Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Your Turn

Last time you wrote a letter and snail mailed it. (Not counting work)


  1. I’m worried about my toilet. It’s looking a little flushed.

  2. Currently writing a letter to enty requesting a reader blind editor. I like them, just would appreciate less confusion.

  3. I still mail some bills via snail mail, but other than birthday and condolence cards, I can't remember the last time I wrote and snailmailed something.

  4. I wrote a letter of complaint to the USPS Consumer Advocate in DC...
    ... it got lost in the mail.

  5. 2 years ago. At holiday season.

  6. It just takes too long cut out all the letters and glue them, pics are much easier.

  7. Also, it's May now, someone here said the other day that this was the month when the Don Henley blind was going to start to break IRL.

    1. @Do Tell

      The California Primary is the beginning of June, so I’d expect late May at the earliest.

  8. Yeah Mother's Day is in May too but I didn't see anyone calling their mom on May 1st. The month just started, relax.

  9. My favorite Aunt doesn't have a computer and lives in the middle of nowhere. I type her letters, print them off, and snail mail them. She is the reason I still buy stamps and envelops. So the last time was this last Saturday. I also buy somewhat inappropriate greeting cards for my mother (who LOVES getting them) and mail them to her just for shits and grins.

  10. I write at least 8 letters a week, just catching up. i do not get snail mail replies, but I don't care. I actually enjoy putting pen to paper. Yes, I am an old fart.

  11. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Not counting IRS payments and work, 4 years ago

  12. Not counting my notes in Christmas cards I mailed out, or Birthday cards, my last, long significant letter/novel I wrote out was to my younger, half sister (that I never met in the flesh, though love) last mothers day. But, I chickened out, and never sent it. It's still in the fed ex envelope, up in my room.

  13. Brayson87 I don't recall saying it was going to break TODAY, just that this was the month it was supposed to break. Go jump on something else.

  14. Does it have to be already mailed? I’m a repeat offender for writing letters and losing them before I can mail them. By the time I find them again, they’re old news.

    But I’m great at care packages. As long as you’re patient.

  15. I have been thinking of this often recently.
    I don't want to lose my penmanship, I only use it writing checks.
    Someone might get one soon. Like a letter, nothing with baking soda in it. And no one on CDAN. I hereby certify this. Can I get it notarized?

  16. Another thought: am I the only one who loves buying great stationery but is the picture of fail when it comes to ever using it to write letters?

    I found a pile of the most amazing stationery I bought some time in the mid-90s and realized I don’t even KNOW enough people to write letters with it all. And yet, I keep buying more.

    My secret shame.

  17. B'day card to my cousin. Every January.

  18. Every week. I write my 21 year old daughter a note and mail it. I want her to have something positive she just graduated and is in grad school and doing aba therapy with autistic kids. I want her to know I care. My family all writes and mails thank yous for all gifts. I'd someone takes the time and effort to buy you something, you should show your appreciation by taking the time and effort to write a thank you and mail it.

  19. @Han Niam, yes, I'm also always buying stationary and pens and such, they just seem so useful but never get used haha.

  20. Yesterday, birthday card and letter to my mother.

  21. It might be tomorrow if I cant send an email photocopy of a repair order that I was supposed to send down to Daytona with my broken sunglasses...sigh
    Still waiting for a call back from Costa as I read these late in the day.

  22. In the past month or slightly less.

  23. I sent my aunt a thank you card after Christmas.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Genuinely to another person maybe 7–8th grade.

    When I was on a class trip to Geneva in 2007, I sent myself a postcard from UNOG’s post office.

    Last time I mailed a piece of paper in a proper letter envelope was maybe early-mid 2017 when I mailed a duty-stamped NDA I signed (but that was for work—I’ve never had to sign an NDA that pertains to personal life matters).

  26. lmao you just reminded me of something I had completely forgotten about! last year I bought a container of chip dip and when I opened it up and stirred it a hair got wound up in fork, needless to say I was thoroughly disgusted and immediately put pen to paper only I didn't have any paper aside from those tiny little 3x3 wirebound memo books, anyhow I fired off NINE PAGES lmao. what could I have possibly said? and then I put on pair of those disposable gloves I use to clean and rinsed the offending sample and wrapped it in paper towel and tucked that in there as well so they could match it up with someone in production . LOL! holy hell is that funny to think someone actually read that. I guess I am still awaiting a response..

  27. 2 weeks ago and it just arrived at the person's house TODAY. What the hell? To top that off, it was the second letter that I had to send because the first never arrived at all.

  28. I botanical dye sheets of special paper, that I then iron flat, and then Modge Podge onto card stock.
    These are my hand-made cards that are quite lovely. I write personal notes of thanks, birthday greetings, etc. And

  29. Wrote a nasty one to a credit card company a few weeks ago because they do not have a customer service email and I refuse to call and spend hours of my life dealing with some rep in Bangladesh who can only read from a script.

  30. A month ago. To my nephew in Florida.
