Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Rocker Rapists

This band was A+ list and American. I find that typically, the greatest sex offenders from the 70's were members of British bands (yes I am talking to you Jimmy Page). This American band though, seemingly was right there on his level and others. This group, which since its formation has undergone name and personnel changes, was at its peak in the 70's. Much like all their 70's counterparts, they had a following of underage groupies they would regularly get drunk and rape. I'm sure they would all say the groupies consented, but if you are 15 with a 30 something old guy, are you consenting?

Anyway, this band had a policy that if you wanted a backstage pass or to be considered a groupie worthy of going on tour or back to a hotel room or bus, you had to have sex with every single member of the band first. They would get some mid teen female drunk and then rip off her clothes and rape her. Each taking a turn. When they were finished, the other part of the ritual was to ask any of the crew if they wanted a turn. This went on until everyone said no or they were finished. At that point, the band and crew would pretend they had not just raped this person and welcome her into "the family." At that point, each member of the band would decide who she belonged to and she was not given a choice about who would be her regular rapist.

If she ever protested or spoke up she would be beaten and probably replaced. Oh, and if she was on the road with the group, they would just leave her wherever they were and she would have to make her own way home.


  1. Replies
    1. Neither KISS nor Skynyrd have undergone name changes.

  2. Allman Brothers? Or Lynerd Skynerd?

  3. 'Love 'em and lear 'em' eagles. With geffen/aszoff clearing up the mess after.

  4. The only band I can think of with name changes is Jefferson Airplane Etc. But this sounds like an all male group.
    Maybe they changed their name below they hit it big?

    1. @Sarah, Making it Work

      They did say they were coming to the schools...


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Van Halen. I find the retroactive outrage a quite hypocritical, thought. If the industry and associated satellite mini-industries including the gossip industry wanted to shut this down, they could have. They didn't. They chose to look the other way and profit. Different priorities for different times. Taking these guys to task now is pointless virtue signaling. It's like, oh gracious me fetch the smelling salts, drugged out 60s/70s/80s rock stars were SEXIST and did it with TEENAGERS. It's not news and getting all bent about it after the fact changes nothing.

      You know. Via murder.

    2. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Arnon Milchan? He’s Mossad

  7. Crosby, Stills & Nash (& Young)?

    1. Nooooooooooooo
      I don't think of them as a rock band anyway, even if they sometimes were.

  8. Replies
    1. Nah.
      If they were "30 something guys" in the 70s, then Aerosmith are too young.

  9. Van Halen was at it's peak in the 80's so not them.

    1. Plus, they’ve never changed their name. “Van Hagar,” as some people have guessed, is only a nickname given by fans.

  10. Chicago was originally Chicago Transit Authority, but it boggles the mind to think of so many members involved.

  11. I think the gang raping 15 year olds and beating them if they protested takes this above the usual 60s/70s/80s rock star bad behavior.

  12. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/the-oral-history-of-csnys-infamous-doom-tour-20140619

    1. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  13. +1 Sara, They went from Jeffrson Airplane to Jefferson Starship.

  14. Anonymous10:26 AM

    another vote for Van Hagar

  15. Graham Nash is British. Surely that mrans CSNY doesn't count, right? Right??

  16. The Eagles could work,sometimes called just Eagles. But the Crosby,Stills, and Nash/Young works as well.

  17. >>> This group, which since its formation has undergone name and personnel changes

    Jefferson Airplane
    Jefferson Starship

    Possibly CSN/Y but I bet it's Airplane. Remember their song "Come Up the Years"?

    I ought to get going
    I shouldn't stay here and love you
    More than I do
    'Cause you're so much younger than I am
    Come up the years, come up the years
    And love me, love me love me

    A younger girl keeps hanging around
    One of the loveliest I've ever found
    Blowin' my mind, stealin' my heart
    Somebody help me 'fore I fall apart.

    The things she's doing keep turning me on
    And I've been happy to go right along
    I know it's time that I said goodbye
    I know I can't leave no matter how hard I try.

