Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Consequences

This is so big, but at the same time, one of those things that no one ever wanted out. Looking back at the last decade or so of the behavior of this actress, this might explain a lot. Lets be honest, this actress is good enough and well enough known to get as many roles as she wants. Would they be as good as the one that made her famous? No. She is so liked in the business though that she would work steadily and make a decent amount of money going from one sitcom to the next. She doesn't though. She is basically a homebody. She had one of those once in a lifetime roles where people know you for generations and she wasn't even the lead.

As it was told by her to someone who used to be a friend and has an ax to grind, right before she landed that role, she met a guy. He was older than her, but she was really into him. She was love at first sight, head over heels for this guy. I will cut to the chase. She had sex with him and found out after about three weeks of sleeping with him that he was her biological father. Apparently he knew, but she didn't until she showed a picture of her new boyfriend to a family member who recognized him. That is as much as the actress ever shared with the friend turned enemy. It does explain a lot of behaviors though.


  1. No clue...but ick & ewww!

  2. "I will cut to the chase" Liza Minnelli, Lies!


  3. What the heck happened since I've been gone? All of a sudden there are hysterical comments from Himmm about some whacko stalker? And that the Himmm team are blaming it on the commenters?

    While I agree with what the Himmm team said as far as the amateur sleuthing goes, they like to think of themselves as undercover heroes who slyly sneak some info over to the people about Hollyweird. It should be said at the end of they day they still sip the same champagne and eat from the same dirty bowl.

    If even a tenth of the stuff they peddle on this site is true, there should be an army of federal investigators descending on Hollywood like a hurricane.

    From HIMMM and Enty we've learned that Hollywood engages in child trafficking, extortion, murder, prostitution, money laundering and accounting fraud that would make Enron seem like nothing! Apparently, Hollywood is such a SCAM that some of these "movie production companies" are little more than shells for greedy bastards to milk.

    I feel bad for the innocent people being caught in the middle. Some mentally unstable nutjob shouldn't be out there trying to remedy what Enty and Co deem is an evil industry. The Feds, the police, and the media should be doing cleaning up Tinseltown, not some fat entertainment lawyer on a gossip site.

    HIMMM like to have their cake and eat it too. They like to hobnob with the elite of Hollywood but then act as though they're double agents working for the people. They work in this terrible industry that supposedly causes nothing but misery. I don't care if they like to make movies and just want to work, or that there are nice people that make up the Kindness blinds. That is like saying that there are nice people in the mafia or in some corrupt Middle Eastern dictatorship. If the top are THAT corrupt, then it's all corrupt.

    Why is that the oil companies, the banking industry, the tobacco companies, the tech companies are called before Congress and interrogated like mafia dons but not Hollywood? Why does this corrupt industry get to point it's finger at every single other industry in America but it's inner workings are never scrutinized. I am not just talking about the MeToo accusations, but all of the stuff I listed above as well.

    So while I am on Himmms side and don't think we should waste time on trying to out good people, I still think that HIMMMs response was WAY out of line. Don't you people dare tell us that we are the immoral ones for trying to guess your names. That's nothing compared to the industry which you work in, play in and revel in at the end of the day.

    Of course that's assuming that even half of the stuff in this gossip site is remotely true.

    1. I have been stewing on this post since last night. So much so, woke up thinking about it. I appreciate all that juicy little tidbits, but not at the cost of feeling attacked for clicking a link. They were WAY out of line and their passive aggression really was not warranted. They obviously know who they were taking about, so take it to them. I'm here for the fun gossip and as an escape. Had I known it was this serious, I would've ignored BuzzFeed when they recommended this site.

      If something happened to someone on this site based on their guessing, then I am so sorry and sympathize. But please don't come at those of us with that chastising stuff.. if you wanna be done, be done. Life will go on, so please check yourselves Himmmm. I couldn't care less who you are, but don't come down on others who love celeb culture who wanna know or lash out at those who have NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT. Get over yourselves.

    2. Himmmm made good points but then they started talking about how they don't need to post on this site, they do this for free, they lose jobs by being exposed etc. They made it all about themmmm so I guess they are more important than the person that got stalked as a result of irresponsible commenters.

