Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Imported For Death

I guess it shouldn't shock me that it happens. There are some really sick people out there. Apparently it is more well known than I thought too because several countries have banned their citizens from going to the two countries that have been discovered hosting it. Another country wants to ban its citizens from the countries but they can't because there are not enough jobs in their own country so the people flock to the other countries for work. Much like the kindergarten aged camel jockeys of days gone by that were kidnapped or sold from their home countries and used, abused, raped and murdered by their captors, there is a new group operating in the same countries. These are generally tweens and generally, but not always female. They are unique. They are all orphans. There is no one asking for them. There will be no questions ever asked unless one of the orphanages selling them is exposed. Even then, it is doubtful anything would happen to the person running the orphanage because they have paid off someone in the government to get documents for these tweens to leave the country.

What brought all of this to light was a former bodyguard of this A list celebrity. He was there one night when his employer had one of these tweens dropped off at the top three floor penthouse suite of the celebrity. The bodyguard was told the tween was fresh off the plane two days earlier from her home country and now she was in a new country. She wouldn't be going back and by the morning she was dead. The A list celebrity, who is no stranger to violence apparently raped her and beat her until she was dead. He left her lifeless body on the bed which is where the bodyguard saw it the next morning when the same service that dropped off the tween, picked her up.

The bodyguard is in hiding. He wasn't supposed to see what he saw. Several people saw the tween show up, but only the bodyguard saw what he saw the next morning. He was searching everywhere for some sunglasses he had bought a day earlier. Even though he had been told to stay out of that suite, he went in to look. The celebrity knows he knows. The bodyguard felt it was better to not get on that plane back home, so he skipped out of the hotel and hid in the city until the celebrity was out of the country. Our bodyguard went to a third country where he has some family and that is where he remains. 


  1. Wasn't there another blind almost exactly like this not very long ago?

  2. Replies
    1. or ConorMcGregor but doesn’t say Foreign Born

    2. The +1 is in re to sheen.

    3. Yeah I think even though he has fallen from grace he may be still considered an A lister because of name recognition (well that parts A+ I think?)

  3. So much of this type of stuff is coming to light lately. Heart breaking .

  4. Let's go to Baku,
    There's so much that we can do.
    Maybe not leave though.

    1. Kukukachew
      Come to Baku
      Ask the Armenians
      They love it too!

      Azerbaijan and Armenia have had a long-standing dispute over the enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh and violence has in recent years led to the deaths of dozens of soldiers.
      The Defense Ministry is checking reports that the Israeli firm Aeronautics Defense Systems had been asked by Azerbaijan to carry out a live demonstration of an armed unmanned aerial vehicle against an Armenian military position.

      The Israeli daily Maariv reported on Sunday that a team belonging to the Israeli defense company arrived in Azerbaijan to finalize a contract for the sale of its Orbiter 1K UAV when they were asked to strike the position. According to the report the two Israelis operating the UAV refused to hit the position and senior representatives of the company took control and operated the craft themselves, ultimately missing their targets.

      The Defense Ministry said that while “as a rule, the Defense Ministry does not make it a practice to comment on issues involving military exports the claim is being examined by the relevant parties at the ministry.”

      Aeronautics Defense Systems for their part strongly denied that the event ever occurred telling The Jerusalem Post that “Aeronautics never performs demonstrations using live fire and that was true in this case as well” and that the operation of the craft is carried out by the purchaser and whatever occurs is the purchaser’s responsibility.

      Aeronautics’s Orbiter 1K is a loitering suicide drone capable of carrying a 1 to 2 kg. special explosive payload.

      “Aeronautics markets its products to customers in about 50 different countries,[and] only in accordance with approval from the Defense Export Controls Agency,” the statement from the company added.

      The Central Asian country which borders Iran is one of the main suppliers of crude oil to Israel and has become a major recipient of Israeli military hardware in recent years. In 2012 Jerusalem and Baku signed a $1.4 billion deal which focused on drones and missile defense systems. A year earlier Aeronautics opened a factory in Azerbaijan to build the company’s Aerostar and Orbiter UAVs.

  5. Chris Brown fo show.

  6. What are the countries? Dubai? Oman?

  7. Enty,name him.Call the police.You are as complicit as the others

    1. FrenchGirl, I feel the same way. Too many cowards working with celebrities...

    2. @FrenchGirl, if the blind is true and "Enty" hasn't told authorities, then your comment is reasonable. But we don't know either of those things to be true.

  8. So all we've got to go on is an A list celebrity known to be violent, in a foreign country, with a missing bodyguard. Pretty thin tea Enty.

