Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Today's Blind Items - The Secret Child

They don't have to be long to be juicy. This permanent A+ list celebrity who has been the subject of books and documentaries and movies based on her life has a secret. Knowing her, she will take it to her grave. Way back in the day, when she was just beginning her career, she hooked up with this foreign born permanent A++ lister. Our A+ lister became pregnant and went on sabbatical the final two months of her pregnancy. She then gave the baby to a distant family member to raise. Apparently that baby, now a grown person was having some health issues and that is how they found out who were his real parents. Amazing. This is a legitimate jaw dropper.


Krab said...


Sara, Making It Work said...

Madonna and?
Prince Charles? Nah probably something even crazier.

sandybrook said...

Madonna and Pierre Trudeau?

J said...

I think Madonna's kid would have died of old age by now.

MontanaMarriott said...

I don't think Madonna because she had no qualms about terminating several pregnancies during her East Village days allegedly.

Hmmm Babs and ???

ckpsjp said...

+10000 J

sandybrook said...

I know Trudeau's wife, maybe ex by then, Margaret went to Studio 54 he must have too.

Bob said...
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Sara, Making It Work said...

Maybe she didn't know in time?

Guesser said...

Sabbatical? This is a woman who isn't an actress or singer, someone famous for something else.

Rosie riveter said...

It's only jaw dropping if madonna is A+
This wouldn't be shocking or weird .
its someone TRULY A+ that we would be surprised about
Madonna, aint no one surprised if she procreated with anything at all

Brayson87 said...

I'm still dyin' over the first sentence of the blind ;)

Farmgirl said...

Tina Turner? And Prince Charles

Sara, Making It Work said...

Ruth Nader Ginsberg

Do Tell said...

A Beatle baby?

Sara, Making It Work said...

Stupid phone

UG22 said...

Babs and Prince Charles

Cat said...


HoneyRyder said...

There’s a film called Material Boy by Luizo Vega
Doesn’t really fit the blind tho.

plot said...

Anna Wintour?

Sunspirit said...

Barbara Walters and Prince Phillip

Audie said...

Kelly Preston

I've read that she gave up a secret baby who had severe problems. She's been the subject of many documentaries about Scientology... This could be her.

Not sure who the father is though- I know she dated George Clooney and Charlie Sheen.

Queen of Pith said...

Oh I like the Barbara Walters guess.

I was thinking someone more religious or celibate. And what kind of health issues would need to be known that this person may have?

Peerless Phil said...

I am going to say Anna Wintour and Bob Marley

youdontsay said...

Celebrity doesn't always mean an actress or singer. Just to be out there - Maya Angelou.

Newbomb said...

Barbara Walters is a good guess. Sabbatical could be going off the air for a bit.

Andrea said...

Is this the Angelina/ Mick Jagger rumour again?

plot said...

To back up the Anna Wintour guess, from her Wiki -

"At the age of 15, she began dating well-connected older men. She was involved briefly with Piers Paul Read, then 24.[18] In her later teens, she and gossip columnist Nigel Dempster became a fixture on the London club circuit.[19]"

Kelly did have a child with extreme problems who she signed over custody of to her grandparents in Hawaii. This probably would have stayed a secret except she wanted the child to remain completely drug free, after committing to Scientology, and the grandparent/guardians fought her on that (since the child needed things like anti seizure meds) in court. The grandparents won their case. Kelly had a secret child exposed. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

ckpsjp said...

Barbara Walters and Fidel Castro. Most of you are probably too young to remember the fawning interview she did with him in the 70's. It was stomach churning.

Guesser said...

I was thinking Barbara Walters and Castro.

cheesegrater15 said...

Olivia De Havilland and Laurence Olivier, just for shits and giggles.

M said...

the subject of the blind is still alive, though

MontanaMarriott said...

Digging the Baba Wawa guess. Now her and FC?!?! That would be explosive.

Sharon Mitchell said...

Shirley MacLaine?

More Cowbell said...

I love the Barbara/Fidel guess!!!

Guesser said...

ckpsjp,jinks! I remember it well,and it was rather odd.

