Saturday, May 05, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 28, 2018

Probably the most excited, fun to be around, floating on air person in the desert yesterday was this foreign born singer you have probably never heard of but who made some history this week. She isn't old enough to drink yet, but everyone she came into contact with was thrilled for her success.

Jade Bird


  1. i have never heard of this person, ever.

  2. I saw an interview with her and she seems like a lot of fun. Love the accent. Good for her!

  3. The history being that she is the second act to debut at number 1 on the Billboard charts with her first song to make the Billboard charts. Impressive, even if I've never heard of her and will probably never hear her music.

    1. Thank you. I wondered what the history making thing was. My local station has the song in heavy rotation, but I don't really care for it.

  4. I just listened to her single "Lottery" on youtube. It started out great but her voice is horrible when she tries to belt it out. I'm bleeding from the ears.

    1. @Thia, for me it wasn't great at any point, but when she tries to belt, it's awful.

  5. Well, she certainly didn't make history around here. Nobody's ever heard of her.

  6. God that's horrid! Step it up UK!

  7. I just heard this song on my way home from work today. Very catchy.

  8. Never heard of her but google tells me shes 20. So well over legal drinking age back home. Big whoop.

  9. "Step it up UK!"
    yea, because there's such an abundance of good music coming out of the USA.... - fuck right off, bitch

  10. Step it up UK? Remind me what EDM is? Oh yeah, generic dance music for the simple folk of America who just really don't get it.