    I ought to get going
    I shouldn't stay here and love you
    More than I do
    'Cause you're so much younger than I am
    Come up the years, come up the years
    And love me, love me love me

    Songwriting credit: Marty Balin / Paul Kantner

  18. Carpenters again?

  19. Well, for me, it's not retroactive outrage - I was outraged then and am now. And, not every rock star was doing it. Many passed on having sex with these "consenting" barely pubescent, children. It was wrong then and it's wrong now. I'm sorry, but having a 12 or 13-year-old girl rub up against you doesn't let you off the hook if you screw her. You're a pedophile. Own it. And, maybe that's what this so-called retro-outrage is. We want these guys to own their shit.

  20. Actually,with Nash being British and Neil Young Canadian, are they really an American band?

  21. @Sara, good catch on the ages that should narrow it down.

    Also at their peak in the 70's doesn't fit 80's bands.

  22. I really feel this is the Allman Brothers

  23. Still waiting for these lawsuits on George Harrison and his raping of young women that was a Reveal a few months ago.

  24. Am I the only one who finds this blind hard to believe?

    1. That a lot of people stood by and got involved and watched this happen?? I am also finding it hard to believe. Yes most were out of their heads on drugs but still....and where we're the girls parents/friends when they were basically kidnapped and abused? Maybe I'm naive.

  25. I honestly don't know what to think about those old stories. Autres temps, autres moeurs. And if you asked me, aged 16, if I consented to sex and was old enough? I'd say yes.

    And I certainly think there's a big difference between a 16 year old and a 12 year old.

    However, we think differently about sex and power between men and women and older and younger people now, so it's definitely wrong now.

  26. The personnel of the Allman Brothers Band has certainly changed, but the name never has. That part of the blind does not fit.

    Also, noooooooooooooooooo.

  27. It’s Grand Funk Railroad “We’re an American Band!” Plus the name changes and groupie stuff.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Also, those of you leaving only "Yikes" and "Exactly" comments: keep in mind that for many of us, these comments aren't nested so we have no idea who or what you're responding to.

    1. @Krab

      Android phone shows nested comments.

  29. ted nugent. besides, he infamously likes them young.

  30. @totaji, Grand Funk Railroad is a good guess.


  31. In 1975, the mid-point of the 1970s, the ages of the following Jefferson Airplane were:

    Marty Balin - 32
    Paul Kanter - 34
    Jack Casady - 30
    Grace Slick - 36
    Jorma Kaukonen - 35

  32. Neil it says the band's name changed many times since it's inception. The Allman Brothers Band had several other names before it became the ABB. So did Lynerd Skynerd.

    1. My first thought was Allmans and Right before I put it I thought -oh Skynard(the personal changes of losing Ronny Van Zant and regrouping under a new name (inthink?) ha day seen your guess but agree with both/either lol

    2. We know Almost Famous was based on the Allman Bros and reading this reminded me ALOT of that movie. Especially the part where Penny Lane is swapped for some beer and the rest.

  33. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Notice this blind is conspicuously gender neutral on the band. Always talks about the "members of the band" not "all the guys in the band" or anything like that. So, while I initially thought The Eagles, they didn't really change their name much. I'm on board with the Jefferson Airplane/Starship guess. And either Grace Slick took part in the rape, or looked away while the male bandmates did it. Or she even helped lure the girls in.

  34. Grand Funk Railroad were very young at their peak. Definitely not in their 30s. It's not them.

  35. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Which drugged out 70's rockers did not have sex with mid-teen groupies?

    1. +1 I think we have to accept they all did.

  36. The Grateful Dead?

  37. "Nash became an American citizen on 14 August 1978 and holds dual citizenship of the United Kingdom and United States."

  38. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Long time lurker, first time commenter - tried to make this work as KISS but I think their "escapades" were mostly solo affairs since Gene hated half the band.