MichiganMama59 said...

Margaret Trudeua and Castro

MontanaMarriott said...

Definitely alludes to the perm A+ list celebrity mom being alive. The FB perm A++ isn't clear whether they are alive or dead so BW/FC could work and most definitely a jaw dropper.

Unknown said...

Awsome... thx for sharing though

MontanaMarriott said...

The celebrity in question is not listed as FB, granted Enty has slipped before in the past. But since he made a point to list the dad as FB I don't think he would slip on it in this BI. Which eliminates several FB female guesses already posted.

ancoranonhocapito said...

I wish someone would out Trudeau being Castro's son already.

Unknown said...

Jane Fonda and Desmond Tutu

youdontsay said...

Other Options: Grace Kelly / Betty Ford / Tina Turner / Audrey Hepburn / Etta James

Unknown said...

Katy Perry and Taylor Swift... ftw

Unknown said...

What movies have been made about the life of Barbara Walters?

Guesser said...

youdontsay,the woman is still alive, only Tina is of your choices.

Tricia13 said...

Oprah and someone

Gossipgal said...

Wasn’t Baba in her late 40s at the time though?

Leeroy_Jenkins said...

JK Rowling went on sabbatical and there are documentaries about her

Newbomb said...

Steinem would have just killed the baby right?

Tricia13 said...

I’d say Oprah/Mandela but he was in prison until 90....

Glitter said...

How about Queen Elizabeth for the perm. A+ list celebrity? I know Enty doesn't say FB, but who else is the subject of documentaries, movies, and books?

kiki71 said...

Audie neither Charlie nor Clooney are foreign born are they? And both would be A-List not like A+++right? this eliminates all the actor names tossed out there and many just who couldn't make that cut. Someone like Castro has been around forever and known around the world or yes royalty. No clue.

Coco said...

Probably a total joke but someone commented barbara and fidel slept together. And I just like this answer. Lol

Dena said...

Gloria Steinem and Albert Einstein, just to be completely random.

Anonymous said...

Barbara Walters was hardly just starting out when she interviewed Castro.

HoneyRyder said...

@audie Rumour is Kelly Preston and her ex husband Kevin Gage had disabled child that lives in Hawaii w/Kelly’s family. He’s an actor but nowhere close to A anything. That’s all I’ve got...this blind is a rabbit hole.

Newbomb said...

Fonda and Pol Pot. Chow from the hangover being the child.

Gingerelle said...

Anna Wintour is foreign born so there's that.

Truly jaw dropping would be Jackie Kennedy Onassis. Plenty of books, documentaries and movies for her.

. said...

I'm gonna guess Hillary.

KitKat said...

Pierre Trudeau And Barbra Streisand

J said...


Anonymous said...

Billie Jean King?

Gingerelle said...

Last part of my comment was left off. Jackie O is no longer living. Don't think it's Barbara Walters unless she hooked up with Castro in the early 60s - post revolution.

Thonker said...

Dam this is juicy I hope this gets a reveal but I guess not. It's too vague to really find out who it could be.

DigsInDirt said...

He says "she will take it to her grave." That implies she's still alive today.

I like either Oprah or Barbara Walters.

ckpsjp said...

Barbara Walters was a show regular on the Today show in 1961. She became the ABC Evening News anchor in 76. So, not just starting out when she interviewed Castro in 77. She was 47 when she interviewed Castro but that was not the first time they had met. I think they met in the late 60's or early 70's. She made a fangirl ass out of herself in that interview and anytime anyone has asked her about him since.

Leeroy_Jenkins said...

also interesting about JK Rowling:

"Nine months after my mother’s death, desperate to get away for a while, I left for Portugal"

HoneyRyder said...

Something is keeping the now adult child from spilling the tea. Money? Maybe just not a fame whore and if that’s the case, good for him.

New Degas said...

Jane Fonda?
Shirley MacLaine?

MontanaMarriott said...

"who has been the subject of books and documentaries and movies based on her life"

I know some have said we should stray away from singers and dancers but all other's who fit this description are dead especially on "movies based on her life".