    1. Yesss...was thinking the same. In a blind this dark there could be a lot of innocent names thrown around. Would it hurt to give us some physical traits?

  9. Qatar could be one of the countries, too. I was deployed there as a fresh faced blonde when I was 19. One of the customs guys asked my boss (jokingly) how much I'd cost to keep and if he'd get a discount since I was considered old.

  10. What does Enty usually label Sean Penn as?

  11. @Brayson87 Don't forget the top three-floor penthouse. Does narrow it down a bit.

  12. Busta Rhymes was in Dubai, and he has a history of assault.

  13. If it was an actor, wouldn't Enty have used that? It's not like there is a lot of identifying information in the blind.


  15. That’s what I was thinking at first due to the deadline story. It’s just too hard to believe this is him. Plus the bodyguards aren’t in hiding.

  16. Trey Songz was in Dubai, and he has a history of violence.

  17. Puff Daddy went to the Middle-East recently. I know a tween girl would be the wrong sex, but Puffy has a history of violence, bodyguards, was in the Middle-East, and owns a pair of sunglasses.

    1. It did mention sunglasses.

    2. Sunglasses? It’s totally him!

    3. Funny, except the lost sunglasses belonged to the bodyguard.

  18. Armenians and
    Kosovars so jealous of
    Moldovan visas.

  19. @Connie, so you're suggesting that the A list celebrity owns the penthouse in question, interesting.

  20. @Florin, I was thinking the same thing. Most of the names offered here would normally be identified as actor or singer or both, not just "celebrity." I'd think many of them would be A+ too.

    On the other hand, what kind of people own entire multi-floor penthouses at the top of hotels? Who owned four floors of the hotel from which the Las Vegas shootings took place, for instance?

    1. This sounds too heinous to be an actor. This politician/businessman level evil.

  21. Chris Brown recently bragging about getting away with murder in a foreign country

  22. What about Mayweather? Isn't he in the ME?

  23. Please don't mention Johnny Depp in this blind. There's no way stoners do this. This is evil, patriarchal stuff, of people who feel that they are untouchable. It's horrific to know this happened. I read these things and wish they were just made up stories...

  24. Saudi "Prince" Alaweed

  25. Could this be in Singapore?

  26. +1 on the Saudi prince. They own the top floors of the hotel in Vegas where the shooting happened, and the security guard did one interview on Ellen and them disappeared. So much shady shit going on with that story.

    1. @akbar johnson

      I recall some witnesses saying there was more than one shooter.

  27. It does sound to cruel and heartless to be an actor but who knows.

  28. I don't know, is it against Sharia law to murder child sex slaves? I can't keep track of all of the loopholes.

    1. You're not supposed to enslave children
      You are only supposed to enslave people like David Geffen
      But after 1439 years he's clearly guilty of fasad and deserves the punishment for fasad.
      You can look it up.
      Look up how they do it in Yemen. Simple and to the point.

  29. Geeljire no one cares about your "edgy redpilled" posts. You aren't "dropping knowledge bombs" or even anything remotely interesting. Save us all the time of having to scroll past your tin foil rhetoric and just stop posting it.

    1. Sorry seems to be the opposite

    2. I enjoy Geeljire's redpill posts when they are short.

  30. Johnny’s bodyguards suing him for always having to clean white stuff off of his place in public.
    It’s a helluva drug

  31. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Great Enty. You just told the murderer where the bodygaurd went to hide. You don't think they cant trace families.

  32. Trump supports and sell weapons for brutal regimes around ME. Gross.

  33. @Rafael

    Seems like Trump and netanyahu will dream up anything to attack Iran in the name of the defense industry, don't it.

  34. Utilizing drugs to pay for
    Secret wars around the world
    Drugs are now your global policy
    Now you police the globe
    I buy my crack, I smack my bitch
    Right here in Hollywood
    Drug money is used to rig elections
    And train brutal corporate sponsored
    Dictators around the world
    They're trying to build a prison
    They're trying to build a prison
    They're trying to build a prison
    They're trying to build a prison
    For you and me to live in

  35. agreed totalj. sunglasses ha and politician.

  36. im sure i saw vids showing more than one shooter.

  37. This makes no sense. Just go to the cops.

    1. If it happened in a foreign country, going to the cops there might be suicide, and cops here have no jurisdiction.

  38. "...the top three floor penthouse suite of the celebrity." Doesn't explicitly say he owns the penthouse triplex, but he might. The Las Vegas triplex does come to mind. The A list celebrity might have been staying there.

