Star Wars movie. I plan to keep it that way.

  25. Never seen a Star Wars film and don't intend to. They all look extremely boring.

  26. A New Hope, the Return of the Jedi. The best.

    Worst? A Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, The Last Jedi.

  27. A New Hope, but only when Han shoots first. Read the original novelization of Star Wars, it has a paragraph about how everyone in the cantina knew Greedo was dead the second he let Han's hand slip under the table.

    I'd say it's a toss up between the second and third prequels for worst.

    'The Star Wars That I Used To Know' - Gotye 'Somebody That I Used To Know' Parody

  28. Best: The Last Jedi
    Most screen time for women in the franchise, and Adam Driver.

    Worst: Episodes 1-3

  29. Best: A New Hope - because it was the original of the species.

    Worst: The Last Jedi - this was so bad, SO bad I saw it only once in the cinema. Once. And I got the dvd and didn't even get half way. Shockingly awful. Force Awakens was pants also.

    Solo: I went to see Solo this very evening after work and I loved it! What a relief! I really loved Rogue One as well!

  30. Favorites: episode 4 & 6. I really liked 7, too.
    Worst: episode 1 & 2. Episode 3 has grown on me. Did not like 8, either.
    I loved Rogue One.
    I enjoyed Solo a lot, and I hope that people give it a chance. If anything, the surprise twist in the end is worth the ticket price, imho anyway.

  31. Best: The Empire Strikes Back. Also deserves mention as on of the great sequels, made by Hollywood pros when George Lucas couldn't get his head out of his ass after the success of the original. TESB is the movie that set up the franchise.

    Worst: Attack of the Clones, but if you want to say Phantom Menace I won't argue.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Nobody’s even mentioned the episode that George Lucas tried to delete from history.. Come on team, what about the Star Wars Christmas Holiday Special!!

  34. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Star Wars. The one that came out in '77. You know, "Star Wars".

    Empire Strikes Back for #2

  35. Fav: A New Hope

    Worst: Last Jedi

  36. I'm not a huge star wars fan, the whole idea of the force seems kind of silly to me. But Rogue One was an awesome movie

  37. Fav. Rotj. I was born in 82 and was hooked from about 3. My star wars knowledge would scare you.

    Least would be attack of the clones.

  38. Funniest Star Wars anything is a clever review of the Phantom Menace:



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