Chug ChooChoo said...

Barbara Wawa does not have books and documentaries and movies about her life. Not in the capacity that Enty is alluding to here.

Oprah started small and I'm not sure she would have had much contact with an A++ lister early in her career.

I agree that "sabbatical" makes it seem like she was into something besides acting or singing.

Newbomb said...

Betty White. Sabbatical from taping Life with Elizabeth.

MontanaMarriott said...

Baba Wawa has had several unauthorized biographies and documentaries regarding her career. She has not had any movies though.

Jackie O came from money so not sure this is her.

I know it doesn't say FB but I thought of Dame Shirley Bassey (books, Documentaries and a movie about her life on BBC TV) and either Prince Phillip or Charles.

Tea said...

Hilary Clinton?

I think they're both politicians/royalty

jenn said...

Martha Stewart and someone

gauloise said...
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Katie S. said...

You're all wrong -- RBG

Andrea said...

I know she's often named as a jokey pick but could it be Betty White?

Colonel Blake said...

Barbara Walters herself wrote a book about her life. She had a mentally disabled sister who she financially took care of, along with her parents. But, I don't recall if she touched on why she didn't have children and instead opted to adopt.

Since it's saying "sabbatical" seems has to be educational OR churchie person. IMO

gauloise said...

A similar story from Old Hollywood, but not for this blind: Loretta Young got pregnant by Clark Gable while on set. She took a sabbatical due to exhaustion, had the baby in secret, put it in an orphanage for 2 years, and then adopted her.

She never told her the truth, and when the daughter went public with her hurt in the 90s and trying to get answers, Loretta didnt speak to her for 3 years. She took it to the grave.

Kate k said...

She's not permanent A+

Leanne Norman said...

I don't think it's Jackie Kennedy what career was she just starting out in then took a sabbatical from.

Kate k said...

That wasnt particularly early in her career.

Bec1553 said...


Leanne Norman said...

I'm guessing Diana Ross she's had books, documentaries and a film based on her.

Second guess Chet

Leanne Norman said...

Cher (I hate autocorrect and my lack of proof reading)

New Degas said...

The blind implies the A+ list celebrity is still alive and has been the subject of books, movies, and documentaries.

Chris Evert?

gauloise said...
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gauloise said...

Courtney Love and Joe Strummer

Courtney lived in Joe Strummer's house for a period in the mid 80s and had a massive freak out at his funeral.

La-Juice said...

Cannot WAIT for the reveal on this, even though I am sorry for the child's health problems.

I assumed it as Madonna, but there are a lot of good guesses in this comment section.

Sher said...

Anna Wintour and Bob Marley.

(sounds bizarre but they really did get together!)

Newbomb said...

Madonna and Arnold?

VeeBee said...

RBG is an intriguing guess since she is perm A+, has books, a movie, AND a documentary about her and was a law professor for many years before becoming a judge. BUT she met her husband in college when she was only 17 and they got married like the day after she graduated (when she was 21.) A year later they had a daughter and 10 years after that they had a son. By all accounts she and her husband were devoted to one another until his death is 2010. It's crazy to think she squeezed in a secret kid and that her husband was okay with it.

MeliticusBee said...

Just for reference, I believe A++ requires head of state (pres, pm, dictator in chief), crown designated (king, crown prince) or legend status (hef, Elvis, mj).

LondonGirl said...

Hilary Clinton and Paul McCartney...

cc423 said...

Liza and the Dali Llama.

LondonGirl said...

Using the term 'celebrity' is confusing....why not say singer, actress, sportswoman etc. Also the sentence 'knowing her, she will take it to the grave', does that mean she is known for being private or a liar?
It's just too vague for any decent guesses.

smallcritic said...

Just to throw out an academic- Jane Goodall and ...?

Chug ChooChoo said...

Martha Stewart was a Chanel model in college and could have met some famous folks. She had a TV movie about her too, didn't she?

Chug ChooChoo said...

Yes I was also thinking Jane Goodall

Sher said...