    3. If you can't take the heat don't serve the gossip..most of us are great harmless people but nuts are everywhere..get the fuck off the site if you feel we are the immoral ones yet you turn a blind eye to the pesos and rapest that you post about how about using this info for good to aide police in their investigation bit no you come to a gossip site to spew it then call us normal people immoral get a mirror your the ones aiding and abetting these sick bastards

    4. I couldn't agree more with all of you! I started to reply to their outrageously arrogant and self-aggrandizing SCREED, but I finally gave up. I wondered if I was the only one who felt like I was on the Himmmms' "side," but also so disgusted by the condescending, scornful & effed-up way they chose to deliver that message to ALL of CDAN's readers that I didn't care if I ever heard from the bastards again. Glad to hear I'm not totally alone on that one.

    5. I don’t buy a single word of it, not the stalker part, the FBI none of it. I think someone reached out to one of the subjects in the blind to offer condolences or something or ask if they were Himmm and the real Himmm got shit for being a shitty friend, hence the unhinged rant. If the FBI was involved they would take it from there it wouldn’t cost the site any money. That part is bullshit. Most internet threats are just that, threats. Plus why would this blind even provoke threats compared to so many of the others? Whoever got exposed is just mad because their friends are mad at them but they can’t say that because they know no one here would apologize or have sympathy for that because that is nothing but their own doing and they couldn’t blame it on anyone else. It’s also not very dramatic so they had to come up with some fantasy stalker to make everyone so very sorry. Even if there was a stalker I fail to see how that is anyone’s fault. The Internet is the Internet they know what they’re doing. They make some pretty outrageous accusations and if someone is going to lose their shot over it, so be it. Why is that anyone else’s fault but theirs? What makes them think this crazy person couldn’t put all the clues together on their own and find them themselves? Also even if the crazy person got it wrong how are we supposed to control that? They’re crazy, right? None of it makes sense.

      All that bullshit about how they do this for free out of the goodness of their heart to entertain. GMAFB. They make a shit ton of money off traffic and ads. They wouldn’t put so much time into it otherwise. This is not some altruistic pursuit on their part, you can bet on that. The best part is them being so fucking hypocritical about kicking up lunatics when they have literally spread conspiracies that would rival 4chan. Some of them I thought came straight from 4chan so it’s really fucking rich that he would even bring that up. From the blind that the Clinton’s killed Sam Kinison, the one about the vaccine that gave John McCain cancer, Spielberg killing Heather O’Rourke, Geffen killing Chris Cornell, and so many other crazy things that are just as bad or worse than 4chan and Pizzagate and he dares bring that up as if that kind of conspiracy bullshit doesn’t run rampant on these posts. The hypocrisy was so blatant in that post I almost thought it was satire.

  4. I think we are looking for a TV actress, not someone who primarily does film.

  5. @Predilecto I remember, say, 10 years ago when 90% of the blinds were believable, if not all true. I'd say one blind a month nowadays even has a whiff of truth and the ones that do are super obvious ones written by someone with an ax to grind against Netflix and Elon Musk.

    1. @ Joshua Agreed this site has changed a ton in the past two years or so and it’s clear a ton of blinds are total bullshit or just plain conspiracy. I just skip a lot of them altogether or ignore them outright. If I wanted to read fantastical conspiracy theories I would go to 4chan.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Are you taking blinds from DM comments now, yesterday there was one saying they found out their sugar daddy was their real daddy.

    1. Enty been doing that for years. Nothing new. It's why people check British tabloid before they come here.

  8. @Predilecto

    Funny how most seem to fall in line with the Hmmm Dudes' accusation that it's OUR fault if some deranged stalker made another's life miserable.

    Then they tease with clues about the victim's life and their own supposed lives, while admonishing everyone for noticing.

    I agree with everything you state.

  9. @Joshua, I am not trying to say that this site is full of it, I enjoy this site and applaud Himmm, but what I didn't like was the sanctimonious tone of the screed they posted. They forget that they're in the muck as much as anyone in that industry.

