Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 2, 2018

I haven't seen a gift for cheating that expensive in a long time. That is what this former A- list mostly television actor turned failed leading movie man felt he needed to do after those cheating pictures were flashed all over the world.

Charlie Hunnam


  1. I bet he didn't get in trouble for playing with some girl on a beach, it was more about how happy he looked doing it.

  2. Well, his gf is allegedly pretty connected. So the gift had better damn well be something good.

  3. You mean her felon family members? I'm guessing thats why thet've been together as long as they have.

  4. Charlie ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  5. You also posted a blind about him breaking up with the blob which is it. Throw crap on the wall and some of it is bound to stick. By the way, I love Charlie.

  6. I thought you said they broke up?

  7. Have any of you ever gotten back with an ex after you told others you had broken up...or nah...

  8. His "girlfriend" is so ugly, I would think a gift wouldn't be required for reconciliation... the level of ugly would negate the need for a buy-back-in.

  9. Unfortunately, I dont think he was cheating. He does like white trash girls but the one on the beach just seemed like some kind of rando, that they were just walking around...surely if Chas wants to cheat he can do better. I hear his regular hook-up in LA behind Morgana's back is gorgeous.

    I think he was just walking down the beach, but I agree it was that he was enjoying it that made Morgana fly to HI and then call the paps to snap them on the beach. That is a pretty pathetic need for control.

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