Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 1, 2018

This former A+ list mostly movie actor is playing a game of will he run out of money before he dies or not? He is in big financial trouble and he might not have anything to leave anyone which will come as a shock to those people because he told them he had secret accounts. He doesn't any longer.

Charlie Sheen


  1. No surprise. HIV treatments are expensive and so are hookers that are willing to chance, and blow.

  2. Anonymous10:34 AM

    It's sad that HIV hasn't humbled him.

    1. Why would it - I'm certain it's not the first STD he's had and HIV is no longer a death sentence. Just keep to the regimen and the viral load can go down to zero which means you can't pass it on and you're as healthy as the next person.

      That said I'm also sure he's probably still doing drugs so that won't help him at all.

  3. We knew he was in trouble when he sold his royalties to 2.5 Men. That’s desperation.

    His kids didn’t sign up for this, so I wish them the best.

  4. He should have insurance coverage under the SAG, I think. The lawsuits are probably what're breaking him.

    He can always go live in the Motion Picture Retirement Home, I suppose, if everything else fails.

  5. Yeah feel bad for the kids, it would have been better for them in so many ways if he'd just dropped dead on the set of 2.5 Men back in the day.

  6. I can't wait to see the phony tributes to respect the dead when tbis guy goes. So hypocritical!

  7. Those poor boys. Their mom was expecting to be paid! She can write a tell all after he croaks.

  8. Anonymous11:44 AM

    The kids will be better off without any money. Learn how to earn a living.

  9. @Teachermom

    Right you are. Spoiled twats are nothing but a waste of time, energy and oxygen.

  10. I think his girls will be better off without him, and Denise at least can work and has her head on straight. I feel bad for those twins stuck with that crackhead though! They already had issues beforehand. I wonder why his father or brother have never stepped in with him and done an intervention? Maybe they have, but he's a lost cause!

  11. HIV isn't full blown AIDS. Unless he cant get treatment, he could live a very long time. Consider that Magic Johnson was exposed to it in the late 1980's and is still alive because of the level of care he received. This blind makes no sense.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. @BossyPants,you can not compare the two,Magic took great care of himself,Charlie is a long term drug addict, and he may well have full blown AIDS.

  14. It's Charlie F*cking Sheen, I think he'd be grateful to only have to deal with HIV or AIDS. You're talking about potentially every STI, mixed in a bowl with substance abuse every day of your life. His immune system might not fail but his organs could be dust.

  15. There are no winners in this situation. Incredibly sad.

  16. a lesson in humility. he needs to pull his head in, budget, and find some work. HIV is no longer a terminal condition if you look after yourself, but you definitely need to avoid it

  17. Charlie paid off a lot of people who blackmailed him before he came clean about the HIV, or AIDS if that's indeed what he now has.