    Most bands change their name at least once and it's pretty well documented so to me the comment about the band changing their name means it has to have been either incredibly often or else after they became famous. The only band that fits that to my memory is Jefferson Airplane as people have previously stated.

    Also worth noting that Grace Slick had issues with alcoholism that lead to a very bad incident onstage where she groped several female audience members and members of the band. She was also married to a crew member for a time. Hate to say it, but it fits.

  39. Kiss, HELL NO! No chance in hell. Don't even go there. i can imagine peter Criss and Acve Frehley doing stupid sh*t during their drug usage, but no way this is Kiss.


  40. Name changes, people - read the blind. It's not KISS or Van Halen or the Eagles, ect.

    Credence Clearwater Revival/Credence Clearwater Revisited

  41. The blind says MULTIPLE name changes. This implies more than 2.

    I was gonna say Yes until Google said they were English. I ain't that old so my guess is Jefferson Airplane/Jefferson Starship/Starship. Don't get me started on Grace Slick.

  42. The Eagles never changed their name. It was always EAGLES. But, that doesn't sound right when intrducing them...so people would say THE.

  43. Disagree with Jefferson Airplane/Starship- the 70s were not the height of their fame. An argument could be made for the 1960s (or even the 1980s Starship) hits being their biggest. I'm leaning towards Crosby, Stills and Nash/CSN&Y for this. They were most definitely up in the 1970s Laurel Canyon L.A. groupie scene.

  44. Wikipedia claims Jefferson Airplane or whatever they called themselves had 15 members.

  45. Grand Funk Railroad switched to just Grand Funk in the 70s and then switched back to using Railroad during the 70s.

  46. Many good guesses. And on some level, perhaps there are many guilty. Ego/power/fame/etc is a powerful force that allows for disgusting behavior.
    My point: probably more than just one group is guilty of this. Certainly MANY individuals

  47. Anonymous11:52 AM

    The assumption that this is an all male band is willingly obtuse on the idea that women can rape too-- see also the sex assault allegations against Melanie Martinez, the copious numbers of female trachers with male students, etc.

    And I found an article about Undertow was talkong about re: Grace Slick-- getting drunk, groping females and making mockery of the Holocaust at a German show in the 70s.


    Hate to say it, I think this was it, and she was definitely involved.

  48. Thank Allah it isn't Parliament
    They had a lot of members

  49. Kiss would definitley do this but they never chamged their name so mot them. I think this is Starship.

  50. Ddonna Ttartty incidentally makes a good point -- a lot of "Boomer icons" are not themselves Boomers, but were born around 1930-1945.

    Van Halen's first hit of any kind was their 1978 cover of You Really Got Me. They really did not become stars until the 80s. I'm going with the Jefferson Airplane etc guess.

  51. Some thoughts:

    Jefferson Airplane/Jefferson Starship/Starship seems to be the best fit, but for (i) Grace Slick and (ii) the note about "they peaked in the 70s." In terms of sheer chart position, Starship peaked in 1986-1988.

    I'm guessing when Enty says "name changes", he/she means name changes that we have heard of. E.g., KISS has always been KISS; nobody remembers them in their early incarnation as ... can you name it? ... Wicked Lester.

  52. Beatles were the quarrymen, silver beatles
    Led Zep was also the Yardbirds, The New Yardbirds.

    All of these bands have had mulitple member changes, were active in the 70's, and
    were all men but none seem to fit quite right.

    Jeff Airplane seems close but Grace Slick throws it off, why would she be involved in that?

    1. The Beatles were not active in the 70s.

  53. Maybe Blue Oyster Cult, they were soft white underbelly at first, and were super hot in the 70s. Multiple male members

  54. I agree with the commenter that this applied to many rock bands during this time. Acting predatory towards teenage girls, making them feel like part of a family to get them to be "okay" with it, then casting them aside as they felt like it.

    I think about Almost Famous and how the band basically sold Kate Hudson's character to another band for a case of beer. It's pathetic.

