Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Today's Blind Items - That One Night - Met Gala

Ask the people that have been going to the Met Gala for a long time and they will point to one year as the year that blew all others away for partying and debauchery.

AB - This celebrity offspring of an A++ lister was there and he had his parents at the ball, but still managed to hook up with AC who only agreed after being paid $2000 by AB right there at the party. AB had previously been shot down by AD and AE who were not even old enough to drink but were hammered anyway and chain smoking. The two were in peak move from one thing to the next mode and both tried to hook up with AF who was also at the ball last night. AF turned them down but it wasn't because he was with his actress girlfriend AG at the time. Nope, AF turned down AD and AE because he wanted to hook up with AH who was married at the time and is married now, but to a different person. AH, who was A list at the time and who all of you know, ditched her husband (not for the first time) and hooked up with AF. Interesting side note. The future wife of AH's then husband was also in attendance. Lets call her AI. She was wasted out of her mind and probably sharing some of AD and AE's supply. She was trying to hook up with a billionaire who was there but was turned down. She then made out with with the wife (AJ) of a now disgraced mogul (AK), before hooking up with this then actor who is now A list but not at acting (AL). AM was a washed up former A list mostly movie actor at the time who only now is making a comeback in television. AM was there and tried to hook up with this foreign born alliterate model (AN) and was turned down cold. He also started using the never ending supply of AD and AE before hooking up with AO who was then and now an A- list actress. In a no one ever saw that coming, this foreign born A- list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee (AP/not my friend AP) went home with this at the time A- list comic type reality star/actor (AQ). Apparently AQ and AP didn't hit things off sexually and the next day while AP was at lunch she met the person (AR) she would be with for the next decade.


  1. JC Enty, where to begin.

    1. The way I read it is....

      OCD from AZ tried to hook up with ADHD who used to live in AK, but the AC broke and it was going to be hours til the AG flew in from AL due to a flat tire when leaving his AA meeting and had to call AAA in the AM.

      ... Regardless, this blind is Stupid AF!!

  2. Anonymous10:13 AM

    All of this was A-OK.

  3. Anonymous10:13 AM

    I cant even begin to keep up with the cluster fuck that is this blind lol

    1. I couldn't get through the first sentence.

    2. Same Bleu

      Just scrolled down looking for answers.

  4. For fuck's sake Enty, couldn't you use other initials besides A?? It confused the hell out of me.

    Could the AB be one of the Trump boys with Donald and Ivana as the parents at the ball?

  5. How is it debauchery when at least half of these subjects were shot down by their desired hookups?

  6. AD and AE were the Olsen trolls still about 18 or 19so this is about 15 or so years ago.

  7. But this BI is a complete crock of shit.

  8. Cool story bro.

  9. Whichever Ent wrote this shit must has been mixing his coke with his Adderall. Put the fucking phone down dude, go get some sleep.

  10. "Excuse me, sir. Seeing as how the V.P. is such a V.I.P., shouldn't we keep the P.C. on the Q.T.? 'Cause if it leaks to the V.C. he could end up M.I.A., and then we'd all be put out in K.P."

  11. It’s giving me A D D...

  12. Paragraphs and punctuation are your friends.

  13. Sh!t, maybe my vice is actually laziness, so many names.

  14. AB- Jaiden Smith?

  15. Anonymous10:23 AM

    If AD and AE are the Olsons and they were not of drinking age, this must have happened between 2004-2007.

    Another thing that helps: who are examples of male offspring of A++ listers?

  16. Ummm K. Waiting for the reveal on this one

  17. Trump went every year because Anna wanted to suck his dick. the Olsens didn't turn 21 till 2007 so this is either 04,5 or 6 so the feature person in this BI is probably Eric in his early 20s.

    1. Yeah, Trump spawn and Olsens. Except "parents" would refer to dad and step mom. But I say that myself because it's just easier.

  18. I'm embarrassed it took me reading as many words of this one as it did to realize that IDGAF.

  19. I developed vertigo reading this.
    Or @A-vertigo as the case may be.

  20. Can't finish....BRB for reveal.

  21. Don Trump Jr, I'm guessing, with Donald and Ivanka as the parents.

  22. I do not understand stand what I read.

  23. AD and AE as the Olsen twins with their chain smoking was all I could decipher. That's a lot of failed hookups lols.

  24. I'm thinking 2007. AH Scarlett, her then husband Ryan Reynolds, and his future wife Blake Lively. I think Karolina Kurakova was there (AN?).

