Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Today's Blind Items - It Happened Again

This character actor had a big role in a franchise. Other than that, he did small roles in some movies and television and was especially big in theatre. While filming what would be his final role, he was caught with two young boys who were the sons of crew members visiting for the day. Apparently all three of them were undressed in an empty trailer. This was not the first time the actor had been caught with young children. He had been caught during a previous role a year earlier which saw his part reduced to a line or two because he was kicked off the set.

After the two boys were removed from the trailer and reunited with their respective parents, the actor was told he would be fired and replaced. The actor knew they wouldn't do that though. Too much filming had been completed and they needed him around. So, our actor decided to be even more horrific and posted hundreds of Polaroids he had taken of naked children and thumb tacked them to the walls of his trailer. He also had audio recordings of his time spent with many of the children and would play them on a loop at a really loud volume.

Anyone who would pass near his trailer would be able to hear and it shook people to their core. One actor on the set had enough and calling on his heritage spent three days calling on his Gods to do something to the horror that had invaded the set. Within a month, the child molesting actor was dead. There are some who say he came back from the grave to exact his revenge because within a year, the spell making actor was also dead.


  1. Really believable Enty, but keep playing to your new audience.

    1. Hahahaha...I forgot I was on CDAN and not some horrible fanfiction site. Wait, this too is a fanfic site though, right?

  2. Yet it seems as if no one did anything about it. As with the #netoo bs, they’re all complicit until something happens then it’s all “social justice” all the time. Their silence is compliance. Especially where the kids are concerned. Sick.

  3. +1 Sandy. Although there's probably something out there that loosely fits...sans the voodoo.

  4. I liked it better when you took dailymail stories and built blinds around them.

    Also how come you never told Roseanne us was racist? I'm sure that one bit of her personality shouldn't have gone unnoticed no?

    1. Roseanne being racist etc wasn't a blind, FFS. It wasn't even an open secret.

    2. Roseanne isn't racist ffs! She just hates everyone! She's a flipping comedienne and shocking people has always been her thing!

  5. Well here's hoping this vague BI will be revealed in a couple of weeks. #july4revealday

  6. I’d still take this any day over yachter/teen mom/rapper blinds. To each their own, I guess.

  7. +1 Montana, they're both dead. If Enty could reveal the Marvin Gaye blind, this one should be good to go.

  8. Montana did you see Candy wrote a joke in your honor on Your Turn?

  9. So the crew members didn't see the photos and rip him limb from limb?

    Instead, a spirit was summoned?

  10. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Julian Beck, Kane in Poltergeist 2, died in 1985; Will Sampson, the Native american soothsayer who helps the Freeling family in same film, died two years later in 1987.

    1. You clever bastard! That's not an insult by the way. It's definitely a compliment.

    2. Good Guess Melvin!!

    3. @Melvin The Reanimated

      I was gonna guess Brando but I like your guess better.

      There was a blind years ago about the first director of Brando's last film being into the occult. Dude got fired, casted some spells, and many people's lives went downhill shortly thereafter. Well, the ones who are still alive that is...

  11. Dang it! @Melvin beat me again!

    Will Sampson (Native American)/ Julian Beck (pedo)/ Poltergeist 2

  12. I bet thats it Melvin.

  13. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Sampson's "spell" probably was helped by the fact Beck had cancer -- make it go faster, spirits!

  14. And of course nobody was going to do anything about it... SS wasn't a credited producer, but come on. It's SS-adjacent.

  15. Anyway, cool story. I don't buy it, but it fits the CDAN storyline.

  16. Thanks for the heads up, LOL @sandybrook

    Yayyyyy someone solved it. Going to look up actors now. Great work!!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Also, Beck was primarily known as an avant garde theater person, not a film actor. P2 was his biggest role.

    Also: that film was Oliver Robbins's last role until 2008.

  19. Okay I'm fairly new here but everyone griping at Enty for "playing to his new audience" needs to...get with it. I wish Pizzagate hadn't happened because if flung cheese and pizza sauce over the entire topic, but as An Open Secret clearly spells out, THINGS LIKE THIS HAPPEN! In fact, a couple of people have found a plausible answer so... Maybe an apology is in order?