    They're not Chelsea Manning or Edward Snowden. So either this site is 100% full of it, or HIMMM/ENTY like to have their cake and eat it too. They get to massage their guilt by letting in on a few details about the supposedly corrupt industry they work for.

    If Himmm are a bunch of big shots in the industry then be full out whistleblowers, don't worry about your careers, you're millionaires. If they're not bigshots then whistleblow and switch careers if the industry is THAT bad. Who'd want to stay in an industry if the price for spilling the beans on utter depravity is death or marginalization? If they choose to stay it's because they love the perks. Nothing more. A desire to act shouldn't make you complacent to watching a bunch of crap go on for decades.

    1. They pay the right people and are politically connected to high ranking politicians who do the same. Think Clinton & their “foundation”

    2. They are attention seekers ...here to humble the masses with their "inside knowledge " I got one don't care who they are and don't believe or read their long add post it doesn't interest me this is all so silly it's laughable that's why I'm here 🤣😂 guess I'm as immoral as they are for watching all this happen and not doing a thing they don't have lots of money because they arnt really that deep in the industry most of this b.s. is probably second or third hand knowledge and they come here to strike their egos ...I say good don't post those stupid himmm blinds or dancing boy mumbo jump in case you haven't noticed most of us are not interested in old ass blinds they seem to ramble on about

  10. Could the "cut to the chase" reference imply a cop procedural tv show?

  11. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Elizabeth Olsen in the Oldboy remake

  12. Replies
    1. Is she still doing Hot in Cleveland?

  13. Oh FFS sake, can you guys move this Himmmm discussion to a blind that's already been solved?

  14. Cry me a river about the downfall of posters trying to guess your identity when you start a BI such as this with "This is so big, but at the same time, one of those things that no one ever wanted out." The hypocrisy is rich.

  15. Jan from Brady Bunch?

  16. @Predilecto,you kind of answered it yourself. Hollywood should be held under government scrutiny,but in fact they have been given leniency regarding child labor and protection laws. This is the first thing that should change. One of the Himmmms has gone off on people before,I suppose the others need to reign him in . But the point they make is valid,and they may have a genuine fear.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Can we get back to talking about Rampart?

  19. @Thank you, Plot. I appreciate it. Yes, everyone accepting Himmm posts as the final word is absurd. We appreciate what they're doing but we're not going to kiss butt and act as though they're not a part of the industry too.

    They should know their industry, if what they say is true, can kill, maim, marginalize, and subject people to horrors. They tell us all the time! They tell us how it even affects those of us outside of the industry, so why get mad at us for the actions of one lone nut? Why not use that much of the time given to the nut on to the people destroying lives in Hollywood?

  20. Janice from Friends?

  21. We're looking for an actress who doesn't work much despite a past big role and has had behavior issues in the press during the last ten years.

  22. I feel like the big clues here are sitcom and explains the behavior of the last decade or so. My take from that is that she probably got this role somewhere between 2004-2007 and is likely a super nice person since she's so liked in the industry and a pretty ok actress, but the behavior for the last ten years or so are a little out there. So now I need someone's bigger brain to figure this out. LOL.

    @Tricia - Go!

  23. Hang on a second, he KNEW!?! what a bucket of Ewwwww!

  24. I've been gone a couple days.

    Apparently I need to grab my popcorn.

    The drama in this comments section is just too good for words.

    Best site on the series of tubes

  25. Brooke Burns? Cut to "The Chase."

  26. Kristin Davis? Memorable role on Sex and the City. Parents divorced when she was a baby, and she was adopted by her step dad.

  27. OH and gross blind.

    The Scientologist chick from King of Queens?

  28. A sad blind and also a category on Pornhub. Thats quite a double.

  29. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Kristy Swanson. Role of a lifetime - Buffy.

  30. Anonymous11:09 AM

    The truth...she was the lead in Buff the movie

  31. Kristy Swanson knew her father. I really have no idea.

  32. Even though she doesn't do sitcoms, Kirsten Dunst might fit. She had a role of a lifetime with Interview with the Vampire. Known for odd behavior.