  25. This was the year when unfortunately a meteor didn't hit the event and kill everyone present.

    Well, one of those years.

  26. The Olsen Twins (AD & AE) were there in 2005, along with Jessica Simpson (AH) who was married to Nick Lachey...Vanessa Manillo (AI) was also there, she may have made out with Kimora Lee (AJ) who was there with Russell Simmons (AK). Christian Slater (AM) could have tried to hook up with Karolina Kurkova (AN). Maybe?

    1. I waa thinking Georgina and Harvey, but your guess is better.

    2. I think the one no one saw coming would be Naomi Watts (AP) hooking up with Johnny Knoxville (AQ) before getting together with Liev Schreiber (AR).

    3. Jimmy Fallon (AL) for then actor who is A list now but not for acting.

    4. I guess AB is a Trump son since Donald & Ivana we’re both there, and Carmen Electra is a good guess for AC. The only actor there I can find who had a girlfriend was Jake Gyllenhaal (AF) and Kirsten Dunst (AG), though I’m not sure he’d be gunning for a female hookup. AO could be Claire Danes or Jennifer Connelly, maybe Selma Blair?

  27. I’ll crack the Zodiac Killer code before I finish that blind.

  28. Ivanka probably attends it on her own anyway, so parents could still work.

  29. In 2004-07ish, who was an A- list "comic-type reality star" /actor?

    I can't think of anyone who fits. Those were my college years and I watched a lot of reality tv. This was when that type of show really started to take off so there aren't that many to chose from.

    1. Johnny Knoxville? Ashton Kutcher?

  30. *and *Donald and *Ivana as the parents

    damn, lol, wake up, self

  31. This blind gave me a migraine 🤦🏽‍♀️

  32. Yeah I'm gonna just wait for the reveal, if there is one...

  33. Comments for this blind >>>> the blind itself

  34. At least it didn't hit AZ, yeesh

  35. oh nevermind I think I got it, AQ is Jamie Kennedy

  36. 2005 seems to be a good guess,
    so I'll go with Carmen Electra for AC. But only because I can't find photographic evidence of Lindsay Lohan that year.
    If 2006 or 2007, then I say Lohan.

  37. This makes solving "The Da Vinci Code" easy

  38. AQ-Johnny Knoxville’s junk is all messed up from JackAss stunts

  39. sorry Ent but have to agree with the others...this one makes my head hurt....all i got out of it was the first part where someone had to pay a lot...well that's a LOT of money to me anyway....for sex. sad if thats the only way they get some..have to buy it.

  40. those hideous outfits some of them wore made my head and eyes hurt as i scanned thru pics online this morning...didn't realize it was a really bad Halloween party...what happened to class? oh yeah that's right money and fame doesn't mean class anymore. glad i'm poor.

  41. Huh?? Sounds like a free for all. Too tired to figure it out.

  42. Anonymous11:42 AM

    It's bothering me that there's not an AA. Otherwise, I feel like this is a Mad Lib (Jessica Simpson slept with Heath Ledger while ignoring her husband, while his future wife, Vanessa, made out with Kimora Lee...) Feel free to insert other 90's name in slots...

  43. HA! Saw the run ons, read the comments and "noped" on by.

  44. Everything here is free and it's all meant as much as gossip as entertainment and nobody has a right to complain but oh my goodness was that impossible to read. I could not make it to the end. At least it was many years ago, so maybe it doesn't matter that much? If it involves David Duchovny in any way, please let me know.

  45. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Dearest Enty:
    For those of us who grew up before the text and Twitter age:
    Would it be possible to differentiate by using a letter other than "A"?
    Also--maybe a blind with this many participants would be better as a bulleted list?
    Maybe if I draw the information as a diagram. . .

  46. So confusing I've given up caring....meh

  47. This sounds like Love Stinks by J. Geils Band.

  48. God bless @Dena, she's rolling with it and has the thing pretty much cracked. 🏅

  49. Go fuck yourself,Enty. Seriously. This one actually hurts my head.

  50. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Rob Lowe - AM was a washed up former A list mostly movie actor at the time who only now is making a comeback in television

  51. I sure hope somebody submits a potential list of AB through AR.

  52. Look, it has Trumps, Olsen twins, famous people,cocaine,and random hookups. What more do you want?

  53. I don't think this is the wildest Met Ball though. Cocaine and hookups are to be expected. Where are the fights,bathroom sex,and underage Chinese girls? What no gay hookups with married men? This was actually pretty tame,it is a better guest list.