  20. Things like this don't happen. Evil voodoo spells don't kill child molestors.

  21. +1 Melvin, good catch

  22. Technically speaking he was already dying,
    "Beck was diagnosed with stomach cancer in late 1983, and died two years later on September 14, 1985, at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, aged 60.[4] "

  23. Anonymous10:39 AM

    To be fair, I think a lot of these big blinds are absolute horseshit until they actually do get revealed for real. I think Enty stumbles into some real gossip (Spacey, Lauer, etc) and then ups the ante. I just like the puzzle aspect of figuring them out, but I don't believe, for a second, that, for example, SS is a raging pedo...unless and until it comes out, that is. And we've been getting empty promises from HIMMMM and Enty about reveals for a while now. I mean wasn't the Henley thing or something similar supposed to come out this month? Maybe *some* of this stuff is true....but, man, if you believe Enty hook, line and sinker, not one movie, book or piece of music was made that didn't have some sort of rape attached to it.

    1. @Melvin The Reanimated

      The juicy reveals come out in June/July. That has always been the case.

      The MV reveal came out in November a few years back.

    2. Those are my thoughts exactly. I like to figure out the subjects in these blinds, but do I believe them to be true? No! Obviously the tabloid blinds about reality stars and bearding and all that crap are easier to believe, but all these back in the day molestation and rape blinds I take with a grain of salt.

      I remember the Heather O’ Rourke blind from a while back and some one correctly pointing out that the timeline and events according to Enty didn’t match. Obviously he is taking a documented case and spinning his own fiction in between, as I’m sure most of these blinds are. Having said that, I’m sure there is some truth in between all the dross.

  24. This site is crazier than usual, these days. Wacky.

  25. And we also have a play on words. Title of this blind: "It happened again"
    Tagline to P2: "They're back"

    Cotton Club for the previous role, maybe.

  26. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Yeah, Cotton Club or his episode of Miami Vice.

  27. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Wait, Miami Vice was produced by Michael Mann who directed Manhunter which was the subject of a Dancing boy blind (well, a DB blind tease of a bigger blind that never came to fruition)....I don't know where I am going with this.

  28. This fit Beck to a T.

  29. Anonymous10:50 AM

    of course, if this and the stuff about SS are true -- I wonder if Tobe Hooper knew about it, tried to reveal it and saw his career suffer as a result? After all, Hooper's career began to implode after this, even though it was a hit -- accusations of being an unreliable, drugged up director; several box office flops in a row; and that rumor that SS was the real director of Poltergeist -- all attempts to silence him?

  30. First of all voodoo was never mentioned only spells. Second of all I didn't take that part literally or seriously. Here's my question for you. Regardless of whether it works: Are there people who believe in casting spells? Yes. Are there people who might cast spells they believe work to kill someone they think is evil? Yes. Because they believe in it. Maybe sometimes they get lucky which confirms their belief.

    Using the mention of spells to discredit this is grasping on your part. Enty never said he believed the spell caused the death or even that he thought there actually was a spell cast. It was just a colorful hint.

    1. @kswheels
      Valid point. Without the "summoning of spirits" element, we probably wouldn't have solved it. Or at least not so quickly. Will Sampson was 3rd on an imdb list of Native American actors, which was my starting point.
      I do and don't believe the pedo blinds. Some of the more sensational aspects I'm doubtful of. Some, like the Judith Barsi blind (It was revealed, so you can find it by searching her name here) contain so much info that Enty couldn't possibly know, because nobody else would have been in the room when she died. Is the overall story believable? Yes. It's unfortunately believable that there is a major pedo ring in Hollywood. There is evidence.
      It's the little details I don't buy, but they do help in terms of puzzle pieces, as @Melvin called it.

  31. The blind indicates someone,likely Native American, called on his Gods. This is very likely true. Whether you believe that caused his death is up to you. A lot of people believed the Poltergeist films were cursed. A lot of people believe the Kennedy family is under an Indian Tribal curse.

  32. @ Arshes. Why should Enty have to tell you Roseanne was a racist? Her tweeting history tells us that. She was all out there with it for years!

  33. Of course it's not racist to say that a Native American actor "called on his Gods," because all natives believe in casting spells. Just like it's not racist to say Beyonce dabbles in voodoo.

    Yet, of course, shock horror at Roseanne.

  34. Sara - Generally if it can't be believed or known, I would take it as hint not statement of fact. Or maybe Enty got told a story and was a little gullible that day. Not saying every blind has basis in fact. Just saying some elements being wrong or impossible don't disqualify the entire blind.

  35. As @kswheels said, it doesn't matter whether you believe in magic(k) and spell casting and the occult or not. Because there are many people--many rich and powerful people--who do and who practice it.

