Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 8, 2018

Met Gala

For the second consecutive year, a fight nearly broke out. This year it was between this foreign born A list model/horrible actress who nearly came to blows with this foreign born former model turned actress/drug addict. The reason? The celebrity offspring of this permanent A++ list celebrity with whom they have taken turns sleeping with. Apparently the bad actress took offense to the way the offspring was treated by the drug addict.

Cara Delevingne/Ruby Rose/Paris Jackson


  1. Let's not forget that Cara D hasn't been a gem to Paris either.

  2. Anonymous9:48 AM

    werent they all in a photo together in the bathroom at the met? I think it was on paris's insta story

  3. Cara is said to actually be a nice, caring person.

  4. Why is Cara Delevingne a model? She is actually ugly.

    1. Anonymous9:52 AM

      Wealthy parents. You’ll be a model no matter fucking what if you have a rich mommy and daddy.

    2. Money. So I find it hypocritical to criticize Kendall Jenner when the most famous models are the ones who were born in the golden cradle, but who takes Kendall Jenner seriously? I do not even think she takes a "model" career seriously.

    3. Say what you want about the Kardashians, I think Kendall is gorgeous. Hope she keeps away from overdoing it with plastic.surgery like the rest of her family.

    4. Too late. I saw the pic of her pushing a security guy out of her shot and thought sadly shes been contaminated too.

  5. I thot Cara got a pass on her acting abilities from Valerian, and no, that’s not a prescription drug.

  6. That walking shit stain Karl Lagerfeld decided Cara was a super model. Now we are stuck with her. She has a pig face to me. But pretty eyes.

  7. Wish someone could save Paris. Heartbreaking to see a kid so effed up by family. Are there any Jacksons who aren't effed up and broke that could save her? Gramma Katherine just too old. Sad.

  8. Horrible actress nails it. I don't think I have ever seen anyone suck quite as badly as Cara did in Suicide Squad. But she seems to have at least behaved well on set and got along with people which is more than you can say for a lot of people.

    Conversely, I thought Ruby was fantastic on Orange is the New Black.

  9. Oh Paris, you can be better than this trashy mess.

  10. I had to google everyone except Paris Jackson. I agree that this Cara person is not attractive, but I seriously hate that whole 'black eyebrows with bleached hair' look...so I might be biased. Poor Paris. If he hadn't died, maybe MJ could have protected her from all this crap.