I'm changing my guess to

Anna Wintour/Prince Charles

I don't think it's a coincidence that enty has this Secret Child blind literally sandwiched between Anna's last Met Ball and the royal wedding.

filmfanb said...

Wintour and Charles

purejuice said...

katie couric and brezhnev

Newbomb said...

Obama for the foreign born perm A++.

Chug ChooChoo said...

The rumors of a Wintour and Bob Marley fling have been very well known for decades. She was asked about it within the last year and denied it. I'm not sure if it would be a legitimate jaw dropper. Also she's foreign born.

Unknown said...

Isn't her daughter adopted? Maybe if this is her, something happened during late pregnancy/delivery that caused her to not have another pregnancy - hence said adoption...

Owlette said...

Gloria Vanderbilt?

Anonymous said...

The term sabbatical has typically been used in academics when one takes a break from their work. I guess either Jane Goodall or RBG but no idea the man.

Brayson87 said...

Who is still alive that has had books and documentaries and movies based on her life?

Kno Won said...

I love this!

Happymostofthetime said...

+1 Jane Goodall. And... Mick Jagger?

jes7o said...

Definitely Anna Wintour: "In late 1978, Guccione shut down the unprofitable magazine. Wintour decided to take some time off from work." From her Wiki.

I'm going with Prince Charles as the dad, and I'm going with hemophilia as the medical issue, as it runs in the royal family from Queen Victoria.

Bumtitty said...

Theresa May and Donald Trump

Casting Girl said...

JFK JR &.....? Madonna?

jujub said...

Gonna say Jane Goddall for the woman and Koko the monkey for the foreign born. Glad the kid figured it out. Prob had monkey fever or something.

Sher said...

Was thinking of crazy pairings that could fit.

How about....

Condoleezza Rice and Vladimir Putin!!

circa 1979, in Moscow.
The budding Russian Studies professor and the KGB agent.
He would have been "watching" her.

Raging Bunnies said...


Unknown said...

Billie Jean King and Elton John

Jonty30 said...

Sandybrook, Trudeau Sr. was a repressed homosexual. It's why he didn't care if Margaret was rutting with every foreign leader. It's why none of his kids look like him.

Gylly said...

Queen Liz and JFK

More Cowbell said...

Here are some US-born females who are still alive who have A+ name recognition and have had a lot written about them and or/movies based on their lives (in no particular order)
1) Gloria Vanderbilt
2) Patty Hearst
3) Tina Turner
4) Diana Ross
5) Hillary Clinton
6) Barbara Walters (can't find a fictional movie based on her life)
7) Oprah (can't find a fictional movie based on her life)
8) Loretta Lynn
9) Martha Stewart (was there a fictional movie based on her life?)

Feel free to add on! I know there are more people in the business/society/fashion/political worlds who I'm missing!

Picklet said...

Why would coming from money prevent her hiding an unwanted child?

Todd Brink said...
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Anonymous said...

- permanent A+: Doris Day
(documentary: "Doris Day- A Sentimental Journey")

-Permanent A++: Laurence Olivier, Desi Arnaz, Cary Grant, Richard Burton?

second choice: Betty White

Urban Rosebud said...

SIDEBAR: Rumors abound that Etta James' father was / is famous pool player Minnesta Fats.

Velora said...

I like gauloise's guess. Joe Strummer and Courtney love!

Courtney has had plenty of books and Doc's made about her life. In 1987, she was in a movie called "Straight to Hell" that starred Strummer. It was released in late June.

Cox and co-star Dick Rude wrote a script in three days, and the entire film was shot in just four weeks. Cox wrote the part of Velma specifically for Courtney Love, who had starred in a supporting role in his previous film, Sid and Nancy (1986).

The film's premiere was a fiasco, and several people at the drive-in left midway into the movie. Courtney Love was reportedly visibly upset at the premiere

Then this:

In 1988, Love aborted her acting career and left New York, returning to the West Coast, citing the "celebutante" fame she'd attained as the central reason. She returned to stripping in the small town of McMinnville, Oregon, where she was recognized by customers at the bar.This prompted Love to go into isolation, so she relocated to Anchorage, Alaska, where she lived for three months to "gather her thoughts," supporting herself by working at a strip club frequented by local fishermen. "I decided to move to Alaska because I needed to get my shit together and learn how to work", she said in retrospect. "So I went on this sort of vision quest. I got rid of all my earthly possessions. I had my bad little strip clothes and some big sweaters, and I moved into a trailer with a bunch of other strippers."