    So you don't have to believe there is a spiritual world laid atop our material world. Nor that the battle is raging there just as much as it is here. But I do.

    If this story is true, I can't believe people worked on a set having to listen to that and didn't beat the man dead with a blunt object.

    I agree that some of these tales are getting further and further "out there." But who would've imagined the times we live in?

  36. I've spent quite a lot of time among rich and powerful people. What they believe in is money and power, power and money. None of them seriously believe in the occult or practice it or astrology or voodoo or spells. That's for pathetic loser crackpots, not successful people.

    And for those who seriously think that rich, powerful people practice the occult: ahahahahaha.

    1. Even Anton LaVey didn’t believe in real Satanic powers. He just pretended for the sex.

    2. Yeah sure Krab, you know lots of rich and powerful people 😂.

  37. Prixie - This blind has basically been solved. Ain't no fanfic. Maybe some exaggeration but in the blinds who is often more important than exactly what. In fact, WHO is ALWAYS the point.

    And that has been figured out.

  38. Krab - Scientology exists. Checkmate. And don't say they do it for their career. By and large it destroys careers. They believe.

  39. So none of these people called the cops anonymously? It's not a case of one person's word against another if he had photo's and recordings in his trailer. I don't believe it but if it's true every member of the cast and crew is complicit for not reporting.

    1. And the sheer number of people who would have to be complicit were he that bold would be impossible. The way it's described, everyone down to janitors and craft services people would have to believe that he was too important to turn in to the police.

  40. If the blind is who it has been suggested we are not talking about something in that occurred in the "See something, say something." era. It happened in the "See something, mind your fucking business." era. Harvey Weinstein was a poorly kept secret until LAST YEAR and yet some people on this website still believe that Hollywood types are known for reporting horrific shit.

  41. Krab, that is an outright lie. Ronald Reagan had a personal astrologer. There was even a New York Times article about the Reagans and and their deep belief of astrology if anyone cares to Google it. It's all out there in open and nobody denies it.

    Personally, I didn't believe the elite were into the occult either until I read those Podesta emails. That picture of John Podesta with "14" and a fish symbol on his hands is a direct reference to Isis worship (the Egyptian goddess, not the terrorist group). An email about sacrificing a chicken to Moloch. Spirit cooking.

  42. Yes, those rich famous people really believe in Scientology (which I would argue is more akin to a cult than the occult). Sure they do! It's not because Scio is blackmailing them! They really believe!


  43. No, Nancy Reagan had an astrologer which she turned to after her husband was shot. That was more of her being a scared elderly lady than anything else. It's hardly like being into voodoo. But whatever, you folks believe what you want.

    1. The term “Pizzagate” has been mentioned.No logic or reason can be processed.

  44. Pizzagate is a regrettable mess of sauce and cheese that will unfortunately probably end up protecting people. It will make anything similar disbelieved well past reasonable doubt. I do not believe Pizzagate is true.

    But... DEN? Singer? All of that hit down to that 7 chinned disgusting monster Dan Schneider? When it all gets laid out in a court of law the first thing Geffen or Singer is going to say is PIZZAGATE. And to most people they probably won't sound that different.

  45. this couldnt be any faker.

    So youre telling me that there were basically sex squeals of him raping kids all day from his trailer, AND NOT ONE person, did anything? Youre telling me that those parents didnt go in and either kill or have this person arrested?

    Cmon now. Stop with the ghost stories.

  46. Why would you possibly think the parents were on set?

  47. Uhhh because i can read?

    "While filming what would be his final role, he was caught with two young boys who were the sons of crew members visiting for the day"

    Anyways, this is a real story, with horror added to it to make it sounds more outlandish than it really is. It doesnt matter what "era" it was, you dont just let someone diddle kids. Never.

    Also, youre seeing these bizarre "piizagate" style blinds on here because of this person:

    He revealed that he knows Enty and hinted that he does something in hollywood as a writer...and is a Qanon Tard. Ill let you connect the dots on your own here.

  48. Oh only Indians call on their "gods" huh?

    1. @Geeljire

      The word "Elhoim" is referring to the triune God: God the Father, God the Son, God the Spirit. I think that is why Jews & Muslims believe Christians worship more than 1 god.

      They also think we practice cannibalism because of the Eucharist/Holy Communion.

      The Roman Catholics believe the bread and wine are the literal blood and body of Jesus Christ. This contradicts scripture that says Jesus was sacrificed only once and his work is finished.

  49. > You dont just let someone diddle kids. Never.