  33. Maureen McCormick has had some issues in the last few years. She has only done reality TV recently.

  34. This is too juicy not to be revealed

  35. Is Jenny Garth well liked in the industry? She had that show with Amanda Bynes, probably ended about 10 years ago.

  36. @Erin Sheehy. Well said!

  37. Garth and McCormick both knew their fathers.

  38. On a site where the point is to guess the identities in the blinds, it doesn't really make sense to post an extremely personal blind and not expect readers to try and guess who the poster is.

  39. Man, I hope this is a blind revealed. crazy stuff

  40. Replies
    1. Me thinks that too
      A few movie roles
      A series on HBO
      Much less than she could
      have been doing

  41. Kudrow's bio dad was a doctor whom she grew up with. Although Phoebe Buffay would be a great guess. Or perhaps Ursula instead.

  42. This would have to be someone who:
    a) was adopted;
    b) had a stepfather; or
    c) grew up thinking Mommy's Significant Other WAS her biological father and later found out otherwise (as happened with Liv Tyler and Orlando Bloom--maybe it's a Tolkien thing).
    The first two would make it easier to narrow down, but if the last is part of a general cover-up, it might be very difficult to figure out.

  43. That is gross, because the perverted father would know.

    1. Anonymous12:26 PM

      It’s a sad day when you think you’ve read the most fucked up thing ever on CDAN

  44. I guess it would have to be someone who was born in Southern California, for them to be there and there dad to be there too.

  45. the thing I dont get about the Hmmm thing, is that the blind in question was a story about their spouse and the spouses brother. If you make your wife and brother in law the subjects of a blind, and ask people to guess them, you kind of cant get angry if people are guessing who you are, its not that hard with wikipedia and such .

  46. No idea why somebody had to parachute in to defecate all over the Himmmm post from a couple days ago and get this thread half-untracked, with the usual suspects chiming it to keep it derailed. Booooooo!

  47. Hey I didn't care for the wording of that Himmmm post either, but the issue was apparently that people were guessing the wrong names for a Himmmm and some wacko started targeting a totally unconnected person.

    I'm kind of ambivalent about this blind now, not sure I want to know which actress got tricked into sleeping with her father.

  48. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Kim Cattrall / Sarah Jessica Parker ?

  49. To get back to the actual blind;
    Liv Tyler

  50. This has been an episode of SVU

  51. IF this actress is "so nice" why would she have any ex-friends with an axe to grind? That "friend" is a dirtbag either way. This is Greek tragedy shit which will eff up a person for life. This is a cruel one.

  52. Agree with More Cowbell that Kristen Davis makes sense -- with the constant in-fighting on Sex and the City, there is surely someone with an axe to grind. Despite her success on Sex and the City, the only other ensemble TV cast she joined was a short-lived series in 2014. Seems to focus more on charity, adopted a daughter and never married - has been referred to a homebody in interviews.

  53. How about Heather Locklear? Trying to think of actresses with ongoing issues.

  54. Shouldn't this blind have been titled "Traditional Hollywood Love Story"?

    Kudrow came to mind, but I didn't work it through.

  55. "She had one of those once in a lifetime roles where people know you for generations and she wasn't even the lead."

    This needs to be a pretty iconic show and non-lead role.

    The only non-lead role I remember from a decade ago is Megan Mullally's Karen Walker, from Will and Grace. Eve Plumb or Maureen McCormick from Brady Bunch would be good guesses, but the show is way too old. Same with Little House on the Prairie.

    What other shows would we all know "for generations"? Jeri Hall, who played 7 of 9 in Star Trek Voyager? No female on Star Trek: Next Generation is that iconic.

    Just trying to think outside the usual suspects. And yes, I feel slimy trying to guess who had an affair with their own father.

  56. Liv Tyler;
    Famous for her supporting role in Lord Of the Rings, but hadn't done much since.
    Found out Steve Tyler was her dad as an adult.
    If I'm right, there isn't enough EWWWW in the world...