40 weeks is a long time, and mid 87-88 could be perfect timing.;_music_and_film

JL said...

Not Babs. It says at the start of her career. Plus she adopted her only child so may not have been able to conceive. And I think she would have kept it.

Unknown said...

I was thinking Prince, Mafonna, and Lady Gaga as the kid. But then realized Prince is a domesti product

Gator said...

Madonna and Prince Andrew would be closer in age.

lintmag said...

Dolly Parton and Prince Phillip - what the hey.

IdaBish said...

After reading the comments, I think it's pretty clearly Anna Wintour despite no mention of her being FB. Here's why:

"This permanent A+ list celebrity who has been the subject of books and documentaries and movies based on her life has a secret."

That's the first line describing the celebrity. "Books, movies and documentaries..." would it be necessary to bolster anyone elses "A+ list" credentials by referencing those? Madonna for example - why would Enty even mention those things at all if it was her or someone like her, much less in the opening?

But Anna Wintour became *much* more famous due to The Devil Wears Prada. The book and the movie raised her profile hugely and are central to why Anna is A+ list, at least in the eyes of the general public. That's why he mentions them so prominently. And the documentary she cooperated with - "The September Issue" - got a lot of attention when it was released.

"Books, movies and documentaries" are relevant and meaningful references when describing Anna Wintour in a way that they aren't for anyone else who's been guessed.

Sharon Mitchell said...

Shirley MacLaine had a series of books about her spiritual journey, i.e., "Dancing Into the Light." "Out on a Limb" was made into a mini-series

plot said...

@ Ida

I agree. Anne never gives interviews, or very few, or talks about her life. That's one reason why there are books, documentaries and movies based on her - she's an enigma.

She is a subject in every fashion documentary I can think of, though never interviewed, she is ALWAYS talked about, ALWAYS. Her fame is from being an enigma and keeping her own council.

So "based on her life" fits Anne Wintour pretty much to a T. She hasn't shared much of her story. That's why writers and film makers can only "base" their tales on Anne. The details of her life remain private.

More Cowbell said...

But Anne Wintour is foreign born, and since the blind specifically mentions the sperm donor is foreign born, why would it leave out that the woman is foreign born?

I think we are looking for an American-born woman who had access to political figures or major celebs at a fairly young age. How would she get access?

I think she either comes from a very wealthy family, a political family, was a prominent media figure, was a prominent business figure, or was a beautiful, budding star in film or music who was able to access celebrities.

emeraldcity said...

@Jes7o......the last person to have haemophilia in the British Royal family was born in 1914 and non of the decendants have suffered from it since, so it has effectively died out in the UK family. However porphyria (another type of blood disorder) still lingers in their genes.

plot said...

Enty and the Enterns have dropped the FB clue in the past, when the answer was FB.

Trixie Comments said...
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More Cowbell said...

This is going to drive me insane until we come up with the right answer. :))

Trixie Comments said...

I'd say Barbra Streisand & Omar Sharif, but he isn't A+...

Unknown said...

Emeraldcity, who has porphyria in the royal family? For some reason I thought that was gone after George III. I find the Doris Day guess to be very intriguing.

The_Ish said...

Diana Ross and one of the Beatles/Stones.

Didn't the first wave of Motown acts tour with some British invasion bands at some point in the early to mid 60's?

Aoife said...

For many years Diane Ross kept the paternity of her oldest daughter a "secret" although everyone in certain circles knew Berry Gordy was the father and they've all admitted to that in recent years.

That said her two sons by the late Mr Naess look nothing alike.

PotPourri said...

Let's be honest, Madonna, Barbara Walters, etc would have come out by now with the child and admitted it, like Rosanne did. This has to be epic, like Margaret Trudeau and Mick Jagger.