  55. Jefferson Airplane fits best for the name changes, type of music being on a similar level to Led Zeppelin, and 70's being their height. And Undertow's notes about Grace Slick and her groping of female fans is the icing on the cake.

    In the 60's JA had 2 gold and 1 platinum album.

    In the 70's JA had 3 gold and 1 platinum album, and JS had 2 gold, 2 platinum and 1 2x multi-platinum album.

  56. "Aerosmith is an American rock band, sometimes referred to as "the Bad Boys from Boston" and "America's Greatest Rock and Roll Band"."

  57. The Allman Brothers:

    Started out as the Allman Joys
    became the Allman Brothers
    then the Gregg Allman Band came about as an offshoot
    then the Allman Brothers reunited under that name again in the late 70s

    They were pretty notorious for drug use and partying

  58. Jackson 5/The Jackson 5/The Jacksons

  59. Lynyrd Skynyrd

    Previous bandnames: My Backyard, Noble Five, One Percent

    Tons of member changes, so many it has it's own wiki page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Lynyrd_Skynyrd_members

    Allman Brothers

    Previous bandnames: Escorts, Allman Joy, Hour Glass

    Again tons of member changes so many it has it's own wiki page: : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_The_Allman_Brothers_Band_members

    (Not ZZ Top, no name changes)

  60. Anonymous2:16 PM

    For those who don't think it can be JA or begrudgingly think so despite Grace Slick, bear in my mind, and I will keep repeating rhis, that women are capable of this as well (re: Melanie Martinez) and that Slick apparently does have some documented incidents of groping women on her record. She clearly has the...inclination toward assaulting other women.

  61. Not Blue Oyster Cult. I know three of the original members. Definitely not them.

  62. Chicago was called the Big Thing, then CTA, then Chicago.

  63. Anonymous2:21 PM

    I've worked in the music industry for decades, but not as a musician. This blind is an old, moldy urban legend that I first heard in the 80's. But yes, Virginia, underage groupies had sex with adult rockstars, it wasn't "rape", it was 100% consensual, and it's still going on today, just on a smaller scale. Getting beaten? Not that I or anyone else has ever seen or heard of. I don't fuck groupies (they don't want to fuck me anyway, I'm not a musician), I don't particularly like that aspect of the touring industry, but it's there. Almost Famous is fiction, and an embellishment of what really went on, for entertainment. I won't say rape didn't happen, but for the overwhelming majority, those women are there because they want to be, they have an agenda, and it's not to get an autograph - and a select few score, on the regular. Been going on WAY before rock, too, Sinatra and the crooners did this stuff, too. Groupies are found anywhere famous good looking dudes - and often women - are found - sports, music, acting, everything. It's nothing new, unique or special for music, except maybe the frequency.

    It's not the first time an old rock urban legend has been posted here as fact. But the feed's gotta flow, right?

  64. Anonymous2:24 PM

    PS Jefferson Airplane/Starship? LAWL. No. They're all total nerds, always have been. Grace and Kanter were married for a lot of it, and went back to the hotel right after the show. The idea that Jefferson were group raping groupies is hysterical, if you've actually met and been around that group.

    You won't figure out who it is, because it's an urban legend that I first heard in the 80's.

  65. @Melvin, I don't think a woman is incapable of rape. I took the "30 something old guy" to mean that they were all guys. But I could be wrong.

    Also, the wording makes it sound like they are still around.

    "Jefferson Starship Featuring Mickey Thomas" (as they were officially billed) just played my local venue last year. Still around, still shuffling their lineup, still tweaking their name.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Whether 15 or 16 or 45 years old-- consent to have sex with one person is not consent to have sex with a whole fleet of them. And it's not consent to be abused, beaten, abandoned. When intoxicated the consent isn't freely given. If intimidated or threatened consent isn't freely given. "Consent to sex if you want your clothes back or want to go home" is not consent freely given. Consent can be revoked.

    Yes, the times were such that this happened a lot. Every band mentioned in the comments had groupies, underage or otherwise, who may have "consented". But they were not all this bad.

