Friday, May 11, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 4, 2018

Apparently our favorite foreign born B+ list actress/singer is not satisfied with the songs that her current producer/boyfriend has managed to find for her that she can say are her own. So, she just hooked up with a producer while overseas and got herself three more songs.

Rita Ora


  1. Who's the producer? We need to know to validate this blind in the future.

  2. She's got the power of the bareback.

  3. Why use cash when you can use gash.

  4. Anonymous3:42 PM

    So how does this currency work? Is it one fuck per song? Or do you give it up for a negotiated period of time? Do the terms include anal? I mean why is the sex so valuable?
    I'm not rich, but there is very little of value to me that I would give up for a piece of ass. Even famous hot ass.
    I just want to understand how these transactions work cause I'm not sure I see the value.

  5. Good question Someone Else. I always wondered that, as well.

  6. Anonymous4:42 PM

    @plot, Right? I mean I understand the value and if one has money to burn I can see spending money to get what you want, but giving up 3 songs is worth a lot of money to an artist. So this must still be a financial transaction that is incentivized by the poontang, but still how does that go down? Is there an agreement drafted with a scope of work? Has Enty drafted one of these contracts? I'd love to see one without the names just to see whats included and whats excluded.

  7. Not naming the man again? Gross.

  8. BeyoncĂ© has stolen songwriting credits sense forever. I’d be interested in knowing if JLow had claimed songwriting credits because we all know she is incapable of writing a damn song.

    1. Well she can’t sing one that’s for sure