    The fact that the celebrity isn't more specifically described might not narrow it down. Could be an actor, musician, or something else.

    The details about the bodyguard's whereabouts and the fact that he has family there would seem to greatly increase the danger to him, unless the celebrity already knows where the bodyguard is and "Enty" knows that he knows.

  39. Like the Putin guess.
    Has to be someone with PLENTY of money--doesn't sound like an actor both because 'actor' isn't used and the need for lots of funds for 'buying' this 'package.'

    I'm going to go vomit...

  40. What about The UAE? The child camel jockeys were still in common use fairly recently,and it hints that this is one of the same countries. This may be mostly female,but could be the same source. And what if the Las Vegas shooting has something to do with the Saudis being in the same place?

  41. @plot: "dream up anything"? So the Mossad didn't really steal the Iranian nuclear archives? The Iranians seem to think they did!

    @Rafael: I don't remember you ever making an interesting, insightful, or funny comment. Stuff your vapid partisanship and go earn your ShareBlue points somewhere else.

  42. This blind saddens me.

  43. This 2009 story about the kid "camel jockies" getting kidnapped and abused says the main countries supplying the kids were poor, mostly Muslim countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, servicing the wealthy in Oman, Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.

    This suggests the "celebrity" is someone in the Arab world, not a movie star or musician. Talal is the most "celebrity" of any of the Princes, but he's under house arresting in Saudi Arabia, so it's probably not him. What other Arab oligarch celebrities are there?

  44. @PapayaSF

    "So the Mossad didn't really steal the Iranian nuclear archives? The Iranians seem to think they did!"

    Do tell us when this happened? What year will be enough.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. I wonder if the bodyguard/family member reported this to authorities before or after they reported to Enty.

  47. I don't know what PRECISELY is in Geel's "pills" (yet) but so far I can tell you straight-up they're not "red" by any means of interpreting that word, and they're part of a balanced diet, in moderation. I'd let him work the jukebox at a bar, at any rate. Do "B.Y.O.B." next!

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. UAE was involved in child camel jockey scandal. Many of the children came from Pakistan

  50. I'm going to say the two countries are Qatar and UAE

  51. For anyone saying the celebrity is from that country, I believe the blind mentions that the celebrity "flew home," and the bodyguard chose not to get on the flight. That implies the celeb is from a different country from the ones in question.

    Also, I don't think the celeb needs to own a house their. Celebs rent out fancy pads all the time.

    In addition, it doesn't say the celeb is foreign born, so I think we are looking for someone from the US.

    I think we need to take the word "celeb" loosely, as it could be cover for a singer, rapper, actor, etc.

    I believe we should be searching for an American with a violent past of sorts, that has been in one of these potential countries in the past few years.

  52. "there," not "their." :)

  53. A Saudi Prince seems likely for this one. Sick old world.

  54. Peadophelia has been practically normalized in a lot of these countries. When my husband first deployed, his unit was made to read a document about how the allied forces needed to 'understand' the culture they were entering and that child marriages, dancing boys and goat fucking was perfectly normal in this culture. His unit caught a high ranking ANA commander with a boy in his tent that looked like he was a bout 8. The guys all wanted to kill this fucker but unfortunately their higher ups stepped in and nothing was done to the pervert. That's just one small story I've heard from friends and colleagues that were unlucky enough to have done any kind of work or business in these depraved places.

  55. A list celebrity sounds like a politician or maybe an author, definitely not an entertainer.

  56. Read for his answer to this blind
    Johnny Depp..

  57. brayson87, I don't know that much about sharia law and permission to kill sex slaves. But ISIS justified kidnapping and raping the Yazidi girls as sex slaves because they were "pagan". Not aware ISIS has three story penthouses anywhere but I'm sure their wealthy supporters do. Where in Islam it justifies raping pagans I don't know, but special sex slave laws which exist for ISIS might exist for wealthy supporters too.

  58. I like Geeljires posts a lot. And I'm not muslim. He's very informed and not afraid to call out guilty parties regardless of their religion/party or agenda. He's also great at rebuttal/slaying shitposters. Keep Posting Geeljire. You're one of the smarter ones here.

  59. This sounds like a Marilyn Manson fantasy. Evan Rachel Wood testified that he was violent during sex.


  60. Blogger orangesoda said...
    "Peadophelia has been practically normalized in a lot of these countries. When my husband first deployed, his unit was made to read a document about how the allied forces needed to 'understand' the culture they were entering and that child marriages, dancing boys and goat fucking was perfectly normal in this culture. His unit caught a high ranking ANA commander with a boy in his tent that looked like he was a bout 8. The guys all wanted to kill this fucker but unfortunately their higher ups stepped in and nothing was done to the pervert. That's just one small story I've heard from friends and colleagues that were unlucky enough to have done any kind of work or business in these depraved places."