  57. Liv met Steven when she was 8 and shortly after found out he was her bio dad. So no. Eww.

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  61. No idea about the actress. But the father is probably a redneck Trump supporter. They are all in for incest. Lmao

  62. From my earlier post, I meant Jeri Ryan, who played 7 of 9, on Star Trek Voyager.

    I had typed Jeri Hall, still thinking about the other BI today about our president at the state dinner honoring President Macron, talking about schtupping someone.

  63. if we are talking Kristin Davis- isn't Kim Catrell just as likely? the ax to grind would be SJP.

    What about Rose McGowan? her Charmed stint was up about 10 years ago, and she has acting chops, but a history of erratic behavior that we've all been assigning to Harvey.

    YOu know what? No matter who it is, I really don't think I want to know. this person deserves to let this gossip die a quiet death.

  64. ugh so gross, this is likely
    liv tyler & steven tyler (aerosmith)

  65. Kim Catrall and Rose McGowan both grew up with fathers. Kristin Davis’s parents divorced when she was a baby and her future stepdad adopted her. Since they were married I’d be surprised if his identity was a secret when she was growing up, but the 70s sure were a different time. And La-Juice, I agree. I don’t think we really want/need to know.

    And Liv knew Steven was her father when she was 9. They simply do not fit this blind.

  66. Christina Applegate?

  67. Jeri Ryan has been constantly working since Star Trek, including major roles e.e "Boston Public" Check IMDB.

    I like the Kristin Davis guess.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. Kat McPhee’s dad is a tv producer. Applegate’s dad was a record producer/exec. Jeri Ryan’s dad was an Army dude. All of them were in their lives as children.

  71. It’s called Genetic Sexual Attraction(GSA)
    in Adoption Reunion Circles
    Not totally uncommon but both parties know who the other are, unlike this creep

  72. Whoever this poor woman is, I feel so sorry for her. I can't imagine going through that! If the bio dad truly knew, he needs to be locked up!

  73. That latest GSA case was such a tragedy. Asshole didn’t have to kill his daughter/wife and son/grandson. Could’ve just done the world a favor and taken himself out alone.

  74. KD does fit. I'm skeeved out by even posting this info, but this is what I've found.

    Tom Atkinson (biological father)

    Atkinson is the biological father to the Melrose Place (1992) actress though he fell out of the picture before his daughter was old enough to even begin schooling. 20 year old Atkinson had Kristin when he was a student, Dorothy at the time was also a 20-year old student in Colorado and she was given sole custody of their daughter. Tom is a former psychologist at York’s University’s Institute for Behavioural Research and has lived in Toronto for many years. He never got to know his lovely daughter until 1995 when she was in her early 20s.


    He refuses to talk about his relationship with his lost daughter, saying it's a private matter.

    But Kristin was thrilled that she had found the success to prove him wrong - and could finally face the father who had dismissed her dreams.

    "He's an interesting man," she observed later. "But the interesting ones are such a mess."


    1. What's yucky too is mid 2000's when I feel like suddenly every celeb had either naughty tapes or pics being circulated (before that it was really just Pam Anderson ) there was a pic that I don't think was ever confirmed to be Kristen but looked EXACTLY like her being circulated between a dude's legs doing...you know. I sure hope it wasn't this dude if this is true and her

    2. I don't think it's her though (and let's face it this will NEVER be revealed so it could be made up) what "behaviors" has Kristin ever shown - you never hear anything bad about her other than this site that said she gave away her adopted baby.

  75. This is hideous. It would have been bad enough had neither one knew they were related, but to have the father know that was his daughter??!! I have no idea and I wish this was not being shared.

  76. This thread was hijacked for awhile by CDaN/Himmmm haters.

    I don't get it. Why are people who hate this site reading it in the first place?

    I understand if some guys are jealous of the Himmmms or even question the veracity of their posts.

    But this is a GOSSIP site, not a scientific journal with the next cure to cancer!

    If you don't enjoy the site for the entertainment value, Himmmm's good writing, or the excitement of solving a mystery, go to another site you truly like. If you can't find a web community you connect with, go volunteer to help the homeless, or the elderly, or abused children.