    Actually it happens a lot. Are you kidding? People pimp out their kids for money/fame/drugs every day.

    Happens regularly in occult bloodline families, but also normal every day psychos, hungry for fame in hollow attempts to validate their empty souls.

  50. people really cant accept that there is no god, or gods.

    seriously. look at the guys context in his life. not surprised he ended up dead.

    humans cant take that we're the same as ants. not special, no afterlife, just other animals that live and die. there are no 'gods' to call upon - people need bullshit to rely on, to get through life, or in this instance, exact justice from an entity they believe exists, when it doesnt.

    too much stupid in the world to rehabilitate. sigh.

    1. Oh no "notthisagain" is trying to make everyone think just like him! Why does it bother you so much that people believe different things? Believe you're no different than an ant if you want that sad type of existence, but you don't need to bash people who Hold different beliefs!

  51. also, @melvin got it above

  52. The actual story is that Poltergeist was cursed because in one of the scenes they use a mass grave of real human bones that were speculated to be Native American remains. That's the story I heard. Whether it's true I have no idea but there was definitely something fishy going on.

    1. Oh and the cast had no idea until afterwards.

  53. "God money I'll do anything for you.
    God money just tell me what you want me to
    God money nail me up against the wall.
    God money don't want everything he wants it all...

    ...God money's not looking for the cure.
    God money's not concerned with the sick among the pure.
    God money let's go dancing on the backs of the bruised.
    God money's not one to choose"

  54. @Amy Casey

    JoBeth Williams has said a Roman Catholic priest was called to the set because of "supernatural activity" occuring. She became a Roman Catholic because of it.

    The Poltergeist films came out when I was a baby. My mother warned us kids to never watch them because they are cursed. To this day I will not watch them. I have seen the Amityville Horror though...

    1. The Amityville Horror is amzaingly awful.

  55. What Marvin Gaye blind?

  56. How come this is so hard to believe, but we all know Jimmy Savile happened?

  57. I didn't remember Julian Beck so I just googled him and christ, he looks like a ghoul! Amazing that any kids were brave enough to get within ten feet of him.

  58. I always liked Will Sampson. At least he took action, unlike all the other ghouls in the business.

  59. > the sheer number of people who would have to be complicit would be impossible.

    >> craft services

    LOL. A couple other people might see what I see.

  60. Character actor: Julian Beck
    Actor/heritage: Will Sampson (Native American)
    Movie: "Poltergeist II: The Other Side"

    Heather O'Rourke was so afraid of Julian Beck (Reverend Kane) the first time she saw him that she burst into tears. She knew. RIP Heather. Poor baby.

  61. He was praying not casting. He's a native american not a witch. That's rather close minded. He knew there was nothing he could do. Its fucking hollywood. The parents could have been lies too, hit with a NDA, payed off , etc.. The guy obviously knew he was untouchable. To put himself out there and not give a shit. He was only fired and still had lines the last time this happened. There's nothing voodoo about the blind except the way it was interpreted.

  62. "Why should Enty have to tell you Roseanne was a racist? Her tweeting history tells us that. She was all out there with it for years!" No one cared because the media didn't care, because she is one of their tribe, and they are mostly very racist. (remember the internal paramount emails that go leaked, and all the racist stuff about Obama the two studio folks were emailing back and forth.)

    The reason every body went ape shit of this one, was not the "racist emails" but that she correctly identified George Soros as a Nazi collaborator in another twit. And before you say snopes says untrue, google search "george soros nazi interview 1998" and it will be on of the first results, and you can choose to hear him say it with his own mouth using his own words.

    So, ask yourself, why does he get a pass for collaborating with Nazis, while Barr gets crucified for her ambien fever dream post?

  63. George Soros wasn't a Nazi collaborator he was 9 when the war started and 14 when it ended, his father helped many Jews hide using false papers saying they were Christian, he sent George to live with a Hungarian bureaucrat as his godson.

    He went with him once to catalogue the effects of a Jewish family who's fled the country. That hardly makes him a collaborator he was in hiding anyone in his situation would have done the same.

    He says he feels no remorse because he did nothing wrong he in no way help the Nazis confiscate property or inform on other Jews it's just disgusting lies told by the right wing nuts, the same ones who claim that the school shootings are faked by the government because they want to take guns away.takes

    Just admit you don't like him pushing a left wing agenda around the world. To make up evil lies about someone is ridiculous. What would you have done surrendered to the Nazis give them your children of course you wouldn't.

    you obviously get your info from 4chan and infowars.



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