PotPourri said...

There is no way anyone was pregnant with JFK Jr's child and had an abortion or gave it up for adoption. NO WAY.

plot said...


A bunch of them -

PotPourri said...

Madonna is a Ho and brags, sorry. And no one has lept to "Papa Don't Preach" as being the song written about her child with "fill-in-the-blank". Sorry, Madonna would have kept any superstar's child.

PotPourri said...

"Diana Ross and one of the Beatles/Stones.

Didn't the first wave of Motown acts tour with some British invasion bands at some point in the early to mid 60's?"

This would be the most pedigreed and gifted Love Childs on God's Green Earth.

Jennacheryl said...

Ugh this so screams Princess Diana to me. I'd who the other person is , John Travolta lol

PotPourri said...

I can't seem to get over this one blind. I'm working my brain on this one.

This female must be political, or News Media based because I think Enty would call her a Musician or Actor, if one. Plus she must not have started showing or hid it well until 7 months, which means she didn't dance/sing/stand up in front of a camera.

The Male is obviously foreign born powerhouse with incredible talent or incredible pedigree. If the child were from Castro, I think the child would be a pariah in America, one reason to keep it silent.

I just think that after so many years, nobody cares so come out already.

PotPourri said...

"Jennacheryl said...
Ugh this so screams Princess Diana to me. I'd who the other person is , John Travolta lol"

This would have never surprised me either, but the parentage is different with the male being foreign born. Any child by Diana would be worshiped and accepted, probably by William and Harry. Now a child by Charles...

Large Marge said...

I so wanna know this one. Can't figure out the woman, but feel good about it being Prince Charles. A sabbatical when one is just starting a career is not easy. I think the big clue is "knowing her... she'll take it to her grave."

So which perm A+ lister is close to death?

LondonGirl said...

I'll go with Wintour/Marley...her mother was American so Enty might not have mentioned her as foreign born too.

Suzy Sparkles said...

"Our researchers are working to understand the genetic complexity underlying the rare type of skin cancer that killed Bob Marley."

maybe the "genetic complexity" got passed down?

J-Mo said...

I'm convinced this is Wintour and Marley. It's not well known that she's foreign born so I don't think Enty & Co would know to mention it. After all, she's most well known for American Vogue.

Xanadu said...

I'm thinking it's someone from a church/family obsessed background (or they like to appear to be). Marie Osmond or Dolly Parton type.

I doubt it's Madonna - she's too assertive to bring an unplanned baby into the world.

(This blind reminded me of the Bono - Mila Jovovich secret baby story)

Gylly said...

Love this!!

Monkey Mich said...

@GYLLY My guess as well JFK and The original Madge QE2

purpleiris said...
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HoneyRyder said...

This one is so juicy I had to come back to see new comments. I’m all in on Wintour/Marley. The high priestess of thin was at Viva during this time before taking a break so it’s plausible she could conceal a pregnancy and take a sabbatical only in the last two months. There’s virtually no photos of her during those years in which she allegedly “disappeared with him for a week” .

ReallyDonna said...

Leaning towards Prince Andrew and Courtney Love who she says she first met him in Wales, also where Kurt proposed to her in 1991.

Newbomb said...

I don't think it's Wintour since she is FB.

Unknown said...

@Donna, that suggestion would definitely be jaw dropping.

NachoCheese said...

Courtney Love fits in that she has had books, films, documentaries, but there is no way that crackhead could keep a secret. The only sabbatical she would take is nodding out in an opium den for a month or two.

I like the Gloria Vanderbilt guess, the sabbatical from her designing work, but, not sure how old she was when she started.

Other options:

Lisa Marie Presley
Liza Minelli

Maybe someone sporty or a journalist

PurplePuffin said...

I like the Courtney Love/Prince Andrew guess. I think the clue, "Knowing her, she sill take it to her grave" is telling. I think this refers to Enty's repeated blinds that imply she killed Kurt Cobain, to which, of course, she has never confessed and never will. The foreign born permanent A++ lister usually refers to royalty, so Prince Charles/Prince Andrew. Yes, it would be truly shocking to learn that a member of the BRF has a secret child--especially with someone unsuitable. I like this guess, but is Courtney Love "permanent A+ list?"