  68. It gets really old, these geezer bands getting a pass for any repugnant behavior. Free love is not a girl being passed around while she's too messed up to consent.

  69. Anonymous2:56 PM

    This blog has gotten really frightening, in its total misogynist outlook, women as victims, and presenting fiction as fact.

    Yes bands had groupies. And yes, they would travel with the band for while, then get left behind somewhere. It happened to an old high school friend of mine, who hung out with Styx one summer.

    The rest of the abuse you described? Let's see some proof. Let's hear from the victim. Otherwise, it's gratuitious nonsense, only added to increase the drama.

  70. Aerosmith: guitarist Joe Perry was born in 1950, so not in his 30s until the 1980s. And, for what it's worth, they are not remotely America's greatest rock and roll band, though that was not in the blind, just in one of the comments. And just my opinion, of course.

    Allman Brothers: interesting; can't rule them out.

    Jefferson Airplane/whatever else they're called: without getting into an argument over the definition of rape, do we think Grace Slick fits into this blind? I'm not convinced. And yes, maybe they were at their peak commercially in the 1970s, by contrast to their artistic success during the 1960s (which was middling at best, but much better than the crap they put out later). And as someone pointed out, they might have been even more commercially successful during the 1980s, when their "music" was pure garbage.

    Grateful Dead: once known as the Warlocks, certainly at their peak in the 1970s and A+ list, and all-American if I recall correctly. But did *they* do this stuff? I know that Bob Weir had his fun, but Jerry and Phil, and all the others? I don't know.

    Grand Funk A+? That can't be right.

    In my view there haven't been that many great all-American, American-born-and-raised bands. Not many at all. But again if you sell enough records and tickets, you're A+. Even if your music is junk.

  71. I had previously heard this rumor years ago, specifically about Jefferson Starship, but I doubt it will ever be confirmed.

    Grace Slick has acknowledged her libertine behavior and psychosexual issues publicly, though not in detail.

    As suggested above, although the Airplane's "White Rabbit" and "Somebody to Love" became oldies radio classics, the band didn't really hit paydirt until much later. The group changed its name through a couple of variants following the 1970 departure of stodgy hippy-folkies Jorma Kaukonnen and Jack Casady, eventually adopting the glitzier Jefferson Starship name. Mass stardom came in 1975, with the multi-platimun #1 album "Red Octopus" and the lovely, omnipresent ballad "Miracles." The next several albums also went platinum, dwarfing sales of the Airplane's sixties albums.

    As a side note; most musicians go through a few bands before finding success, and many bands try on a few names before launching their careers. No sensible blogger would use that sort of thing as a clue.

    Also, the Yardbirds were NOT Zep with a different name. Sheesh.

  72. Nugent > Damn Yankees

  73. Partied with JA twice. Once in 1975 then 1977 when they came to my town. I was 17 in ‘75. They stayed both times at my boyfriend’s mother’s hotel. We hung with them in the bar. GS attempted to drink it dry the first time, got extremely belligerent with Kantner so he threw her over his shoulder and headed upstairs. Balin was gracious, as were the others and shared great stories with us, as his very willing audience. I was trashed on brownies and bourbon and only remember bits and pieces. Same thing with Traffic and THAT pisses me off.

  74. Styx. Was Trade Winds then TW4

  75. Styx. Was Tradewinds then TW4.

  76. I agree with the Kiss guess. - One of the biggest bands of the 70's - definately peaked then during oringinal make up period. Had atleast one member in their 30's then.Name changes - Wicked Lester, personel changes - Ace,Criss etc.Had a large underage following.Plenty of rumours/accusations over the years.

