Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 8, 2018

Met Gala

This foreign born A- list celebrity just because of who she is was spotted half in the bag and making out with a man who had to be four decades older than our celebrity.

Princess Beatrice


  1. Was she wearing that goofy hat?

    1. Anonymous12:02 PM

      Which one. The pretzel one, or the U shaped magnet one?

  2. Princess B is not having a good go of it, wish her family would take better care of her.

  3. Princess Beat for short.

  4. I’m sure it can’t be easy for her with her little sister engaged now. However, she is now the prime target for every social-climbing mama with an eligible son.

  5. I was under the impression that Sarah, Duchess of York was on the outs with the other royals and that she couldn't count on any financial aid. She was in serious debt back in the 1990s.

    Anyone looking to "marry into money" by marrying into that family is in for a serious disappointment.

  6. Fergie went bankrupt and the two sisters don't get any money. The father may give her money but Enty says in another blind they're estranged

  7. She may have zero money, but she’s still the Queen’s granddaughter. That alone guarantees her and any spouse an invite to any major Royal family gathering, which is enough for many social climbing mamas who come from new money.

  8. Fergie lives in style at Windsor, so odd. Someone tell me what is "Spotted half in the bag"?

  9. Guessing half in the bag means halfway through her supply of her drug of choice for the evening.

  10. This is quite a turn around as Beatrice never used to even drink, which always surprised me given that wide eyed look she always has and the company she keeps...

  11. It's amusing to note that even UK royals have been reduced to the status of a c list hollywood actress.

  12. From what I understand, Prince Andrew and his family are not necessarily the beneficiaries of funding by the Crown as is Charles and his offspring, hence a rift in the between the two families (and private scandals.) His daughters are encouraged to hold jobs, etc and no longer the recipients of private security, living in the palace, and I believe that the subject of Eugenie's wedding at Kensington Palace wedding may have been a bone of contention, as well--it is this problem that led to Fergie allowing access to the royal family for cash and other squalid issues. Charles and his family are out and about as "working" royals and paid by taxpayers as opposed to Andrew's less charitably inclined family members.
    Therefore, I am guessing that in addition to her lack of attractiveness, Princess B will be as open to anyone wealthy despite a significant age difference as anyone else!

  13. I thought she was closeted?