  54. It's like 1-2 years worth of TV soap opera hook-ups in 1 night.

    Did I mention I can't stand the soaps?

  55. Anonymous3:37 PM

    What if AF is John Mayer????

  56. Anonymous3:37 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. I agree with the Olsen twins guess for AD and AE, the ones who weren't old enough to drink.

    I like Jessica Simpson for AH, the one who was A list at the time and married but not to the person she is currently married to -- the one who ditched her husband to hook up with AF. AF must be pretty hot/desirable, and probably young at the time to have the Olsen twins and Jessica Simpson at peak wanting to hook up with him.

    I agree AB is probably a Trump son, but I don't know if Ivana was there because Trump went with Melania.

    AC could be Carmen Electra, if she was indeed there.

    I like the Johnny Knoxville/Naomi Watts for the no one saw it coming guess.

    Stumped on the others.

  58. Enty = Trump
    They both writes like true morons.

  59. Sounds like new strains of social diseases will come from this BI

  60. So, what I've gotten from this is that the Olsen twins got everybody laid but themselves that night.

    The plot shifts with AM, so it's probably more manageable to split it up accordingly.

    If AB really is a Trump spawn, they would have been SUCH an easy mark carrying around that 2-large; it would've been worth it just for the story.

    $2k seems kind of light for a fee, even for the mid-2000's. I can't imagine anyone of any substance settling for that, which does point to Carmen Electra.

    Can I suggest Alessandra Ambrosio for AN?

    I have faith in y'all.

  61. You do know that there is a strict age limit on those attending the Gala , only those of leagal drinking age are invited (insurance requirements) . Now either the two who weren't crashed the party or someone is telling porkies about that part.

  62. I don't know why the hell I'm doing this...consider it my penance for the day for reading gossip here in the first place, but here goes w/the best of the suggestions from above, and a couple of others added after a quick google of "met gala 2005":

    AB--Donald Jr. or Eric Trump)
    Parents/stepparents--Donald Sr. and Melania/Ivana & her then-husband AC--Carmen Electra)
    [What, do they keep a freakin' ATM on site for immediate cash withdrawals for such contingencies?]
    AD and AE--Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen
    AF--Jake Gyllenhaal
    AG--Kirsten Dunst, although they may have already split up
    AH--Jessica Simpson
    AI--Vanessa Minello
    AJ--Kimora Lee Simmons
    AK--Russell Simmons
    AL--Jimmy Fallon
    AM--Christian Slater
    AN--Karolina Kurkova
    AO--Claire Danes
    AP--Naomi Watts
    AQ--Johnny Knoxville
    AR--Liev Schrieber

    (Enty, you had damn well better post a reveal for this one, because I for one want to see how many are right. Also, while I know you make it a point not to censor your readers, you really need to do something about the truly vile anti-semetic commentary coming from certain individuals, and I don't particularly want to hear any bullshit excuses from said posters, either--we just fought a war within living memory in which between 50 to 80 million people died, so the blind, baseless hatred that provoked carnage on such a massive scale can damn well fuck off and die in my not-so-humble opinion. (Seriously, if the Jews really did run everything, then how was something like the Holocaust--which, according to many historians, also includes another 7 million Nazi victims, including everyone from the handicapped to LGBTQ+ people to Catholics to trade unionists to Communists and Socislists to Roma, aka gypsies to basically anyone who didn't toe the Nazi Party line, which adds up to 13 million people all told, and that's a lowball figure; other stats say upwards of *20 million individual people killed*--allowed to happen? Riddle me THAT one, Batman...) And no, I'm not Jewish myself, unless you believe the whole DaVinci Code hooey--my ancestors are illustrious enough without my making THAT particular claim, thankyouverymuch. I merely have numerous friends and acquaintances of that faith and ethnicity who are lovely human beings, and whom I will defend fiercely.)

  63. Robin, you rock 7 ways to Sunday. Thanks for what you said, it was well put and sorely needed. Hope Enty reads it.

  64. That made me cross-eyed.

  65. What the fuck did I just read?

  66. I need a mind-map to decipher this blind

  67. Wow Robin, you don't need Batman at all. Well done. On everything.

  68. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Next time, Paragraphs. Please.