  77. I know some of the Lynard Skynard surviving members, when you live in Jacksonville and hit the music scene enough, you meet them. Still sad that Freebird at the Beach closed, that was my go to for new bands.
    Doubt it was them, they usually always had wives with them on tours and seem like pretty decent guys, but who knows.
    I recently heard a new girl band from my town, They are amazing, if you like screaming metal. But it makes me sad, they are sisters, 14, 17 and 18 and are doing national tours already, mom goes, but I just have to think what kind of life that is putting on them at such a very young age. Band is called GFM, they dress as gothic cheerleaders, just hope they can be kept safe.
    As i also have a friend that is a model I also often think about her safety with all the darkness I hear about here on CDAN

  78. My first thought was Grand Funk, but The Allman Bros is a good guess, since there have been some creepy blinds about Gregg Allman before.

    1. Can you share the blinds about Gregg please?

  79. People here make exceptions for bands and actors they like. Enty is clearly stating the girls were underage and intoxicated. Same as Polanski. I know there is a grey area,16-17, maybe younger for some,but don't exempt someone because you love the music and hate someone else's. Times were different, but at some point , it's always wrong.

  80. @Guesser back in my concert days in the very early 80s, my friend and I always made it a habit to get to the only large arena in our area (lakeland) that held bigger concerts. She would stalk the bands for days studying the pictures and we met quite a few, Motley Crew at a pool at their hotel (we were 16 at the time) and several others. We met many of the young girls that were there to REALLY meet the rockers, they all knew full well what they were doing and what they wanted to do. NOW i do not know about this kind of story with the multiple sex etc. But do not underestimate the groupies and their power.
    The best band I met, was Quiet Riot, after the show, we were driving home, and my car broke down, water pump, we pulled into a rest stop and the tour bus of Quiet Riot pulled in to the gas pumps, they were heading to Orlando. Kevin and Frankie walked over to our car, their driver also, ME, i was BROKEN, because i had an infatuation with Rudy Sarzo, and he had driven ahead The guys were helpful, they DID offer to give us a ride, but Orlando was not the direction we needed to go. They helped us get in touch with my mom to come pick us up.
    But if you asked me back then, HAD rudy been on that bus would I have taken that bus ride, I would have told you HELL YES. lol.

  81. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I don't know...I travelled with a road company of Joseph, and my feeling is that unless you are the 'talent', it's pretty terrible place to be (and often for the talent as well)

  82. Still waiting for the Don Henley underage teen reveal. Was promised for Spring. Another nothing burger by Himmmm.

  83. The Himmmms provide us with fiction-burgers, but not lately.

  84. I'm not sure anybody under 50 is ever going to understand this, but when we were teenage girls, we absolutely wanted to have sex with adult men. It was a status symbol to do so (x1000 if they had any kind of fame!). Why settle for some pimply teenager when you could get a grown man with a nice car and a good job who bought you presents and took you to nice places and knew what he was doing in bed? We drank because nice girls didn't have casual sex back then, so you had to get drunk so you could "pretend" you were too wasted to know what you were doing and still be considered a nice girl. Teenagers had a lot more independence and responsibility then. At 15, we all had part time jobs. Parents did not watch us the way they do now. The 15 year old of 1980 was nothing like the 15 year old of 2018. I have no regrets and certainly don't think I was molested.

    Rape, of course, is rape - but there was probably more of that in marriage in those days than there was on tour buses.

  85. Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention.

    Went under several names: Mothers of Invention, Mothers, Zappa/Mothers.

    Started in the 60's but had it's best success in the 70's with albums like Overnight Sensation and Apostrophe.

    All- American band with a hell of a lot of members and a rotating line-up including one woman, Ruth Underwood.

    Fits all the criteria.

  86. Jefferson Airplane reached their peak of fame in 68 or 69 and I doubt if Grace would have tolerated that kind of shit at all.

    I worked around a minor band, Sweeney Todd and you wouldn't believe the insanely beautiful 12 year old girls that showed up to offer themselves to them and the slut gear they wore. Fortunately Nicky Gilder and his band were all skeletal limey faggots and didn't care about girls.