T. W. said...


Times were different back then. Having a kid out of wedlock would harm her image & her family's image. If she were married & had a special needs child the child would have been hidden. People still do this.

T. W. said...


Clergy members & scholar/researchers take sabbaticals as well.

T. W. said...

@More Cowbell

Cybil Shepard starred as Martha Stewart in two biopics. She killed it each time.

ReallyDonna said...

Thanks Unknown and PurplePuffin. I wanted to add that another word for “grave” is “hole”

Fiona said...

Sabbatical might be significant. Academician? I seem to recall a celebrity blind in the past year about a married famous actor who had a secret apartment in a city where he was filming and he was involved with a woman in a completely different field, and they met at the apartment all the time. She then got into some serious legal trouble that would have killed her career and possibly cost her even more than that, and he helped her out.

The consensus guess on that was Angela Davis and Clint Eastwood, and the city would have been San Francisco. This was in the early 70's when he was filming the Dirty Harry series and she was getting into trouble with the Black Panthers (wasn't she criminally prosecuted for assisting with the escape in which a judge was killed?)

OK, never mind, it says that the man is foreign-born.


Aoife said...

Odd. A picture of Madonna and the late Jen-Michel Basquiat was just posted on the Twitter Account @oldpics archive.

I also like the Angela Davis/Clint Eastwood guess.

Bunny said...

Prince Albert of Monaco and ?
I’m obsessed with figuring out who this is. Think people think!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Whoopi Goldberg, with David Bowie.
Bowie lived in Germany, late 70s; so did Whoopi.

Fiona said...

The woman is permanent A+ list and probably born in the US. The man is permanent A++ list and foreign born. She's a celebrity. Enty doesn't say that *he* is a celebrity just that he's A++ list.

So, politician? Royalty?

Is Prince Albert A++ list? I would think not, that's reserved for people like heads of state (not heads of silly little principalities).

Does Enty ever refer to actors/actresses as A++ list?

Is Gloria Steinem a "celebrity?"

And I keep going back to sabbatical. Was that word chosen carelessly or is it a clue that the female is an academic? In which case ... I think Gloria Steinem is really the best fit.

Ooh, what about Julia Child?

Fiona said...

Dam*mit, Julia Child has already gone to her grave. I was getting excited about her!

Have books been written about Gloria Steinem? Movies made?

Therese said...

Shirley MacLaine
Prince Philip

Stephanie said...

Now THIS is juicy!!!

Suzy Sparkles said...

enty, please give us another hint! we need at least one more clue. if not, i'm paging Himmmm....

AIP said...

@Fairylights; William of Gloucester, who died in the early 70s had it...allegedly confirmed by Princess Margaret.

Y’know, I’m not hating the Wintour idea, as Plot says, she rarely says much publicly and wouldn’t say anything about a secret child either. Prince Charles is an interesting one, as he was gadding about a lot in the 70s and porphyria could be the resultant health issue, and researching that would certainly make you aware of it in the British royal family.

But what about President Mitterand of France? Although he wasn’t president of France when Anna was in Paris and had her time off, he was nevertheless pretty important. He had a few children on the other side of the blanket. He also had prostate cancer for almost the entirety of his presidency and there can be a genetic component in certain variations, so possibly a 40 year old son is starting to have early onset of same (poor fecker)
Mind you, the President of France in 78-80 was the gloriously-named Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, who wasn’t exactly faithful. I’m not sure what hereditary health issues he would have had. Ditto with his prime minister, Jacques Chirac, but I wouldn’t be surprised at any of them.

@Aoife: they would’ve been coming up together in New York at the same time. But I think it’s pretty safe to assume Basquiat wasn’t anyone’s baby-daddy, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Hilary Clinton and former PM John Major

TMN said...

@Aoife Madonna and Jean-Michel openly dated in New York. No-one's jaws would drop at that.


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