    I've heard the exact same story from other people, which makes me disinclined to believe it. Remember the story of Iraqi soldiers taking newborns from incubators and smashing their heads against the walls? Completely false propaganda. This may be more of the same.

    1. This is really slick disinformation, where you equate the previous disinfo campaign you ran with the current one you're running, but tie in bacha bazi so people don't go back and look at that whole Northern Alliance thing.

      Funny I have friends with that story too.

  61. Has anyone religious now realized that there is no God?

  62. @Poppymann

    Yep. Every unit in Afghanistan claims to have seen a pedo in action. It's a badge of deployment at this point. Tell them that Muslim males in a household sleep in one bedroom, including sons of young age, and women with girls in another and they will scream at you that they could "just tell" it was a pedo scene.

    Another military myth - that soldiers were spit on returning from duty. It's so pervasive I heard a guy who served in Iraq repeat it as a "damn fact!" when he reached stateside on leave. Sure thing.

  63. So according to one Israeli source, Haaretz, it was in 2016. This is has been confirmed by no other media I can find, yet, and the source of this information won't even go on the record.

    In fact there are more people willing to go on the record and say it's old news, and come down pretty heavily on the side that these are very old files, not stuff which Mossad magically found in a deserted building-

    An older perspective on Benny raising the specter of Iran's nuclear weps whenever he needs public support -

    Lookee here! Even Israel is skeptical!

    Another time, this year, that Benny tried to Iran for personal purposes

    Conservative media -

    So, as you can see, the world outside of CDAN is used to Benny's dog and pony show concerning Iran. And no one is verifying that the document's Benny lately used are in any way current (at least that I can find.)

  64. I don't know if he's been to the M.E, but Manson would be my guess.

  65. Pretty sure he would have said A+ for Depp

  66. In America, statistics are that 1in 4 in every girl is sexually abused or assaulted before the age of 18. It's 1in 6 for boys. Pretending that we are somehow superior to middle eastern countries or African countries or whomever is not going to make the statistics any less relevant. Much of the child porn produced elsewhere is consumed by Americans and other first world nations. Who exactly is supporting child trafficking the most? That's right mostly Caucasian males from first world nations. But if thinking pedophila only happens in the Arab world while your Kids football couch molests your kid helps you sleep at night then go for it. As a disgusting aside a friend of mine is fostering a female dog that when received by the shelter showed signs of internal trauma caused by rape, yes rape, by the dogs former owner. The dog is severely traumatized but healing. So sweet old American with all our apple pie and churches is just as sick as any other country in the world. Maybe we just hide it better?

  67. Anonymous4:49 PM

    @Halloweenie My father was a pastor. Church attendance is a very poor measure of someone's kindness or character

  68. @Plot Soooo, yeah. "Boy Love Thursday" is a thing. It's not a badge of anything to have knowledge of this and/or feel repulsed by by it, as far as I've seen? It's basically just "this happens, it's a part of the culture and we're not there to change the culture, regardless of what an American feels about it." (You don't win minds and hearts by attacking a culture, right?) Regarding the returning troops being spat upon: Whaaaaaa'? Of course it's possible. I guess? (Maybe in the Bay area, once or twice - yet, it is probably safe to assume that the next thing they were spitting was a mess of teeth.) Frankly, that seems very "Vietnam-Era" and because of the horrid combat/post-combat experiences of the Vietnam veterans, there has been a pretty significant shift in how returning folks are treated/perceived. One of the most important legacies of Vietnam veterans, imho, is that shift.

  69. @Nancy

    I have no idea what you are talking about.

  70. @plot STFU you lowlife POS. How dare you disregard the experiences of troops. As one of them that was there YES they openly abuse children and in their so called culture it is acceptable. The big difference between the Middle East and America is that in America we send people to jail for that crap over there it is not only condoned they feel it is their right. You really should keep your mouth closed about things you are ignorant about.
    But based upon what you choose to comment on and how you comment I am not surprised as you are obviously either a pedo yourself or a pedo enabler. Everything about you that comes across from your posts is just wrong. From your idiotic Clinton worship to your morally bankrupt justifications of pedos and your hatred of patriots. Why don't you morally bankrupt people just leave the country already? Bc in the big picture you are what is wrong with our country.



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