Sunday, May 27, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 18, 2018

I will believe your lame excuses about being too far along in the season to replace this disgraced actor. If I am to believe that was your only reason for not calling out his behavior though, then why invite him to do press for the show? Why have the rest of the cast there supporting him (except his on set wife who hates him more than just about anyone else she has ever met) and posing for photos with him and none of cast allowed to say one negative thing. Watch how fast your viewers flee. Amazon said no to him, but you keep saying yes in every word and action.

Jeffrey Tambor/Jessica Walter/Arrested Development (this was before the NYT story that broke all this wide open)


  1. I don't watch Arrested Development, because I have a personal rule about watching anything with a $cientologist in it, but I've always liked Jessica Walter. Jason Bateman and David Cross are dead to me now.

    1. I like your rule hahah but who's the scientologist?

    2. Well Written, but they fucked up the 4th season by turning Michael (bateman) into a bad guy. (Michael steals his son's (George Michael's) girlfriend.

      The show lost its soul.

      And the continued incest theme went from funny to creepy.

    3. Gob stole Ann, not Michael. Still vile.

    4. @Nikki G

      Yes Gob stole Anne (egg) in season 3

      Then in the Netflix reboot(season 4), Michael hooks up with the new girl George Michael dates.

      So both dad and uncle "cuck" their son.

  2. I don't watch Arrested Development because I never did, even when it was on broadcast tv. I'm not a big fan of any Bateman.

    1. Who’s the Scientologist here? Don’t watch show anyway, just curious. I, too, try to not watch anything involving a member.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Dont watch the show but have always liked jessica walter. I cant believe (but do) tambor yelled/bullied her on set and the spineless hacks in the production ignored / enabled it.

  5. The fact many of them laughed when she was sharing her story is so damn disgusting. NOBODY should ever be verbally abused especially when they’re working and they tried to belittle her feelings.. smh. Goes to show nobody really cares!

  6. @Debra, Jeffrey Tambor was a $cientologist; he's allegedly left the cult, but I still didn't watch the show because he's a colossal asshat.

  7. This whole thing is so overblown. For Christ's sake....people on movie sets and TV sets yell and argue often. It can be part of the creative process. Does anybody know what Tambor said to Walter? I haven't seen any quotes attributed to anybody yet. Until then...this was actors acting up on a set. Yawn.

    1. And talented people don’t need to be rude to people to be “creative”

  8. @ Pope of Hollywood When an actress who has been working in the business for 60+ years said Tambor treated her worse then anyone in her whole career, I'm gonna guess it was a lot more than the creative process

  9. When people feel like they have justifiable reasons for acting badly and treating people poorly, they can't also turn around and say others' reasonable reactions to their behavior is not justifiable and THAT is what should be overlooked. If you can't control being a jerk to people, you have to accept the consequences of being that jerk. Can't have your cake and eat it, too, because you're so important and everyone else is just whatever.

  10. Stop defending the abuse of women, AJ. You're so selective about who's allowed to behave badly/criminally and who's an innocent victim of feminazis. Twitter suspended you for using abusive language yesterday, no?

  11. It's hard to shock me anymore when it comes to Hollywood, but the cavalier way that conversation about abuse played out ON CAMERA did surprise me.

    Never got into "Arrested Development." I've tried several times. It was funny but just so misanthropic that it exhausted me.

  12. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Tambour sounds like an abusive pussy. Kudos to Walter for being gracious for so long!

  13. Tambor used to be a Scientologist. He quit.

  14. I always thought arrested development was hilarious, I especially love watching Jessica Walter and I like Jason BatemansB character. The GOB schtick is getting old.

  15. "the continued incest theme went from funny to creepy"

    if you had a problem with incest in AD, you would have dropped it a long time ago. "kissing cousins" is a foundational part of the show from the pilot, and it only gets creepier from there. if anything, the incest was toned down in season 4.