    I don't mean to sound holier-than-thou, but I just want everyone to be happy and not angry.


  78. Erm...no one offered up Melissa Gilbert? It should be someone younger. My pop culture database thins out after 1997.

    She doesn't fit the narrative, but it seems like something that would happen to Kesha.

  79. OT: sorry if this was mentioned already...

    Kanye on TMZ--holy ef!!! Imma really starting to worry about him--he's going off the rez big time. Wtf???

    Those vile Kuntrashians--karma kant hit them soon enough. Everything they touch turns to something bad

  80. @ More Cowbell
    I am surprised your reading comprehension is so abysmal. I don't hate this site or HIMMM, I just thought that their latest screed was a bit too sanctimonious. I was actually defending the posters in here from the holier than thou attitude of the HIMMM team.

    I think hiding behind the "this is just a gossip site" is a copout. Whenever things are called out, that line is always the last resort. Most people in here were just saying, we love you HIMMM and we're sorry for the nutjob, but don't spaz out on us, when you and ENTY are knee deep in this filth as much the people you post about. Can't have your cake and eat it off a coked up strippers behind too.

  81. @Prdilecto, I wasn't targeting you in particular. I respect everyone's opinions. And I completely support the first amendment and free speech.

    I was simply stating my opinion that anyone who doesn't like this site should go to other sites for their personal wellbeing. We are not forced to be here, and in my humble opinion, life is too short to dwell in anger.

    I'm trying to work through my own traumatic past and anger issues (parent attempting suicide, violent divorce of my parents, being raped in high school, etc,) , so I'm sure that informs my point of view. Please take my opinions for what they are worth.

    I wish you all the best. :)

  82. I don't read his stuff anyway I do hope he stops posting and whinning

  83. @ More Cowbell
    No problem, I understand. I too dislike it whenever people complain about the site. I mean Enty just posts what he gets from people. Some of it is true and some of it's not.

  84. @Hayley
    Thanks! Yes, as I was reading their long diatribe, I was laughing that they'd have the cojones to put this back on the posters in the comments section. I thought, enough is enough. Not only do we get sanctimonious hypocritical crap from Hollywood in the media, but we get it on gossip sites too! LOL. These people are too much, even the ones calling out the worst of them.

  85. @Supidpervs, who doesn't want attention? What human doesn't want to feel validated? The very fact that you are posting here proves that you are one of us, a normal human being who wants to be heard, paid attention to, and validated.

  86. @More Cowbell

    Who doesn't want attention?? How about mentally healthy human beings who get their self worth and validation from themselves and loved ones? Who don't need a multi-million dollar industry to fill the void left over from whatever hurt they've experienced in their lives?

    The one thing the blinds on this site reveal more than salacious gossip is that Hollywood is full of broken people.

  87. @Predilecto, you have many good points.

    I'm happy that you feel fulfilled and complete.

    Unfortunately, many, many people feel broken, including people who aren't involved with Hollywood. It could be their upbringing, being a subject of bullying as a child, or a secret guilt they carry.

    Some people are care-free. and live in the moment. Some people carry past burdens like anchors around their neck.

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. @ More Cowbell
    No arguments there. You're right. My point is that I find the excuses about depression, brokenness, and past experiences the Hollywood crowd uses to explain away their destructive habits a little less convincing as time goes on. It's one thing to be a broken person, it's another to take it out on others, and if these blinds are true, they've destroyed a lot of lives.

    Cowbell, I knew these types in high school. They were theater geeks who were misfits and acted as though others just "misunderstood them" when they were doing socially inappropriate things. Not all, of course, but many I knew were socially inept. They flew off to Hollywood with few dollars, a dream and a ton of emotional baggage. They found others like them who resent their hometowns. They then degraded themselves and now degrade others. It's the same story, rinse, wash, repeat.

    The ONLY reason why I believe half of these blinds is because the behavior patterns fit. The way David O Russell weirdly acts on set, running around inappropriately grabbing people, and thinking they're supposed to bow to his creative genius. That behavior is what I remember most about the weirdo theater geeks from my high school; that they believed the rules do not apply to creative types.

