Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Your Turn

Coke or Pepsi? Sprite or 7UP? A different one perhaps?


  1. Replies
    1. My sister in law from Detroit introduced me to Vernor's. I mean... is that stuff straight carbonated acid?

    2. @Elamina,
      Basically that. Plus some coloring. It'll burn the flu right out of you.

  2. None of the above. I don't drink soda.

  3. Coke Zero once in a while

  4. I don't drink soda either or eat sweets, the only sugars in my diet currently are in the foods I eat like baked beans etc. No ice cream, desserts or juices and sodas.

  5. Fizzy vimto or cherry cola only.

  6. Pepsi. Let me explain. I went on a trip to Venezuela when I was in college and got super sick from accidentally drinking Kool-Aid made with tap water. For 5 days I couldn't eat or drink anything. All I could tolerate was Pepsi. I tried drinking water, juice, milk, Coke, everything, and they all made me feel worse. Pepsi was the only thing that made me feel almost normal. I sipped from a glass 2-liter bottle for about 3 days. I wound up losing about 15 pounds.

    Good times.

  7. Diet Coke and Orange or Strawberry Bubly Sparkling water. Gotta save some calories for all the pizza & burgers ya know

  8. I don’t drink soda ever.

  9. Don't drink soda anymore, but if I had to choose.
    I'd drink piss over Pepsi. And a Coke or Seven up bottled in Mexico.
    For the reason that they still use real sugar and not that HFCS crap.

  10. Useless information: Coca-cola tastes different in different countries, but Pepsi tastes the same.

  11. Diet Pepsi, but if it's a really hot day, a Squirt does wonders.

  12. dr pepper. coke. mt dew

  13. Coke and now I just had to go get one from the soda machine

  14. Coke, for the caffeine. Sparkling water for life.

  15. Coke - but only in a can. It sucks from bottles.

    1. I agree! Fountain is good too, especially at McDonald's, they get the syrup ratio just right.

  16. Diet Coke, elixir of life.

  17. Bottled flavored seltzer. Haven't had soda for years.I used to drink Dr Pepper,tried it again and made me sick.

  18. Diet Coke, in order of preference: glass bottle, can, plastic bottle, fountain.

  19. Seldom drink sodas but my preference is Mexican Coke.

  20. Coke & 7Up.
    RC Cola is my #2 cola

  21. I rarely drink soda anymore because it's so bad for you, but a good root beer or cream soda can still tempt me. I like Vanilla Coke, too, but it's hard to find. And remember Pepsi One? That lemony tasting thing that was only one calorie? I liked that, back in the day.

  22. Diet Coke with lime, dammit.

  23. Pepsi when mixed with Sailor Jerry Rum!
    7 Up when mixed with vodka -- OR as a #3 from In-n-Out Burger!


    I've noticed there are a lot of posters on this blog from Boston!

  24. DIET MOUNTAIN DEW!!!!!!!!!!

  25. Diet coke for me. Strawberry fanta is a joy but I only drink diet.

  26. I don't do soft drinks anymore (Bourbon, neat please..)

    BUT - if I had to choose:

    Cheerwine (Dr Pepper's southern first cousin) over Coke and Pepsi.

    BubbleUp or Upper10 or Teem over Sprite or Sierra Mist or 7Up.

    And, I *know* this is a Kentucky thing and I'm being sacrilegious but I HATE Ale-8 with the fiery passion of a thousand suns. This crap tastes like flat Mello Yello mixed with K-Mart brand ginger Ale and horse piss. (I think that's why Kentuckians like it... the horse piss part.)

  27. Coke.

    I happened upon Georgia Peach Coke in a glass bottle (it was not diet). It was so good!! I've only seen it once, hope to find it again.

  28. Mostly Pepsi made with real sugar, sometimes Cherry Coke, sometimes Sprite.

  29. Dr. Pepper throwback
    Sweetened with Cane Sugar
    No high fructose corn syrup
    In a green can with red stripes
    Practically a Health Drink

  30. I don't mind saying this. But I loved new coke. I might be the only one. But I still miss it.

  31. Only Mexican coke for me too, but I use it to tenderize pork for carnitas tacos (use half, drink the other half) or cleaning toilets.

  32. I love an ice cold Coke in a can, by the pool in the summer!!
    Other than that I don’t drink soda at all...

  33. Coke Zero is life.

  34. Diet Coke tastes WAY better than diet Pepsi (although Pepsi Max is better than Coke Zero). Otherwise, I have no preference whatsoever among any brands.

  35. I would’ve imagined Enty to be more of a Sunny D kinda guy.

  36. Anonymous2:38 PM

    No pop for me. My neighbor was a nurse and they would soak iv lines in coke to unclog them. Don’t want that in my body. Hint water or hot tea or coffee (not sugar) for me. And wine. Lots of it.

  37. "Cheerwine (Dr Pepper's southern first cousin) over Coke and Pepsi.

    Dr. Pepper is a southern drink. My mother has a story about how my aunt would always stock up on Dr. Pepper when they visited family in the south because it wasn't available anywhere else. That was a while ago...

  38. If I have to, diet coke. But I prefer la Croix waters

  39. I'm mexican, that means I have unilmited supply of mexican coke. I love it but i'm trying to leave it, it's an everyday struggle LOL

  40. Cherry vanilla Pepsi.
    Cheerwine is awesome when I can find it.

    1. Ooh and any kind of black cherry soda. Except diet. Never diet.

  41. They all taste much healthier when you drink them through reusable bamboo straws (I bought them to save the sea critters).

  42. *Coke-especially when it “burns”-I finally broke my addiction by giving it up for Lent. I’m not Catholic but a friend said, “You can give up anything for the Lord”, it worked. So, now it’s my “treat” after a hard day.
    Diet Pepsi-anyone remember Pepsi Light from the 70’s-80’s? Loved it

  43. Ginger Ale, either Canada Dry or Schweppes

  44. Virgil’s Root Beer

  45. Mexican Coke or Fever Tree Ginger Beer - or anything with cane sugar, not corn syrup.

  46. Real Sugar PEPSI, Sprite

  47. Schwepp's Diet Tonic, mixed with filtered water, for the gym, and any other time.

  48. NONE - I don't drink that death juice

  49. Ginger ale. I mostly drink coffee and Crystal Light. Love ice tea but It acts like a diuretic. In very hot climates carbonated beverages are not appealing.
