Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Today's Blind Items - One Crazy Week

What do you get when you cross a business trip with a personal trip with an upcoming marriage? You get a lot of lies, broken hearts and some really messed up situations. This A+ list power broker has been in the news a lot this past week. During that crazy week, not only did he cheat on the at the time A- list mostly movie actress he was supposed to marry, he also had sex with another soon to be bride and busted up a third relationship by hooking up with an ex who was dating an at the time A- list mostly movie actor.

Of course our power broker tried to hide all of this, but even he couldn't keep up with the web of lies and trail of used hotel suites he was maintaining all that weekend. The A- list mostly movie actor got back at his girlfriend by hooking up one night with this foreign born permanent A+ list model. The A- list mostly movie actress? She never recovered. It broke her heart forever.


  1. Naomi Campbell for the model

  2. Andre Balazs for the power broker Renee Zellweger for the one he was to marry

  3. Uma Thurman Ethan Hawke?

  4. Am I the only one who can't go back to older blinds without the website crashing?

  5. @katie website crashes on me all the time.
    Some days I can’t post at all and just give up.

  6. Can they get rid of the pop up ads at the bottom of the screen? They hang up my browser every time I open a page.

  7. @SDaly: An ad-blocker is your friend.

  8. If you use Android get the free ad blocker browser from the Google play store it blocks all pop ups, unfortunately it also blocks some new browser tabs like this blogger one, but you will see a notification that says "pop up blocked show" at the bottom of your screen, click show, and it restores this tab.

  9. Opera browser is also very good at ad blocking now if you want to use that one.

  10. Andre Balazs is a good looking man. Surprised he dated Chelsea Handler, wonder what the dynamic was. Same for Renee Z.

  11. Has Andre Balazs been in the news a lot this past week?

  12. @Brayson - no, not for anything other than "he was at this event". The most recent thing I could find about him was from November.

  13. Yup, André Balazs owns The Standard Hotel in Hollywood. Lots of pedo and occult imagery associated with that hotel, plus the hotel's general manager was killed in a suspicious helicopter crash last December.


    Expect plot and the rest of the shill team to arrive soon now that the pedophile ring has been mentioned.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. It wasn't just the GM of the Stan-turd Hotel in WeHo that had herself an accident. It was also key accounting and management that went bye-bye.

    Here's the previous BI about the hotel and the chopper "accident"

  16. The Standard Hotel in West Hollywood was brought up by Q in January, and it’s also been mentioned in connection with Allison Mack of NXIVM infamy.

    This hotel reputedly hosts and funnels pedo/nefarious acts and is where Maggie Nixon, Obama & Mariah Sunshine Coogan intersect...along with notorious Marina Abramovic (who also happens to be exceedingly close to the aforementioned Andre Ball-saks).

    What else ties into this adults-only (outside of some/most of the victims) Hotel? Big Time WeHo Demo fundraising bundler Ed Buck and Adam Schiff-his-pants.

    Mack has given names and info btw...word is she squealed like a fat lil piggy on the way to slaughter.


    1. Yea, definitely caught this ... Yea nothing weird, or creepy, just spirit cooking with young clientele, that's all.


  17. Interesting. There is a twatter account that is using the account number referenced in that BI, "37911133339". It just lit up a couple of hours ago.

  18. Itttt, people might take you a bit more seriously if you lay off the grade school level "insults"

  19. Does I Wish It Was A Different Era 2 Publicly Treat Them On D Front Lawn Of D White House @BarackObama @kanyewest @S_C_ @Beyonce mean what I think it means? Someone’s mother should’ve had more headaches... what a fucking waste of carbon.

  20. @Itttt,Alison Mack Giving up names? They better be caught soon, or she might not be around much longer.

  21. omg i missed this blind. @AIP hahahha
    Someone’s mother should’ve had more headaches... what a fucking waste of carbon.