    ...and depending on the person, and their demons, it just gets darker, and darker, and darker, til there are no such thing as rules.

    That's how I view a lot of Hollywood.

    1. @predilecto

      I’m curious what you’re referring to as “socially inappropriate things”. Could you clarify?

  90. I love the Himmmms. Absolutely love the writing and I believe everything they say. They seem genuine and I really wish people would stop talking about them so much.

  91. @Dusty Fairy. I think people were just a little turned off by the 6 page long screed. I don't think people hate their blinds.

  92. Anne Heche? But she didn’t have that one roll.

  93. My first thought was Christina Applegate but she strikes me as someone quite well-adjusted.

    I've always had a weird feeling whenever i've seen Liv and Steven Tyler. Something ain't right there.

  94. Liv and Steven Tyler fromAerosmith. The author startus off the blind saying, "this is so big." Aerosmith had an album called Big Ones. Liv was in his videos. She wasn't the lead (Alicia Silverstone was). Liv discovered Steven is her dad around this time.

  95. I don’t see the Father being someone who was famous already as a picture was shown to a family member you recognized him. If that were true, wouldn’t the blind read that the Father was famous as well and therefore had easy name recognition (no picture needed). I would presume the blind wouldn’t omit this part- so I’m thinking it’s not Liv/Steven Tyler.

  96. Info please - what is this Himmmm rant you are talking about??

  97. Love it when new posters claim to have no interest in blinds, but remain on the site anyway. Bizarro.

    Oh, and be sure to exclude me from your “most of us” label. Not sure who elected you as site spokesperson. 🤣

  98. Was thinking Lara Flynn Boyle but I guess her crazy behavior go way back longer than the last decade.

  99. "Liv Tyler discovered that her biological father was Aerosmith frontman, Steven Tyler, at the age of eight."

    On how she discovered the truth, Liv, whose mother is American singer Bebe Buell, went on to explain: "I kind of figured it out because he looked exactly like me and I have a sister named Mia who is a year younger than me and I saw her standing at the side of the stage at a concert and I was literally like looking at my twin."

    Mia, who is Steven's daughter with second wife Cyrinda Foxe, was born just 17 months after Liv. "She looked exactly like me and I looked at my mum and she had tears in her eyes and I kind of put it all together".

  100. I was stalked as a result of posting on this site about a year ago. You think I gave a poo? Nope.

    People go through worse daily than some dipshite ruining my rep. I've been raped as a child, as an adult & I've had an ex send my nudes to my HR & General Manager & still I endure. Be strong, be bold.

    Himmmmmm...be not a lame ass biatch. Half of us have had worse so we're not feeling too sorry for your rich ass...trust me.

  101. "Role of a lifetime" makes me think someone like Shelley Long. That was a career making role. (But I see she's had some recent acting work).

    Another thought at "role" was Julia Louis-Dreyfus with the "Cut to the Chase" hint. (Worked with Chevy Chase a lot). But she seems to have had less troubles than Ms. Long.

  102. Jodie Sweetin?

    Sweetin was born in Los Angeles, California. Her parents were both in prison at the time, and she was adopted and raised as an only child by her uncle Sam Sweetin and his second wife Janice when she was nine months old.

    Drug problems, multiple marriages, etc.

    However, I think I'd classify her as a lead on Full House.

  103. @ Han Niam,
    I used David O Russell as an example. I am sure you're familiar with his many inappropriate antics on set, no? Perhaps Casey Affleck would be a better example? I am talking about acting like a complete jerk and thinking your above everyone because you're a creative type.

  104. wow. unfortunate the 100+ comments on this post aren't about the post, this is an interesting one that got completely wrecked . even worse most chose to express their offtopic opinions with all the depth and reasoning of a child shaking it's head at a plate of discolored broccoli

  105. @Two Dots,
    Again, I want to clarify since people are misunderstanding my posts. I am not one of those types who complains about blinds. I love this site and HIMMM. The last rant HIMMM posted, though, was very off putting and I felt as though I should say something. We get enough sanctimonious and hypocritical crap from Hollywood in the media, we have to hear about it on a gossip site too? C'mon.