    Chicago was at it's height in 1968 with it's first two albums and though they changed their group's name I can't see them doing this

    Iron Butterfly was huge for a time but they too reached their peak in '69 and fell off the map when Led Zep appeared soon after.

    I'd like to say it was Elvis but I don't think he was touring in the original poster's time line.

    The Doors never changed their name.

    I truly hope it wasn't the Go Go's.

  87. I thought Almost Famous was based partly on the Eagles.

  88. 1. Plenty of American bands/singers have raped/sexually assaulted women and children. It has nothing to do with nationality. Implying it's normally just Brit bands is bullshit.

    2. Rape is forced penetration, Melvin. Are you suggesting GS wore a strap on dildo?

    3. No, a lot of these girls just wanted to meet their idols. Assuming they only go to gigs/concerts to screw is the typical "she was asking for it" excuse spouted by the usual rape apologists..

  89. @Truthseeker and KittensRUs, or course, you are right, in the seventies the only ones interested in teenage boys were the art teachers,lol. The raised drinking age,AIDs,and stricter ID checks changed things.

  90. @Truthseeker and KittensRUs - So true how things were different in the 70's. Guesser is right about how AIDs changed things so much. I'm glad I grew up in the time that I did. Played outside all day with friends without having to have a parent hovering. I remember listening to 45's in my friends basement - Osmonds, Jackson 5, the song Build Me Up Buttercup was my favorite! Dated my boyfriend for 1-1/2 years before I gave in the night before he left for the Navy. He was 17 and I was 15. It wasn't rape then and I don't consider it to have been rape now.

  91. According to screenwriter Cameron Crowe, as cited by Wikipedia, "Almost Famous" "is semi-autobiographical, as Crowe himself was a teenage writer for Rolling Stone. The film is based on Crowe's experiences touring with rock bands Poco, The Allman Brothers Band, Led Zeppelin, Eagles and Lynyrd Skynyrd."


    It's never any one thing.

    I'm sticking with my Jefferson Airplane/Starship guess and nobody's made anything close to resembling a solid counter-argument, especially among all the bands mentioned that never changed their name after they had a record contract.

    The only suggestion that gave me pause was Zappa's Mothers of Invention, etc. But as admired as they were by their peers, I wouldn't say they were A+.

  92. @tinydancer61 --- If that concert was at a college in West Virginia, please tell me.

  93. Allman Brothers and Lynyrd Skynyrd are white trash enough to do this. Van Halen I would believe but more of an 1980s thing...would love to find out who this is.

    I really want to say Motley Crue or Guns N Roses but the were more the 1980s. I really want to know, but come on STARSHIP? What crap.

  94. Starship was the first one that came to mind for me as well. Eagles never had a name change, so despite everyone salivating over the Henley blind, this probably isn't about him.

  95. Jefferson Airplane Starship

  96. Whole routine sounds like an Hell's Angel Mama initiation rite.

  97. It's not the Allman Brothers. I was there and while it was wild, it was not like that.

  98. Clearly Enty fudged the American part. This is Spinal Tap.

  99. @unknown.. I have to agree... I think the majority of this is urban legend. @Mercyprosperity, Krab, Truthseeker, TerriB and KittenRUs... I agree with your points as well. It definitely was a different time- don't get me wrong-not so different that gang rape or sex w/a 12 yr old was okay, but different. I know several groupie girls (15,16 yr olds at the time) who back in the day did sleep with some musicians- not only do they not feel abused, they remember those times fondly and once in a while will regale us with stories. Even now the age of consent in over 1/2 the country is 16, back then some states were even lower. IMO there's been an odd switch since the 70's... back then our parents didn't watch our every move, we played outside without supervision and most teenagers had part time jobs so we were more mature and considered to be adults when we turned 18, but we were more naive sexually. Now kids are exposed to a whole lot of sexually explicit stuff- so they know a lot about it, but helicopter parenting has made them far less mentally/emotionally mature, and in the US the "adult" benchmark has been pushed back to 21. All in all I'm glad I grew up in the 60's-70's



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