  106. @Lucy, what does it matter? This isn't a formal message board. Where else would we discuss this matter? You want to discuss depth? I think there was less depth in just accepting the bloated screed HIMMM wrote instead of addressing the fact that they wallow in the industry as much as the people they write about. An industry that supposedly is about as a corrupt as Saddam Hussein's Iraq the way they tell it.

  107. Everybody, Liv's role wasnt iconic enough. Stop bringing her up.

  108. @predilecto it does matter. I suggest you and others share your thoughts in a himmmm thread and not overtake post of entirely unrelated subject matter

  109. Eff the Himmmms. I want more super long reader blinds.

    Kristin Davis looks good here but what is her behavior issue? Being a liberal/mental illness?

  110. @Lucy
    I apologize for derailing your attempts to guess which female celebrity was banged by her dad. I didn't want to have to scroll back to a past blind to talk about how HIMMM just snidely harangued the posters in here. You're not the moderator so you can just ignore the side discussion around the main topic. Besides there is not that much more to say about it. I wasn't going to go on, now I am just answering some of the folks who chimed in.

  111. Maybe, I am used to Tricia answering most of these, but lately I've felt we've just been randomly guessing. Perhaps, the blinds have been rather too vague as of late, because usually there is a strong consensus as to who the subject might be. IDK, I am not complaining, so don't twist my words up, plz.

  112. yes I absolutely want to read about what actress unwittingly banged her dad that is why I clicked on the post, rather novel concept I suggest you grasp

  113. @ Lucy
    Sure, and you're more than welcome. Just remember to skip over the posts not about incest, OK pumpkin? Again, unless you're a mod, ignore the side talk.

  114. Oh my gosh predilecto...are you the stalker or something? Is that why you won’t let it go? We get it, you don’t like what Himmmm said. A ton of people have validated you. So accept that validation and move on. You’re like a broken record.

    As for the blind: I can kinda see the Kristin Davis guess, but I keep thinking there’s someone else that fits and I just can’t think of it. Off to google a bunch to jog my memory.

  115. @Iheartgoss, I am done with the HIMMM stuff, I was just answering Lucy and others. I think I have beaten the horse to death. I get it.

  116. This whole time I assumed it was her in those salacious photos. I figured those photos were pre-fame and she was "auditioning" for a role. This blind is till a bit too vague. This could so be so many actresses.

  117. Not Liv Tyler, she was 8 years old when she found out Steven Tyler was her dad.

  118. @Predilcto, you are obviously a thinking person, and I respect that.

    I've dealt with Hollywood (not in a famous way). There are good eggs and bad eggs, but of course any industry that puts the carrot out of fame, power, and/or money will attract a disproportionate number of people who are broken and desperately need validation.

    There are also broken people who are attracted to finance, politics, tech companies, modeling, etc., etc.

    I suppose I don't think being broken and desperate for validation is a crime. Those that use people, abuse others, or actually commit crimes are a different story.

  119. Haha 😂 that’s hilarious! Now they’re making blinds up from stuff they see on Lifetime 😂😂😂

  120. "On a site where the point is to guess the identities in the blinds, it doesn't really make sense to post an extremely personal blind and not expect readers to try and guess who the poster is."

    ^ THIS ^

    I appreciate the Himmmmms and their insider info BUT it's sort of ridiculous not to expect us to all try to figure out their identities. It's what we do as gossip fans and blind item addicts. It's like saying goddamn it I stuck my hand in a piranha tank and one of the little fuckers bit me. Obviously we're all here because we're nosy.

  121. "Obviously we're all here because we're nosy"


  122. Predilecto- Thank you for speaking up about the hmmmm statements. I too applaud them but blaming the commenters, and in such sanctimonious fashion, was both uncalled for and ridiculous.

  123. Any chance it could be Lisa Bonet? Just because her role was iconic although she was not supposed to be the lead.



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